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Baxter International, Mossad agent Moshe, and the Ukraine flu.

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----- Original Message -----
From: KH
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 12:38 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

Baxter International, Mossad agent Moshe, and the Ukraine flu.

Interesting information here, although I disagree with the author's suggestion to take Tamiflu, as I would put it right next to Draino on my list of things to take for the flu.

Three months ago, Israeli Mossad agent Joseph Moshe, who specializes in biological warfare, was taken down by Los Angeles police, allegedly for \"threatening the White House.  "What wasn't reported by the media at the time was that Moshe just had "called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." (  Moshe also claimed that Ukraine would be the country in which it first would be released.  This was in early August. Â How did he know?

Also, you might want to post  "Treatment of the flu with massive doses of vitamin C" by Robert Cathcart, M.D. [NOTE:  This article is posted below]He spent over 40 years treating people with infectious diseases with intravenous and oral vitamin C. He explains how it is the free radicals resulting from infection which kill, not the pathogens, and how massive amounts of vitamin C neutralize those free radicals and save the patient. This is LIFE SAVING information for anyone who becomes ill!

In my professional experience, the Holy Trinity of nutritional and immune support for the flu is;

1) colloidal silver

2) oscillococcinum (homeopathic flu remedy)

3) vitamin C per Dr. Cathcart's protocol   


Also, a fever of 101 degrees stops the virus from replicating. So unless the fever gets threateningly high (over 102), let it be.

Disclaimer: This information is not medical advice. All medical decisions and care should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified, well informed medical professional.



Treatment of the flu with massive doses of vitamin C. - by Robert Cathcart, M.D.

  • I want to emphasize first that the main reason that massive doses of vitamin C work against infectious diseases has little to do with the vitamin C functions as ordinarily understood.  They work in massive doses because we are throwing away the vitamin C for the extra electrons carried.  These extra electrons neutralize the free radicals (molecules missing electrons) that mediate all inflammations and cause the symptoms and deaths from these infectious diseases.  It is not really a matter of medicine; it is a matter of chemistry.  Doses of ascorbate which are massive enough to force a reducing redox potential into tissues affected by the disease will always neutralize the free radicals.

  • For prevention of many cases of flu.  When you are still well take ascorbic acid to bowel tolerance to determine what your bowel tolerance is.  People who have known difficulties with their stomach or bowels will have to be careful.  For instance, ascorbic acid may cause a burning sensation in people who have ulcers or gastritis.  If you have symptoms when you take ascorbic acid, you already have something the matter with your stomach or bowel.  See a local orthomolecular physician in this case.

  • Different people have different levels of organisms in them that produce free radicals.  Also, allergies or autoimmune diseases, injuries, parasites, etc. produce free radicals and the free radicals produced by theses conditions have to be neutralized with ascorbate before you get extra ascorbate to work on jobs like preventing the flu or slowing down the aging process, etc.  This fact is why people vary so much in the amount of ascorbic acid they will tolerate and, as a matter of fact, why bowel tolerance to ascorbic acid may be more at one time during the day than another.

  • For maintenance doses, take an amount of ascorbic acid that is comfortable for you about 4 to 6 times a day.  Remember that the dose may vary depending on how you feel.  The better you feel, you take less.  The worse you feel, you take more. 

  • Always, always, always drink water with ascorbic acid by mouth!!!  Never let yourself get seriously dehydrated which can happen if you are very nauseated from the illness or medications.

  • Start with pure ascorbic acid crystals or powder.  Then after you learn to read the needs of your body, switch over to capsules or tablets.  Always take these with water.  Over a long period of time ascorbic acid powder or crystals could cause topical damage to the enamel of your teeth.  Capsules or tablets will not do this.

  • If you are exposed to the flu, increase your doses to very close to bowel tolerance.  If you feel a virus is threatening, take doses even as frequently as every hour during the day and take an extra dose in the middle of the night if you wake to urinate.

  • If you get the flu, take doses every hour, or maybe even more frequently, until diarrhea is almost produced.  Actually, the diarrhea is not that bad so it might be better to tolerate a little diarrhea at first.  If the flu is causing diarrhea, this may be difficult but those with experience in taking ascorbic acid can tell the difference between the flu diarrhea (which is uncomfortable) and the loosening of the stools by ascorbic acid (which is not usually uncomfortable.)

