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NaturalNews Podcasts Available for download Right Now

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----- Original Message -----
From: "NaturalNews" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:23 AM
Subject: New NaturalNews podcasts available for download right now
Dear NaturalNews readers,

I wanted to let you know that we have dozens of hours of Health Ranger Show audio files available for you to download right now as MP3 files (podcast files). You can download them now and listen on your iPod, MP3 player, Mac or PC.

Here's the link:

And if you want to subscribe to the RSS feed for the podcasts, here's that link for you:

These are extremely informative audio programs, and they include interviews with top authors, naturopaths, nutritional supplement companies and industry leaders. They also include my own commentary on issues like vaccines, fluoridation, natural cures and remedies, FDA corruption and much more.

A lot of authors and writers would typically charge a lot of money for these audio files, but I've decided to make all these programs available to NaturalNews readers at no charge.

So enjoy the audio!

To your health,

- Mike Adams, The Health Ranger