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Health Freedom War Council Report & Video

Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 10:26 PM
Subject: Health Freedom War Council Report & Video

What Happened at the Health Freedom War Council?

Webinar held January 2 and 3, 2010 - Report below video links.

Featured Video: Dr. Rima and Gen. Bert report on the Council:

Dr. Rima and Gov. Jesse Ventura Discuss the Vaccination Holocaust:






The 2010 Natural Solutions Foundation War Council, held January 2, 3 in Newton NJ and featuring a dozen expert presenters both live and online, was a resounding success. In fact, we believe that it may represent a turning point in the history of Health Freedom.

Up to now it has been difficult for advocates of Health Freedom to see all of the dots at the same time:

GMO "food"

Industrial Food Production

Nano Technology and Invasive Nanobots



Involuntary Drugging


Nutrient Suppression

Codex Alimentarius

Information Suppression and Censorship

Personal Persecution by the State

By bringing together a dozen world-class experts who shared their deep knowledge and their understanding of the war on our health and freedom, each from a unique perspective, suddenly, the picture sprang forth and the dots were clearly connected.

Here, in brief, is what happened at the War Council. In case you missed it, the full 2010 War Council Webinar will be available shortly for you to download.

Speaker after speaker confirmed, and documented the assaults on our health and our freedom, each from their own point of expertise. Listed alphabetically, we learned how the "game" is being played.

Robert Barefoot told us of his personal persecution by the FDA and FTC because his products and information pose such an enormous threat to drug sales. He detailed how, although he made no claims, the FDA announced its intention to put him in jail and persecuted him - and why.


Leonard Coldwell, NMD, DNM, Ph.D, LCHC, CNHP, DIP. PHC (Ret.) shared the story of his journey to mastery over cancer and other chronic diseases driven by his desire as a boy to keep his mother alive, despite her terminal liver cancer. He also focused on the active and purposeful conspiracy to keep the simple, effective and universal cancer cure information hidden, at the cost of life, well being and truth to line the enormous pockets of the illness industry. Like all of the presenters who have been so badly attacked by the powers that be, Dr. Coldwell offered hope and confidence in our ability to take our own health and freedom into our hands if we join together and take appropriate actions.

Benjamin Colodzin, Ph.D presented a compelling time-line of aerial spraying as a biological experiment and weapon, involuntary vaccination and depopulation tool. Chemtrails are, as he shared with us, only a small part of the aerial picture. And it is anything but a pretty picture, unless genocide appeals to you.

Sharry Edwards, MEd gave attendees a greater understanding of the new medicine of sound diagnosis and treatment with substantiation of the problem, the options and the possibilities for reclaiming both our health and our freedom by abandoning the inferior choice of allopathic medicine for the superior choice of meaningful medicine using not what does not work (drugs) but what does work (frequency) and presented a model for moving forward to do so.

Patrick Flannigan, PhD By providing a brief history of his work, we were able to understand why negative hydrogen ions are essential for longevity, health and healing. Dr. Flannigan listed the vital minerals which allow strength and health for each of us and discussed the amounts which are actually necessary for health and healing, which are far, far greater than official dosages.

Paul G. King, PhD A noted expert in the damage caused by mercury in vaccines, Dr. King gave us a history of the willful use of the known toxin, mercury, in medicine and vaccine. He unhesitatingly made it clear that this poison is used to set up the population for high profitability through nervous system and immunological poisoning - starting with babies in utero since pregnant women are now being exposed to life long poisons for themselves and their babies.

Stephen Lendman laid out, in the clearest possible terms, and in specific detail, that President Obama's agenda is to lay the groundwork for the New World Order, an order which contains far, far fewer of us than this World Order.

Hildegarde Staninger, PhD presented the documentary videos of Tanker Enemy, an Italian group which documents the aerial spraying of chemtrails and other toxification of our skies. She introduced the concept of "Smart Dust" to the participants and described nano machines, and their purpose and consequences, none of which are positive for the ordinary person.

In her second presentation, she delved into nano machines dusted on us through one variety of aerial spraying ("Smart Dust") and the fact that nano fibers, machines, chips (including edible ones) are already a reality within us and are being used on us and our bodies without either permission or knowledge.

Kevin Trudeauis a widely read and widely sued author and lecturer. His Constitutional rights to say what he believes to be true has been challenged again and again by the FDA and FTC. He shared his thoughts on how to stay balanced during the long, hard health freedom struggle ahead and suggested specific strategies for us to use, such as vast numbers of law suits, all a the same time, against the agencies which are suppressing information. He focused on the government's continuing suppression of accurate, but inconvenient, truth which people need in order to get healthy and stay that way. Even being put in jail for publishing and disseminating his truth has not led Mr. Trudeau to shy away from the fight for his right to speak truth and yous.

Fred van Liew is a tireless champion of health strategies which work because they increase energy in the system. This has taken him out of the normal health strategies and into the leading edge ones. For that reason, he knows the struggle first hand. Focusing on the environmental and nutritional toxification of our bodies, he talked about effective countermeasure to prevent or reverse the damage.

And the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation presented, as well.

Ralph Fucetola, JD, spoke about the continuing activity necessary to keep the Constitutional rights which we are loosing in control of our own bodies and detailed the course of the Stop the Shot litigation, initiated by the Natural Solutions Foundation to prevent the use of dangerous and illegal flu shots.

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) focused on how wars are won, and why. He detailed why the characterization of the health freedom struggle as a war is accurate and how we go about finding the solutions, strategies and tactics to win this war against us.

Rima E. Laibow, MD discussed why Codex was not able to achieve its goal of global implementation by the end of 2009 but why it is still very much in the game. She delivered a summary of the health freedom situation and the reason that mass support of health freedom is the essential tool to assure victory, but why that tool must be used with the precision of sharply focused strategies, and how to deploy our resources to win this war.

There is some confusion regarding whether Codex Alimentarius (World Food Code) standards and guidelines WOULD go into effect on December 31, 2009. What we have always said, in fact, is that it was the desire, the intent, of the Codex Commission, to achieve full implementation by the end of the first decade of the new Century when the Codex Commission was founded in 1962 and began its work in 1963. That was the plan.

We have also said that the task was more difficult than anticipated and that the globalist forces were becoming very far behind schedule by the time the end of 2009 was rolling around.


Happily, with greater awareness and the increasing complexity of chemistry, biotechnology, environmental regulation, various countries realized they could successfully apply the Natural Solutions Foundation's Codex Two Step Process, They would thereby avoid crippling World Trade Organization trade sanctions, while raising the quality and safety of their people's food supply. Surely the opposition of health and food freedom advocates like the Natural Solutions Foundation have slowed them down tremendously.

Are they done? Unfortunately, not at all. Are they determined to continue on their mad masters business? Yes, they are.

Can we stop them? Certainly, but it means becoming a powerful advocate of the solutions to these threats. That is why we ask you to make sure that you are signed up for the Health Freedom Action eAlerts,, now and help your contacts to do the same. Then take the Action Steps once for each member of your family and encourage others to do the same.

Push Back Works!

Happy 2010! May it be a year of peace, prosperity, health, joy and freedom for you and yours.

Whether it is a year of freedom or not depends on you.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation

Food Freedom eJournal

International Decade of Nutrition

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Valley of the Moon Coffee

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Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation

PS - Watch for the Archived Health Freedom War Council Archive for another opportunity to learn from experts dedicated to Health Freedom!

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We wish you a Happy New Year filled with freedom, with joy and with abundant good health.

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.)


Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Ralph Fucetola, JD

Council and Trustee

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