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Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment = misinformation

Alan Kreglow

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From: Alan Kreglow
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2009 3:24 AM
Subject: Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment = misinformation
Dear Anne,


I have seen your postings on the Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment and since Dr. Simoncini's name is associated with this protocol, I took it seriously and looked into it further.  You should know that:


1) Dr. Simoncini does NOT mention maple syrup at all in his description of all the various ways in which he uses bicarbonate solution to treat cancer.  See:

 2) The web site that initially listed this protocol has changed its position and now completely dissociates itself from any endorsement of it.


The problem is that heating maple syrup with baking soda does not create any bond between the maple sugar and the bicarbonate.  Thus if one has cancer and needs to avoid sugar as much as possible, ingesting the maple syrup/bicarbonate mixture does have the effect of raising pH because of the bicarbonate, but the maple syrup that is taken up by the cancer cells does not drag bicarbonate into the cancer cells any more than taking the bicarbonate in water would do.  Thus the maple sugar just feeds the cancer without providing an ancillary benefit.

It is quite important that people not receive deceptive information about cancer cures, and I am afraid that although this "Baking Soda and Maple Syrup" treatment approach sounds attractive, the information is deceptive.


If you want to point people to accurate information about do-it-yourself cures for cancer, Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S. who died in 2005 was a brilliant cancer researcher and, after curing himself in 1963 of metastasized pancreatic cancer, never wavered in his belief that pancreatic enzymes, coffee enemas, and a diet based on your particular metabolic type are, together, the answer to healing and preventing cancer.  His protocol had a 97% success rate for the many thousands of people who followed his instructions.  He left a book, One Answer to Cancer, that gives a complete understanding of do-it-yourself cancer treatment.  It is on the web at  This is information that will really guide one reliably to take actions that will actually enable one to cure oneself of cancer.  No deceptively simple ideas - the straight story.


Another place to go is the Files area of the CancerVictory Yahoo Group, where Dr. Kelley's One Answer to Cancer can be downloaded as a Word document with internal navigation links (helpful because it is a 181 page document).  Also, the Files area has another document, "Critical facts about cancer pointing to effective treatment.doc" that contains a large number of highly effective cancer treatment options.  This document has been written over a period of several years and incorporates the best cancer treatment options this writer has found in collecting cures for cancer since 1972.


I so much appreciate the magnificent information resource that you and Patrick have created at  Since I am committed to promoting only accurate information about cancer treatment options, I hope something can be done to correct the unfortunately deceptive misinformation to the effect that Baking Soda and Maple Syrup can cure many kinds of cancer.  This idea confuses the wonderful benefits of sodium bicarbonate for cancer treatment.  


Bicarbonate works, but generally it needs to be injected into the artery that feeds the tumor.  This is how Dr. Simoncini administers it.  Sometimes he has patients drink bicarbonate in water, but never with maple syrup.  Again, see: and click on the "read more" link at the bottom of this and the following five pages (7 pages total).


Raising the pH of the blood is vital to effective cancer treatment, and sodium bicarbonate is useful for this purpose.  However the "Baking Soda and Maple Syrup" treatment idea offers false hope and is not an appropriate treatment for cancer.  


Thank you Anne for all you and Patrick do,

Alan Kreglow