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Vitamin D Plus Calcium May Protect Everyone from Fracture

Lee Swanson Research Update

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Almost 70,000 people participated in the study in the U.S. and Europe. The results of a pooled analysis published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that the vitamin-mineral combination significantly reduced general fractures by 8% and hip fractures by 16%.

However, supplemental vitamin D on its own in daily doses equivalent to 10 to 20 mcg had no effect on fracture prevention, said the study, led by researchers at Copenhagen University in Denmark.

"What is important about this very large study is that it goes a long way toward resolving conflicting evidence about the role of vitamin D, either alone or in combination with calcium, in reducing fractures," said Prof. John Robbins from the University of California, Davis, co-author of the study.

The combination of vitamin D and calcium has long been recommended to reduce the risk of bone fractures for older people, particularly those at risk of or suffering from osteoporosis. The action of the nutrients is complimentary, with calcium supporting bone formation and repair, while vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium.

In the current study, researchers used data from seven major randomized trials of vitamin D with calcium or vitamin D alone, providing data from 68,517 people. The average age of the participants was 69.9 and 15% of the people were men.

According to findings published in the BMJ, trials that used only vitamin D at a dose of 10 or 20 mcg showed no significant reductions in fracture risk. When 10 mcg of the vitamin was taken with calcium, however, reduced risks of fracture and hip fracture of 8% and 16% respectively were seen. The combination was effective "irrespective of age, sex or previous fractures," the researchers said.

"This study supports a growing consensus that combined calcium and vitamin D is more effective than vitamin D alone in reducing a variety of fractures," said Robbins. "Interestingly, this combination of supplements benefits both women and men of all ages, which is not something we fully expected to find. We now need to investigate the best dosage, duration and optimal way for people to take it," he added.

British Medical Journal Published online ahead of print.

January 2010
