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27 Master Cleanse Side Effects

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Lets rename The Master Cleanser Side Effects.</strong>  I want to call them Front Effects because they are simple, natural, tolerable, and most importantly, a sign of your healing in progress. The term side effects has an emotional trigger for most of us. We associate the term with the life-threatening effects of modern prescriptions. We think of side effects as something unwanted. The <strong>Master Cleanser Side Effects are very much wanted. These "Side Effects" are why we are Master Cleansers to begin with.

The Master Cleanser Side Effects are well worth and so natural.

Are Master Cleanser Side Effects really "Side Effects at all? I have a hard time referring to the Master Cleanse "Side Effects" as "Side Effects", at least not in the traditional sense.

When I think of side effects, I think of those absurd TV commercials for artificial prescriptions that "Big Pharmaceutical" companies are trying to convince us we need. They even "Brand" a disease with a term (then give it an acronym) --think ED (erectile dysfunction), so that they can market a "Cure" for you. Then they have the nerve to list dozens of horrifying side effects while calming music plays and we watch very healthy happy people illustrating just how healthy and happy we can be if only we take their product (for life --or as at least for as long as their very same product we are taking doesn't kill us, make us bleed from the eyes or have 4 hour erections).

It is mind boggling that people will denounce The Master Cleanse as a treatment, cure, prevention, cleanse or whatever because you might have a headache on the second day or have 3x as many zits for a few days. But, the side effects for al these drugs include catastrophic side effects including paralysis and, get this "an increased risk of death". HA!

They slip these "Side Effects" in the side door when your not looking, hoping your will be so convinced your already dying that their prescribed risk of increased dying doesn't look so bad.

Positive Master Cleanser Side Effects

Since The Master Cleanse is a Detox Diet, or Cleansing Diet rather than primarily a Weight Loss Diet, the fact that you will likely lose weight is in fact a side effect too.

Most people would think that a side effect of weight loss would be a positive one, but not all. Those of us who are already living a balanced healthy lifestyle will not have much weight to lose, and so weight loss would not be welcome, as it would likely mean lean muscle loss.

Those who have weight to lose, will lose weight as a side effect of the Master Cleanse. Those who have some weight to lose will lose that weight and plateau at their natural weight. It has even been reported that those who are under-weight will actually lose no weight and even gain weight.

So even though many people use The Master Cleanse for Weight Loss, that doesn't mean that is the primary intention. What's more, it is more about weight management, then weight loss, since the loss of weight is not your bodies primary objective either. The primary objective is DETOX, and the result of the detox; the cleansing our our bodies of toxins and waste result in the side effects we Master Cleansers refer to as Healing Events.

<h3>Healing Events (Healing Crisis)</h3>

Tom Woloshyn refers to Healing Events as Healing Crisis, but I prefer the term Healing Events since it casts the event in a more positive light. The Healing Events truly are positive as they represent the exit of something that caused a Disease Event when they were ingested in the first place.

There is a saying in the Master Cleanser Community about the side effects we call Healing Events: "Sick in, Sick out"

What this means is that when you picked up something like a flu virus, or bacteria, or something your body wanted to reject, you experience a Disease Event. Your body was not "At Ease", or in a state of "Dis-Ease" because of it. You body's immune system then deploys any and all available defines mechanisms to expel the intruder. These mechanisms include:


    Stuffed Nose, Runny Nose or Cong                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fevers

    Cold sores or other mouth sores

All of these "side effects" of a cold or flu or any other disease agent are the result of your bodies primary objective: to rid the body of the disease agent.

All of these "side effects" are actually just the reaction to the disease agent as it now exits your body.

And best of all, all of these "side effects" are very temporary. They last for only a brief period. The Healing Events resulting from  the Disease Agent are far less severe than the Disease Events that were the cause of the Disease Agent being ingested.

Problem Days with Greater Side Effects

There are generally 3 days that most people experience the greatest number of side effects, especially those of the Healing Crisis variety noted above. Day 1, Day 3 and Day 4 always seem to be the hardest. In my Day-to-Day account of they characteristics of each day during The Lemonade Diet, I have named these days: Day 1 - Bandwagon, Day 3 - Healing Events, Day 4 - Hump Day.