  • If you are unable to take enough ascorbic acid by mouth to control the flu see an orthomolecular physician for intravenous sodium ascorbate.  Lists of physician who will probably give intravenous sodium ascorbate.  Otherwise, ask the owners of a mom and pop health food store.  They will probably know the names of physicians who will give intravenous sodium ascorbate in your area.

  • Sodium ascorbate intravenously can be given in bottles containing 60 grams of sodium ascorbate in 500 cc of water, lactated Ringer's or normal saline or half normal saline. D5W is OK but actually I like to avoid the sugar.  By the way, do not eat sugar when you have the flu.  It is best not to eat sugar anyway.

  • If 60 grams of sodium ascorbate does not reverse the symptoms given over 3 to 4 hours, then 120 grams in 1000 cc or 180 grams in 1500 cc may be administered.  When enough ascorbate is given rapidly enough, it will eliminate the symptoms because the symptoms are mediated by free radicals.  If enough electrons are made available through massive doses of ascorbate it will eliminate the symptoms including all the inflammation.  It is matter of chemistry, not medicine.  Those who would counsel that this is not true are either fools or part of the genocidal suppression of knowledge about ascorbate.

  • Remember to continue to take ascorbic acid by mouth while the IV sodium ascorbate is being administered.  Bowel tolerance to ascorbic acid by mouth is increased by simultaneous administration of sodium ascorbate by vein.  You might stop the ascorbic acid by mouth about 1/2 hour before the IV stops because diarrhea my start when the IV stops.  It is safe to start the oral ascorbic acid an hour or so later.

  • When the IV stops, after an hour or so, resume the ascorbic acid by mouth until you are well.  Before you are well. especially if you did not take the intravenous sodium ascorbate but were not able to take enough ascorbic acid by mouth,  you may become what I call "unsick."  You know you have the virus but your symptoms are much less, hardly noticeable, and complications are very rare.  You may be unsick a day or so longer than you would have been "sick-sick" untreated with ascorbate if absolutely no complications occur,  However, there is no contest as far as which patients prefer.  Massive doses of ascorbate, by neutralizing free radicals, turns on cellular immunity but delays humeral immunity (the formation of antibodies.)  If the doses of ascorbate are not high enough to completely eliminate free radicals and thereby turn on cellular immunity in the seat of the diseased tissues, humeral immunity may not eliminate the disease as rapidly as it would if you had been "sick-sick.".

  • Children take reduced doses IV.  Usually a 10 year old takes adult doses.  Sometimes you have to give chewable ascorbate by mouth in children.  This does not work quite as well as ascorbic acid by mouth.  Chewables are buffered of necessity to protect the teeth and are are not quite as powerful but better than nothing.

  • People who cannot obtain sodium ascorbate by vein (remember insurance will not usually pay for this because it works and reduces the needs for drugs.) and who cannot tolerate bowel tolerance doses of ascorbate will get some lesser benefit from more moderate doses of ascorbic acid by mouth or from buffered C by mouth.  They do not work a well against acute symptoms but may prevent serious complications.  Remember that those people who die of the flu mostly have acute induced scurvy.  If you take moderate doses of ascorbates, they should prevent acute induced scurvy.  With any physician who does not believe this, have them take your serum levels of ascorbate when you are sick.

  • The children who are dying of the flu mostly have what I call "acute induced scurvy."  Read the story about babies dying of acute induced scurvy in Archie Kalokerinos' book Every Second Child.  I, personally, treated one 2 year old who would not take the vitamin C I prescribed because of a viral disease and a temperature or 104 F..  In the middle of the night during a snow storm, the mother called saying she thought her son was dying.  I saw him immediately in the middle of the night.  The boy was almost comatose with his back arched.  I quickly gave him an intramuscular shot of one gram of sodium ascorbate in 4 cc of water without preservative.  In a minute or so he was sitting up acting perfectly normal.  The response was so dramatic that there was no question that the mother would have the child take the ascorbate subsequently.  This was exactly the type of case described by Dr. Kalokerinos in Australia.  There was no question that in an hour or two, if I had done the legally correct thing and sent him to the hospital, he would have been dead of acute induced scurvy.

Vitamin C and Severe Influenza: A Case Report

  • Case report of Thomas Levy, M.D.

San Diego County Reports 13 Deaths From Flu

  • They can be proud that they have refused to learn how to use massive doses of ascorbate.  Does the drug industry give them prizes for such genocidal stupidity.

