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Rocky Montana

June 10, 2015


Potassium Iodide is not currently considered an essential nutrient, but with the advent of our "atomic/nuclear age", beginning in 1942, starting with atomic testing, followed by and radioactive fallout from this testing and bombs dropped in WWII, as well asnuclear power plant out-gassing, disasters and melt-downs, I believe that this trace mineral should be reclassified as an essential nutrient.  (Essential nutrients: the carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, and water necessary for growth, normal function, and body maintenance.  These substances must be supplied by foods, liquids and supplementation because they are not synthesized by the body in the quantities required for normal health.)

Potassium Iodide should be thought of as a cleansing mineral as it does draw out and discard heavy metals, often stored/isolated in fat cells, and other types of toxic substances such as byproducts of radioactive cesium-131, which collects to the thyroid and the glandular system.  With Man's accumulated knowledge of the deadly and debilitating effects from atomic/nuclear blasts, from the Chernobyl explosion and meltdown, from the Fukushima disaster and out-gassing and fallout, and as we move into future possibilities of nuclear power plant disasters and subsequent radioactive fallout, it is foolish not to have a reliable supply of Potassium Iodide on hand.  It is not a matter of if, but when another nuclear power plant out-gassing, disaster, failure, possible meltdown and fallout will occur.

Unfortunately, most of us procrastinate far too long to obtain a supply of Potassium Iodide after a nuclear disaster occurs, as was the case in 2011 at the Fukushima, Japan nuclear power plant disaster, in which the out-gassing and fallout of radioactive contaminates continues to this very day.  Within days following the radioactive leakage, all known stores were sold out or simply disappeared from the shelves.  If ones did not already have a supply on hand, they were either forced to purchase on-line and wait for the product to be shipped or do without.  I suspect most people did without.  Don't let this happen to you again, for your health is at stake.  Most of the emergency and survival stores (brick/on-line) either have this product now or can tell you where you can purchase it.  If you haven't acted on this yet, there is no better time than now to purchase a few bottles.  Start taking the product as directed, and put the rest aside with your other survival gear, before reports of yet another radioactive leakage hits the news wires.

A little known and used fact is that you can extract Potassium Iodide from kelp (sea weed) by soaking dried kelp leaves in clean, clear water for a few weeks.  Kelp is rich in Potassium Iodide and other essential trace minerals.  Dried and packaged kelp is available mostly at Asian food markets and health food stores.  You may want to avoid purchasing dried kelp harvested off the coast of Japan and possibly China as these sites may be contaminated by either nuclear radiation or by raw sewage.  Possibly a wiser choice would be to purchase kelp harvested off the coast of Hawaii, the west coast of North America and the west coast of Ireland, if you can find these products.  A report that came out several years ago stating that red kelp growing off the west coast of Ireland contained up to 39 trace minerals.  By soaking one or two leaves of dried kelp a few weeks in clean, filtered water, a mild solution of Potassium Iodide along with essential trace minerals are released.  The colloidal Potassium Iodide and other trace minerals can then be stored in the refrigerator indefinitely.  Colloidal Silver or 35% food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide can also be added for additional stabilization.  After the Potassium Iodide and minerals have been extracted, the remaining kelp leaves can be utilized in salads, soups, casseroles, stews, and pasta dishes, etc., so that nothing goes to waste.

Overdosing on Potassium Iodide in liquid form or on other essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids in colloidal form should not be considered a problem as all of these nutrients are water soluble.  When the thyroid and other organs have absorbed required amounts of these nutrients, the body discards any excess through the urinary system.

Note:  As Cesium (the most common airborne radioactive by-product) has a half-life of 30 years, it takes twice as long, 60 years, before this potentially deadly radioactive and life-threatening element becomes completely inert.  Recent history has proven that Americans cannot rely on their government officials to tell them the truth of how much radiation they continue to be bombarded with or how to prevent becoming radioactively contaminated and damaged.  Therefore, we must self-educate, self-administer and use our own reasoning minds to protect our physical bodies from this clear and present danger.


The manufacture of healthy cells is paramount to the health of the physical body, whether human, animal and plant.   Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9 and folate, is an essential vitamin which helps the body manufacture healthy new cells.  Scientists have estimated that there are between 15 and 70 trillion cells in the human body at any given time, depending upon size and weight of the body.  The more healthy cells the body creates and maintains, the less unhealthy cells can mutate, becoming what we know as "cancer".  There are many man-made causes for mutating cells, not the least of which is from nuclear fallout.  Folic acid is instrumental in cleaning up the body of cancerous or mutated cells, something everyone has to some extent.  Therefore, everyone needs Folic acid (B9) if they wish to live cancer free.  Unfortunately most of us are not getting enough Folic acid to make a difference. 

Folic acid is naturally occurring in dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, and romaine lettuce; also in asparagus, broccoli and papaya.  Folic acid is also available in powdered capsule supplement form.  The FDA regulates how much folic acid is allowed in each and every B vitamin, the highest dosage being 800 mcg. (that is 800 micrograms, not even one milligram.)  How much Folic acid is optimum is something each individual must determine for himself and for his children.  I believe it is reasonable to start supplementing with one 800 mcg. capsule for every 100 lbs. of body weight.  I have, personally, replaced aspirin with Folic acid for the control of headaches, which I seldom get since supplementing with Folic acid.  Folic acid has also controlled previous pain from toothaches.  (Note: As a toothache is a symptom of rot in the tooth that has affected the tooth nerve, I don't advocate replacing a trip to the Dentist with Folic acid, however, it is nice to be able to postpone the trip until a time that is convenient by supplementing with Folic acid.)  As with all other B vitamins, Folic acid is water soluble so overdosing is not an issue, therefore, I believe it is better to err on the side of generosity than to be miserly.

A deficiency of Folic acid can result in many health problems, the most notable one being neural tube defects in developing embryos.  Common symptoms of Folic acid deficiency include diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness (peripheral neuropathy), pregnancy complications, mental confusion, forgetfulness or other cognitive declines, mental depression, sore or swollen tongue, peptic or mouth ulcers, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and behavioral disorders.  Low levels of Folic acid can also lead to homocysteine accumulation where DNA synthesis and repair are impaired which could lead to cancer development.