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Stunning documentary: Raw in 30 days reveals rapid cure for type-2 diabetes

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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30 days of raw, living foods.

Featuring supporting interview with Tony Robbins, Morgan Spurlock, David Wolfe, Woody Harrelson, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Bruce Lipton, Mike Adams, Gary Null, Dr. Julian Whitaker and many others, this documentary (and its companion DVD) offers a wealth of enlightening (and sometimes surprising) information about the seemingly miraculous healing effects of a raw living foods diet.

Check out the trailer for this film by clicking here.

This film is a powerful eye opener for anyone suffering from obesity, diabetes (both type 1 and type 2, believe it or not), heart disease, cancer or any other chronic degenerative disease. You'll watch these real people go through a fascinating transformation that revolutionizes their health.

You can reverse diabetes

April 25th, by the way, is "Reversing Diabetes Action Day," and as part of that celebration, for the next six days the producers of this film are offering their 3-DVD set including "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" and the two companion DVDs "Raw for Life" at a deep, deep discount for the viewing public: 50% off the regular price.

On top of that, the Raw for Life producers are giving away an impressive collection of extra downloadable bonuses, including:

• "Kitchen Gadgets" 40-minute instructional video

• Top 5 recipes from "Raw Food Made Easy" by Jennifer Cornbleet

• A one month raw menu planner

• The entire book "The Raw Life: Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World"

• The entire book, "Revealing the Physical Changes" E-Book by Angela Stokes

• The entire book, "Raw Success" by Matt Monarch

• The entire book, "How to Get Started with Raw Foods" by Karen Knowler

These downloadable bonuses are worth $110.85 by themselves! Yet you get them all for free as a bonus, plus the 50% discount on the 3-DVD set, only for the next six days. It's an unbeatable deal, and it ends Friday, April 30th.

"I found myself nodding my head, laughing out loud, exclaiming 'YES', 'WOW' and so on countless times throughout the 90-minute presentation. It is SO gratifying and exciting to see six people who have all been told that they will be 'on their medication for life' not only COME OFF all allopathic meds, but also lose weight, shift through emotional stumbling blocks, get more physically active and start SHINING with healthy skin and eyes... in just 30 days..." - Angela Stokes, author and raw food champion.

Click here to take advantage of this time-limited special offer.

My experience at the Tree of Life

Even though I'm not a 100% raw food follower myself, I've spent a considerable amount of time at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. I've interviewed Dr. Gabriel Cousens many times and I've spent many hours talking with the residents there who experienced stunning health transformations on a raw foods / living food diet.

This is for real. There is a cure for diabetes, and it's happening right now in Patagonia, Arizona at the Tree of Life ( I've personally talked face to face with patients who cured their own type-2 diabetes in less than 30 days. Even when they arrived with very high fasting blood sugar levels, within one month on a living foods diet, blood sugar returned to normal, healthy levels for many of them. They no longer needed medication (see disclaimer below). They were cured of type-2 diabetes through their own inner healing potential (plus the help of Mother Nature's healing foods).

An amazing documentary that may change your life

This film can change your life because it will open your eyes to a whole new universe of possibilities you may not have known existed. Mainstream consumers are stuck in a very narrow way of thinking, and they believe that somehow the American Diabetes Association or some other non-profit group will one day invent a chemical cure for their diabetes that still allows them to eat all the processed junk food they want (and drink all the sodas they want). But that's never going to happen!

Curing diabetes will never happen from an injection or a pharmaceutical. That approach is forever doomed to fail. But curing diabetes by consuming raw, living foods really works and it's available right now! You don't need a prescription, you don't need injections and you can start curing yourself by visiting the fresh produce section of your grocery store right now.

This film is available at this 50% discount (with all the extra bonuses worth $110) for the next 6 days. It should be required viewing at all medical schools, in my view. Mainstream doctors simply don't know this stuff. But YOU can learn about it in this DVD set that will absolutely astound you with what it reveals:

Click here to watch the trailer or get the DVDs with all the extra bonuses, too.

Medical Disclaimer: If you are on diabetes medication, insulin, or oral hypoglycemics, please do not attempt to come off medication without medical supervision, for the approach in this film or any other approach. If you are not on any diabetic medication, oral hypoglycemics, or insulin, then we invite you to safely explore this option on your own.

The program featured in the film at the Tree of Life Rejuvination Center is most effective with diabetes type 2 but is also very effective at increasing quality of life and reducing insulin levels for diabetes type 1. The 21 day cycle at the core of this program is also a powerful modality for hyperglycemia and pre-diabetes as well as improving quality of life for those in need of rejuvenation and healing.

Aril 25, 2010lj