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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Oct. 10, 2014

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) - please forward

 The Health Ranger

Dear NaturalNews readers,

An extremely valuable, lifesaving summit broadcast featuring 28 doctors, 11 scientists, 9 cancer survivors and 1 "FDA dragon slayer" begins in just 3 days.

This summit reveals information that the medical establishment has long sought to suppress about CANCER: How to halt it, treat it, reverse it and prevent it.

The broadcast, called "The Quest for the Cures Continues" is free to hear and begins on Oct. 13th. Click here to register now.

I'm also interviewed in this valuable collection of knowledge, alongside many other passionate, highly-intelligent holistic health practitioners and experts who hold the secrets to successfully treating cancer without using toxic chemotherapy or radiation.

If you or someone you know is suffering from cancer, you owe it to yourself to listen to this extraordinary broadcast and expand your options and knowledge about treating cancer.

No one in the mainstream media or conventional cancer clinics will ever tell you the lifesaving information found in this course. You can only get this from alternative, holistic-oriented doctors, scientists and researchers who are more interested in saving lives than pushing chemo drugs.

Don't miss a single episode of this lifesaving broadcast that begins Oct. 13th. Click here to register for the summit now.


Last chance to own the "Self Reliance Summit" interviews and how-to instructions

The Self Reliance Summit has already ended, but it's not too late to own the entire collection of summit recordings which teach you extremely valuable skills for self-reliance.

You'll learn everything from food wildcrafting and preservation to emergency medical skills and more. This has been an extremely popular summit, and all the recordings are available now.

Click here to learn more.


Last chance to get these Organic storable food pails before next week's price increase

The ever-popular Survive2Thrive 40-day 100% organic food supply pail is about to go up in price next week.

This is one of the very few storable food kits available anywhere in the world that doesn't contain GMOs, MSG or other questionable additives or ingredients.

This large pail contains a large variety of storable, organic food items (all plant-based, no meat) in a rugged, portable pail.

These are flying off the shelves right now and shipping is slightly backlogged, but I've been told that all orders placed this week will go out in just 4 - 7 business days, so you'll receive these as early as next week.

Of course, there is cheaper storable food available elsewhere, but most of that comes loaded with GMOs, TVP and MSG. Read ingredients labels before you buy!

Click here to get a Survive2Thrive organic food pail now. The price goes up $20 next week, so grab one before the price increase kicks in.


Stay safe! Be sure to listen to all the audio chapters at



Stay safe, and thank you for your support!

- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger