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Aplril 21, 2015

"Scientists find key to \'turbo-charging\' immune system to kill all cancers.\"  Tom Hennigan put this out there and it is b.s. These clowns haven\'t even put this stuff into human trails.  What I have to share about how to boost the immune system is a natural product called Beta 1, 3d Glucan.  Made from the cell walls of bakers yeast, had over 800 mainstream research programs done.  Used same to defeat breast cancer naturally,  get the deadly MRSA staph infection out of a critically ill body which is supposed to be impossible,  by mainstream standards,  and was a major component of how we were seeing the 38 years of type 1 insulin dependent diabetes going away!

Tom might want to check his healing and wellness stuff with either of us before putting  more of the s.o.s. from mainstream.---KC

----- Original Message -----
From: KC
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:10 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10