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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 45 Corrupt Nazi FDA Diets Sink Your Health

Jon Carlson

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Jan. 27, 2014

The KEY to health is a balanced sugar supply in the bloodstream to supply body cells with their energy demands. Alcohol, tobacco, smoking, coffee, tea, sugar, candy have their effect by RAISING THE BLOOD SUGAR. Insulin is released when the sugar level elevates excessively. However, the insulin causes excessive drops resulting in hunger and fatigue. A Ho-ho effect continues indefinitely until the sugar level is stabilized and no insulin is released.

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale believes that ALCOHOL USE is associated with the development of DIABETES:


Dr. Lonsdate proclaims: Most of our diseases are brought upon ourselves by widespread cultural activites such as smoking, bad diet, and over-use of alcohol, caffeine, and soft drinks.

Muscles also require an abundance of fat in the bloodstream to propel the body in its activities. YOUR FAT, called saturated fat by scientists, the HEALTHY FAT, has been demonized by the Nazi Media since the 1970's.

Scientists have analyzed the scum in arteries and found that it derives NOT FROM YOUR FAT, saturated fat, (and animal fat) but from the VEGETABLE OILS the Nazi Media has promoted as HEALTH FOODS for half a century.




: Diabetics Improve Health With A Very High-Fat, Low Carb Diet