Day 1 - Bandwagon Side Effects:</strong> The side effects of day 1 are usually Detox Side Effects or Withdrawal Side Effects (both discussed below)

    Day 3 - Healing Events:</strong> Day 3 is when most of the Healing Events tend reveal themselves. This is likely due to the detox part of the Master Cleanse really starting to reach a critical p

Day 4 - Hump Day:</strong> Healing Events are often short lived lasting only a day or two. I once had sever cold symptoms for 1 night only. They were gone as fast as they came. Day 4 is Hump Day like Wednesday is in our work-week. Just get past these Healing Events and you are likely to succeed the rest of the way.


Master Cleanser Detox Side Effects

There are a few side effects of The Master Cleanser that are not directly related to Healing Events. I call these the Detox Side Effects, as they are not common cold or flu symptoms we perceive when our body is fighting off a new invader.

The following side effects are due to the process of

    White Tongue:</strong> A general side effect of the detox. Most people say on long cleanses over 14 days that their tongue will turn pink when they are done detoxing.</li>

    Bad Breath:</strong> Related to White Tongue above, due to the extra release of toxins through the tongue</li>

   Greater Tooth Plaque: Related to above.

    Mucous Increase:</strong> A primary tool of our immune system, the loosening

   ncreased Ear Wax:</strong> Similar to above.

  Nausea:</strong> Usually the result of the Salt Water Flush

 Dizziness:</strong> Usually the result of not drinking enough Fresh Lemonade or not drinking it early enough in the morning upon rising (especially after the SWF).

  Feeling Chilled:</strong> Not "chills" like when you have a cold, but feeling cold often as the result of a lowered metabolism.

    Passing Gallstones:</strong> This is not uncommon and is good news.

    Diarrhea:</strong> Either from the SWF or form too much Vitamin C from the Lemons.


Withdrawal Side Effects

Having discussed these side effects from the perspective of the Healing Events and Detox was necessary as they do indeed related to the cleanse, however, many of the side effects felt by cleansers are not the result of the detox, or healing, or some awful sign that cleansing is not for you. They are often just signs of your withdrawal from some chemical dependency you have.

There are many common chemical dependencies that, if you did the cleanse properly you would have had to stop during the cleanse.


Alcohol and Drugs


These substances are obvious. Most of us know we go through nicotine, alcohol withdrawal, but we don't always realize Caffeine withdrawal is even worse than nicotine and alcohol. But how can that be? Caffeine is a food (found in coffee, tea and other foods like chocolate). Food is addicting too? Yep. Most of us know that too. But we don't dig much deeper than that basic understanding. Caffeine is a drug found in food. Food is a drug. All food is. All substances are. Everything we consume is a chemical that our bodies break down, then decides to use it, expel it, destroy it, or quarantine it. EVERYTHING.

So we can be addicted to anything. We can be addictive to coffee, sugar, pasta, or sushi.

And when our bodies don't get a substance it is expecting, it will send us signals, (often painful ones), that it wants that substance now. Once the body is re-accustomed to NOT expecting these substances and new norm is set and symptoms

Now most of those foods aren't as chemically addicting as caffeine is. But they sure can by emotionally or psychologically addicting.

Emotional and Psychological Master Cleanser Side Effects

The loss of Comfort Foods can be devastating emotionally and psychologically. We are so used to managing our chemistry by ingesting foods we like. We feel down, and we turn to a food we like because eating it will make us feel good, either because we like the taste so much, or because we have another association built-into the food. Perhaps this type of cookie reminds my home my childhood when times were more simple? Maybe that ice-cream puts me into a state of subconscious self-loathing that I have come to depend on.

This is an enormous topic and outside of the scope of this article, but it is worth mentioning because it leads to the following tow Emotional Side Effects and Psychological Side Effects of The Master Cleanse.

    Impatience and Irritability:  Our patience can really be tested when we are not getting what we want, when we are not comforted by our crutches.

    <li><strong>Flashbacks (Feelings, Tastes):Tom Woloshyn in his book The Complete Master Cleanse describes the body as a "Time Machine" saying his clients report tasting cigarettes or feeling "Stoned" as they relive past experiences<


Any other Master Cleanser Side Effects?</h3>

I am sure I have missed some very common side effects and left out details trying to keep the post from getting too long. I also want to leave the forum open to you to add your feelings. What are some common <strong>Master Cleanser Side Effects</strong> that you have experienced? How did you overcome them?
Learn more about these Master Cleanse Secrets from my Master Cleanse Author, Raylen Sterling
Until next time,
Happy Cleansing
----- Original Message -----
From: The Master Cleanse
To: Patrick H. Bellringer
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 11:19 AM
Subject: 27 Master Cleanse Side Effects