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The Cellular Matrix Study Body Human Project est. 1999

Patrick McGean

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70,000 study members in 18 countries.

Linus Pauling said all of our modern diseases are a result of a mineral deficiency.

Sulfur is that mineral, organic sulfur can repair the deficiency while we repair the soil in which we grow our food.

Where did the sulfur go? Gone to the chemicals of oil men and their greed to sell chemical fertilizers to the world. 1860 in Germany, 1954 in the United States, 1960 India and China. What has happened to the people in these countries and the modern diseases described by Dr. Pauling.?

We have lost 11 people in eleven years, 7 never took sulfur twice a day.

95 including the director’s son are not dead nor are their cancers alive, so it appears. We are an observational study, and follow our study members with photographs and voice observation, listening.

Tal Ben-Shahar a Professor of Psychology at Harvard said that depression is a lack of sulfur, we want to know who told him? Depression is the issue, since 1860 our desire to be happy has been replaced by feeling irritated and pliable.

Watch out, mind control begins in the stomach of man.

97% of our study members say they just feel better. No one complains about their health any more nor do they take any of the advertised drugs made by pHarma. Drugs to address the sulfur deficiency which only address the symptoms not the deficiency.

Are our soils deficient? Yes. In sulfur? Absolutely!

Until we learn sustainable agriculture our cycles of life are in danger, Organic Sulfur will allow us to regenerate our cells.

The Cellular Matrix Study is ongoing and accepting study members. Those lost in their own minds, young and old will need help.

Patrick McGean


Cellular Matrix Study

Body Human Project est. 1999

11 October 2010

The image is the recrystallization of organic sulfur.