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An Important Announcement from Citizens for Health

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From: Citizens for Health
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:27 AM
Subject: An Important Announcement from Citizens for Health

Dear Supporters of Citizens for Health,

We are thrilled to announce our new venture designed to take Health Freedom to a new level.  

You are invited to be among the first to see our new blog at created to raise the profile of integrative health modalities and the opportunities we have as the natural health community.


The new blog covers a range of health freedom issues, from dietary supplements and vaccines to cell phone radiation and GMO's.  We also offer key information on integrative healing modalities such as acupuncture, organic food and chiropractic. 

We will regularly launch high-profile campaigns to focus our activist efforts around various hot topics, including this week's target: mandatory swine flu vaccines.  We encourage you to visit our Take Action page and send a letter to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius urging her to make a strong statement supporting federally-recognized exemptions to mandatory vaccinations.

In addition we have a significant opportunity now to broaden the current Congressional health care debate so that it is not only about affordability and coverage, but also about choice and inclusivity. In this time of rapid change, a strong natural health community can offer not only health improvement to individuals, but also health care cost reductions.

Citizens for Health remains committed to our role as the consumer voice of the natural health community, to serving the interests of today's "pioneers" of integrative medicine, health and wellness, and to being leaders in the debate over health policy.

And, of course, we need your help to succeed. We need you to:

  • Take action in response to our issue alerts and newsletters.
  • Give us feedback regarding our new website; tell us what you like, don't like, or would like to see in the future. Email comments to
  • Support us financially in our work. The medical establishment and pharmaceutical giants have deep coffers and will stop at nothing to maintain and strengthen their stranglehold on policy while silencing voices like Citizens for Health. We know it's not easy during such difficult economic times to find room in one's budget to support every cause that's important to you, but that is precisely what the establishment is counting on. They know we can't stop them without your help. Click here to prove them wrong and give generously today.

As always, we are emboldened by, and thankful for your membership and support.

--The Citizens for Health Team