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RIFE Can Help

Daniel Belcher

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x Journals for guidance. The overall guiding principal of the way that God has designed the creation is LIGHT WAVES. This means that all matter is made of a specific frequency of light wave based on the thoughts of God.

All of the errors made by us not living in harmony with the laws of God/Creation cause these frequency patterns to change, therefore disease happens.

There have been a couple of individuals in the 20th century to discover ways to return the cellular structure BACK to the original frequency. Royal R. Rife and Antoine Priore are the two geniuses that figured this out only to have themselves ignored and discredited. I have done much research on Rife and a great resource for this is RIFE.ORG.

Phoenix Journal 65 (page 154) goes into technical discussion of how they were able to accomplish their outstanding results on ALL TYPES of DISEASE. This is basically returning the cell structure back to the original way that God designed it, almost going back in time via phase conjugate waves.

I know this is all great in theory, but the question remains “where can you find a machine that can do this today?” My research has led me to find many frequency machines out there (on the internet) that can help. However, the original Rife microscope technology seems to be lost to history.

Since this is TRUTH, there is much dis-information that you will have to sift through. A great book about Rife was written in 1987 by Barry Lynes “The Cancer Cure that Worked”. Rife cured 33 terminal cases of cancer in 1933 and was on the front page of the San Diego times. He was also featured in an article of Popular Science Monthly in June 1931, (I have a copy) Of course, typical actions of the adversary have made this technology illegal for research. California has actually outlawed any research into NON DRUG therapy.

If you get a true Rife machine, you will have to sign papers that say it is for your own experimental use and will not be used to cure disease etc.

I have a machine that I bought from JWLABS.COM for around $1000 including accessories and frequencies. I obviously can make no guarantees of this machine, but I believe that it is true Rife Therapy. The challenge still remains to find the right frequency for the disease that you have.

Barry Lynes book on Rife Technology started me on my quest for TRUTH 10 years ago when my mom died from cancer. I knew there had to be another answer to disease besides pharmaceuticals and this is IT.

Good luck in your search.