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Experience wild foods and herbal medicines of Ecuador yourself in an upcoming eco-tour adventure

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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(NaturalNews) Imagine walking through the rainforests of Ecuador, surrounded by medicinal plants and wild foods. Harmonies of birds and locusts blanket the forest from lush treetops. Your group pauses for a moment to take it all in... that's when you discover you're standing right next to a sacred Sangre de Drago tree, rich with natural medicine, standing five stories tall with a gorgeous canopy of leaves shaped like hearts. Your group guide makes a small incision on the tree bark and the medicine begins to flow: It's an anti-cancer tree sap, made of 90% proanthocyanidins. It's been used by the Shuar Indians as living medicine for centuries and now you're getting to taste it fresh, raw and wild, right off the tree...

This scene isn't fiction. I experienced it myself a few weeks ago as part of an eco-tourism mission I've taken on to help promote ecological tourism throughout Ecuador. As you'll soon see, you can experience this too because it's all part of a January eco-tour being offered by an Ecuadorian-owned company based in Vilcabamba.

I was invited as a guest to go on a preview of this tour, and what I experienced was truly breathtaking: Hikes through the national forest, the identification and sampling of wild herbs, and the tasting of all varieties of exotic wild foods that I never even knew existed. This tour, called the "Amazon Wild Foods and Medicinal Plants Adventure," promises five days of adventure in Ecuador that you'll remember for a lifetime.

Keep reading below to learn more.

Before I tell you more: This tour is being organized by a private Ecuadorian company, and neither myself nor NaturalNews has any financial involvement whatsoever in this tour. My role here is simply as a journalist who seeks to help promote Ecuador's eco-tourism opportunities in alignment with the principles I've outlined in this previous announcement: "NaturalNews partners with Ecuador tourism bureaus to promote eco-tourism opportunities throughout the country" (

I am available, in fact, to experience and report on other eco-tourism events throughout Ecuador. I've already posted a report about the Papallacta Hot Springs near Quito (, as well as a personal journal entry describing experiences on a horseback adventure through the Podocarpus National Forest (

Two amazing photo galleries of my adventures in Ecuador are posted here:

The way I work with resorts or tourism companies in Ecuador is explained at the end of this article (along with my contact information for those who wish to contact me). Throughout 2010, I plan to bring you more stories about eco-tourism opportunities throughout Ecuador, including The Galapagos Islands.

Eat raw cacao fruit, raw tree sap, wild medicines and more

The adventure I'm describing today is focused on Zamora, a magical town in Southern Ecuador that's host to a magnificent assortment of wild foods and medicines. In fact, this tour is called the "Amazon Wild Foods and Medicinal Plants Adventure."

Read more (and see the photos) here:

What's really amazing about this particular tour is that you'll have the opportunity to identify, harvest and experience numerous wild foods and herbal medicines straight from the Ecuadorian rainforest. You'll also get the opportunity to visit a local herbalist who makes his own powerful medicinal tinctures using local wildcrafted herbs in the way they have been traditionally used for generations by the indigenous Shuar culture of Southern Ecuador.

There's much more happening on this five-day adventure. Read full details (and see the pictures) here:

Here's another fun fact: I personally plan to join the Zamora part of this tour as a special guest where I'll be filming videos for NaturalNews. Although I can't 100% guarantee I'll be present on the Zamora part of this tour (due to my duties at NaturalNews), I fully plan to be.

Space is limited, and this event commences on January 21, 2010. Get more details (plus pricing and contact information) at the links above.

(Please do not contact NaturalNews with questions about this tour, as we are not organizing it. You'll need to contact the tour organizers at the website link given above.)

Contacting the Health Ranger with other eco-tourism opportunities

As a journalist covering eco-tourism opportunities in Ecuador, I'm always on the lookout for resorts, adventures and destinations that offer inspiring and unique experiences for ecologically-minded tourists.

Contact me at (in English or Español). Here's how we operate:

• There is no charge to be highlighted on NaturalNews. We do not ask for any percentage or commissions on the potential customers we send your way.

• I do, however, ask for the ability to experience your resort or tour for myself in order to be able to write with authenticity about what readers can expect.

• NaturalNews is working in cooperation with Ecuadorian tourism bureaus to promote eco-tourism opportunities throughout Ecuador. Our focus is on outdoor, "natural" adventures and experiences that help acquaint visitors with the rich, diverse plant and animal life found throughout Ecuador.

Other wild foods adventures in South America

By the way, I am also aware of a wild foods adventure being organized by Jeanette, a wonderful tour guide who was part of a previous adventure we held in Quito. She has announced a wild foods adventure in Peru. I don't know all the details about this trip, but you can learn more at

Knowing Jeanette, it's bound to be a delightful adventure!

The January tour being offered in Zamora will also be repeated later in 2010, I'm told, so if you can't make the January timeframe, contact them anyway to inquire about adventures later in 2010. You can reach them at

And, yes, the company organizing this tour books your local airfare and hotels, too. They also arrange for your ground transportation and two meals a day. Most of the planning is already done for you, and the tour agenda is listed on their website:

Enjoy Ecuador!