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Robert E. Catalano, President, The American Natural Healthcare Society

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May 5, 2012

HI Everyone:
Our new organization, The American Natural Healthcare Society,  has just been approved by the state of Massachusetts.
This is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to stop the federal and local governments from causing or allowing forced medical treatment to be implemented in our society. We endorse the body’s built-in powers of natural healing and natural immunity rather than the use of drugs, antibiotics and vaccines in the treatment and prevention of disease.
Our intention is to support and aid those who are being forced to undergo unwanted medical procedures, those who are being forced to accept drug treatment against their better judgment and those who are being forced to undergo vaccination for themselves, their children or their household pets. We are on a par with other medical research agenices; but on opposite ends of the spectrum. Our interest concerning disease is in cure, not in treatment. Donations to our organization are used entirely for their intended purpose and do not wind up in the pockets of our officers.
Please visit our website. Take part in our activities. Donate to our cause. Most importantly, we need free thinking people to  help in the fight. We need those who haven't succombed to the brainwashing program of the medical industy.
We need your help.
We want to hear from you.
Robert E. Catalano
President, The American Natural Healthcare Society