Florida Flu Outbreaks Reach 'Widespread' Level

Flu Deaths Hit Epidemic Level in U.S.

Texans Urged Not To Panic Over Flu Deaths

  • Don't panic but if you die of the flu or complications of the flu, do not be upset that you could have been saved by massive doses of ascorbate.  But then you will not be upset by anything ever again if you die of the flu.  Long lived the profits of the drug industry.

Flu epidemic strikes Paris, and hospitals feel pressure

  • When the patient arrives with symptoms the serum levels of vitamin C should be measured.  Then intravenous sodium ascorbate should be started to neutralize the free radicals and the resulting acute induced scurvy.  Many lives would be saved.  It would make no difference whether it was the flu, SARS, or some other infectious disease.   They all kill by way of free radicals and these free radicals can be neutralized by massive doses of ascorbate.  It is a matter or chemistry, not necessarily medical.

Two million flu cases expected in France as epidemic hits Europe

North American flu epidemic spreading

Flu jab linked to seven-fold increase in killer brain disease

Doctors Worry About Severe Flu Season

CDC chief: Flu season starting early and strong

  • Anyone going to the hospital with flu-like symptoms should be immediately started on massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate.  The massive doses, and only massive doses of ascorbate, will eliminate the free radicals that cause the deaths and most of the symptoms with the flu.

Mystery-death after flu symptoms

Mystery Illness Causes 3 Deaths in Texas

  • A major factor in all these mysterious deaths is free radicals.  Free radicals mediate the inflammations of all infectious diseases.  Therefore, the neutralization of free radicals with adequate doses of ascorbate will prevent these free radical deaths.  Whenever a person feels the onset of a disease such as this ascorbic acid should be taken by mouth to bowel tolerance.  If the disease is too severe or if the nausea and vomiting prevents bowel tolerance doses of ascorbic acid orally then intravenous sodium ascorbate should be given in massive amounts.  I would suggest 60 grams of sodium ascorbate in 500cc of water running continuously every 8 hours.  If this rate does not reverse all fever and all other symptoms in a few hours the rate should be increased to every 4 hours.  Depending upon symptoms and electrolyte balance the rate may be increased even further.  As symptoms are eliminated the rate can then be decreased.  Ascorbate administered properly will save these lives of those with these mysterious infectious diseases.  The only rational reason not to do so is to protect the profits of the drug industry.  To hell with them.  They have successfully hidden the fact that even polio was cured with intravenous sodium ascorbate back in 1948.

Mystery-death husband tells of flu symptoms, 'then a thump'


  • All of these cases should be immediately tested for blood levels of vitamin C and then when they are found to be scorbutic given massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbateIf this is a respiratory virus, it could be a world disaster.  All of these acute viral diseases kill by way of free radicals.  Massive doses of ascorbate will neutralize those free radicals.  What is critical is that enough be used.  It is a matter of chemistry.  This disease sounds somewhat like the hemorrhagic fevers, like Ebola.  They are probably about 500 gram diseases where the patient's ascorbate is wiped out very quickly.  Then the resulting scurvy causes hemorrhage all over the body.  The organs most directly involved by the infection (in these cases,  the lungs) will start to bleed first.

  • Ok, Ok, it is in New Zealand but it could possibly spread.  If the WHO wants to keep the ascorbate stonewalling secret, they better confine this one the way they did SARS.  However, this disease could make SARS look like a popgun.  With internet coverage and exchange of information, the vitamin C cure of acute infectious diseases is becoming much more difficult to keep secret.

  • This may be a false alarm but if a full blown hemorrhagic fever that spreads by the respiratory route gets going, they better learn to use massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate fast or millions will die.  It will already be too late for most because they are unprepared because they are so obsessed with finding cures that will be profitable to the drug industry.  Let us hope that among the millions that will die will be those genocidal idiots and members of their families who stonewalled vitamin C.  It is only a matter of time before some disaster like a full blown respiratory hemorrhagic fever breaks out.  It will too late for many if it does.

You ain't seen nothing yet

  • This article emphasizes the mess we are in just to protect the profits of the drug industry.  Since all these flues kill by way of free radicals, and free radicals can be neutralized with massive doses of intravenous sodium ascorbate, essentially these massive doses of ascorbate will cure flues.  But no, that has to be kept a secret because it would make much of all this research talked about unnecessary.


Content (C) 2003 and prior years, Robert F. Cathcart, M.D..

Robert Cathcart, M.D.
