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[NOTE from Patrick H. Bellringer,

Alt Med Services is very special to my wife, Anne, and me, as they have greatly assisted us in the maintenance of our own health, and especially in saving Anne's life a year ago, when she had been poisoned.  They are doing a great service to many people, as well as teaching students to be alternative health care practioners.  Please understand that their "wish list" not a top priority at this time.  They just need help to stay in the business of helping thousands of people with their health concerns.

Donations can be sent through Fourwinds PayPal or by credit card, check or money order to Alt Med Services, or check or money order to Fourwinds:  Rukahn International, 701 E. Oakland St., Rapid City;, SD 57701.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP !   ]



8035 Black Hawk Road, Suite 3

Black Hawk, SD 57718

Phone:  605-343-2682

Fax:       605-348-4665



At ALT MED SERVICES we have tried very hard to make our services available and affordable to everyone; but this has caused us some trouble.

For the first time in 27 years of trying to make a difference in peoples’ health and life, ALT MED SERVICES has more out on the books than we can carry.

Our wish is to keep sending our nutritional products with the invoice in the box rather than pre-paid.

This is easier on the staff but harder on our checkbook. We here, have always tried to let the bill go for up to 3 months without complaint.

We now have some statements that are several years overdue

We need the money to help us stay open, pay the staff, heating and utilities and just pay the everyday expenses that are getting harder to meet.


We do not think it would be in the best interest of anyone to have to raise our rates to keep the doors open, because of a few that are not paying their bills.

We do take all credit cards, and we are open to any suggestions that might help ALT MED SERVICES and/or the client.

WE greatly appreciate your help and cooperation in this matter.




This is our first attempt at a News Letter; hopefully not our last. Here is a bit of our history.

In August of 1984 we were known as “THE MASSAGE SPOT”, working out of  my 16 foot wide Mobile home in Aberdeen South Dakota, doing massages and muscle testing.

By 1990 I got my first degree in Naturopathy and built an office on the side of the mobile home and started to learn EDS (Electro Dermal Screening). Systemic Formulas gave me my first help in this field and I quickly found “STAR TECH HEALTH;” owned by Jim and Bill Clark who were and are still making the best testing unit in the U.S. now.


            By 1995 we say some more changes, one being a new name. We became “ALT MED LTD,” not as many thought – Alternative Medical Ltd. (too long to spell). With that we moved to downtown Aberdeen. We were introduced to some new equipment; the LBG (Light Beam Generator), used to help clear lymph congestion. Getting very good results, we started our first of many research projects; the movement of Lymph.

We taught the first Lymph class in 5 hours and thought we knew it all. The class is now 3-4 days long and we are still learning and researching.


            Then, to our surprise, we found Arcturus Star, the maker of the Lymphstar Pro and many other great tools. With their help and insight we got the Cygnus foot bath that does not just make dirty water. Here again, we started to research how, why, and when to use not just the Lymphstar and the Cygnus foot bath, but many other fine tools.


            2007 saw our biggest change yet. We changed our name again. We are now “ALT MED SERVICES.”

With this change our focus has changed a bit, too. Alt Med Services is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) South Dakota Business Trust; SD ID # DT000055; IRS # 203534382.

Why the change?


            I now have so many areas I want to study and, the equipment is getting to cost more than one person can afford. As a non-profit we now can have volunteers, and we have some very good ones. (Ruth K., we miss her a lot. She died this year, 2009),

Linda K., Lyla M., Amy S., Ron and Angie P., Michelle L., Joyce A., Brad J. and a few others from time to time. Another reason is that, people who wish to, can donate to the research and also keep our cost low so we do not have to raise our prices.

Being a Trust also enables us to offer a receipt for any donation $250.00 and over for use as a tax deduction.


            Some of our projects now are: Staying open; ongoing lymph studies, homeopathic (new Radar computer program), an energy delivery system, breast health, autism, breathing issues and teaching EDS, Lymph Drainage and many other things in diverse areas. We have a client and Trustee, Robert H., who has donated a teaching space by renting the slot next to the office for a year. These generous donations really do a lot to help us provide the care so many have learned to appreciate and depend upon over the years.

Our clientele comes from the entire United States and from 38 other countries.


            In order for us to continue to provide these many services, donations and help of any kind are much appreciated. We also have the “wish list” as follows.


1.  Colonic Equipment, education and set-up:        $22,500.00

2.   Thermograph Equipment and education   :       $42,000.00

3. Lenyo Lux Mat or chair                        :           $  5,600.00

4.  Neuro Integration System                     :          $  9,600.00

5.  Lymphstar Pro (to loan to clients with needs):  $  5,600.00

6.  Kindling Equipment from Germany                 :$15,000.00

Alt Med Services already owns some of this type of equipment, but is in need of one or more of the last 4 items because we can only schedule one person at a time for treatments. This causes a backup in scheduling.

Alt Med Services has clients from all 50 states in the U.S., and from the following 38 countries:

Bonin Islands off the coast of Japan         Amani Island off the coast of Japan     Papua New  Guinea

Australia                                                 New Zealand                                        Tasmania

Taiwan                                                    Philippines                                            Malaysia

Singapore                                                 India

Ukraine/Russia                                         Romania                                               Israel

Norway                                                    Holland                                                Ireland

England                                                    Scotland                                               Germany/Bavaria

Uganda                                                    Democratic Republic of the Congo         Congo

Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)                        Madagascar                                          South Africa

Brazil                                                       Argentina                                              Paraguay

Peru                                                         Ecuador                                                Costa Rica

Nicaragua                                                 Belize                                                   Bahamas

Puerto Rico                                              Mexico                                                  Canada                                                                                                                           

We am so very grateful for your friendship and encouragement, and any financial help you can give us at this time.

Yours truly,

