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How to get GMOs out of your life for good - plus many other articles

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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April 3, 2014

Dear NaturalNews readers,

I've just launched a new short-format podcast series called "Awakenings."

The first episode is called "How to live a GMO-free life" and it's available now!


As we all expected the Fort Hood shooter was being mass medicated with Ambien and psychiatric drugs:


Which fast food restaurants use the most MSG? Check out our new consumer investigation:


Radiation "therapy" kills children with brain tumors who might otherwise survive!


more news continues below...



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Today on

- Why won't Trader Joe's use GMO labels?

- Citrus fruits provide instant mood and energy boost

- The real cause of seasonal allergies (it's not pollen!)


How to live a GMO-free life: Hear the 'Awakenings' podcast from the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) I've just launched a new short-format podcast called "Awakenings." Each episode is 10 minutes or less and reveals important wisdom for enhancing your life, your health and your abundance. In the first episode, I discuss strategies for...



Fort Hood shooter on Ambien, antidepressants and a 'cocktail' of mind-altering meds

(NaturalNews) Earlier Natural News reported that the Army specialist who shot and killed three and wounded more than a dozen people at Fort Hood April 2 before taking his own life was taking the powerful delirium drug Ambien. That was certainly...



Radiation 'therapy' kills children with brain tumors who might otherwise survive just fine

(NaturalNews) Children diagnosed with the most common type of pediatric brain tumor are significantly more likely to die from radiation treatment than from the tumor itself, according to the first comprehensive, large-scale cohort study of long-term survival...



Six natural ways to combat heartburn

(NaturalNews) Heartburn, which is not really related to the heart at all, is a widespread condition that occurs when a person experiences acid reflux. Acid reflux is when stomach acid, mixed with partially digested food or liquids, move into the throat...



Thousands of tons of toxic leaded glass from old TVs threaten America's health and environment

(NaturalNews) A fire outside of Stone Castle Recycling's main structures has inspired some looking into the storage of old cathode ray tube (CRT) TVs and computer monitors. The fire was outside the building where tons of those junked items were stacked...



Massive theater, smoke and mirrors desperately invoked to portray Obamacare as a success

(NaturalNews) The Obama administration and its friends in the press and public policy sector have gone all in to declare the President's signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act, a "success" now that 7 million people have allegedly signed...



Fertility Secrets: How to create your get-pregnant plan unveiled by 20 holistic experts in new empowerment program

(NaturalNews) Spring! Fertility! New Life! While "Spring and fertility" seem naturally linked at the hip, this "conception" is fast becoming more the "mythic ideal" than the norm. For more and more would-be mothers and fathers, conception just...



Air pollution causes developmental problems in infants, kills 7 million annually

(NaturalNews) In the quest for energy and increased production, mankind has sabotaged himself, destroying the very air he breathes. Nature's clean, sustainable, free energy sources have been bypassed, as industry empires rise up, shooting pollution from...



The language of the body: Why just treating symptoms will never result in true health

(NaturalNews) Any body, whether it be animal or human, is a more complex creation than it appears. A body can be measured, seen and felt, but it is more than the simply physical. There is an unseen force that drives a body, a subtle life force energy...



Evidence reveals post-Chernobyl thyroid cancer risk rises with increasing radiation dose

(NaturalNews) As the debate continues over the degree to which radiation from Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant has spread around the world, health officials would do well to consider a 2004 study showing the connection between the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown...



Unhealthy food cravings are a sign of mineral deficiencies

(NaturalNews) Most of us have, at one point in our lives, experienced intense cravings for unhealthy foods. Whether it be for chocolate, donuts, salty snacks or refined carbs, our bodies appear to want them -- and we're often all too happy to submit....



Scientists rely on crowdsourcing to test for Fukushima radiation in absence of government monitoring

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Cancer treatment found in a tree

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Man awakens in body bag as funeral home prepares to embalm him

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Tuna is the #3 cause of food poisoning in the United States, but not because of bacteria

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Ford Hood shooter was on psych meds, just like nearly all other mass shooters

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EPA forced children to inhale cancer-causing diesel pollutants as part of heinous government experiments

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