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Dehydration Linked to Chronic Desease and Aging

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Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:06 AM
Subject: Dehydration linked to chronic disease and aging.

Dear Newsmax Reader:

David Brownstein, M.D., one of the foremost American practitioners of conventional as well as holistic medicine, has some urgent health information that could dramatically affect your health and well-being. Please take a moment to read his information below.

Medical Expert Reveals the No. 1 Question Your Doctor Should Always Ask You . . .

"How Much Water Do You Drink on a Daily Basis?"

And Why Your Answer Could Mean the

Difference Between a Lifetime of

Optimal Health — or Chronic Disease

Free 3 books

Dear Friend,

I'm not a big follower of celebrity news.

Who's cheating on whom . . . Who just got into — or out of — rehab . . . Or who wore the worst outfit at some recent awards extravaganza just doesn't interest me.

I'm into much more practical, serious news. (Hence, I enjoy working at Newsmax.)

But during the past few years, I couldn't help noticing how many "famous" people made the news because they had been rushed to the hospital for collapsing or fainting in public.

And surprisingly, they were all young people.

Being a curious person by nature, I wanted to know what was going on. Was there some kind of connection?

Sure enough, each one — a couple of rock stars and at least one actress — all suffered from dehydration.

At first, it struck me as odd they could all have the same "condition."

Well, upon further investigation, I discovered they were all dealing with some — should I say — "issues."

At least one of those celebrities has a problem with alcohol, one has a history of drug abuse, and another has an eating disorder.

It was all coming together for me.

Alcohol, drugs, and eating disorders (such as bulimia and anorexia) all can work to deplete your body of water, causing dehydration — not to mention a whole host of other problems.

And when I saw the latest newsletter from Dr. Brownstein, one of our Newsmax health experts, I discovered that . . .

Dehydration in America is at Epidemic Proportions

And extends to nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population — not just the "rich and famous."

Not only that, there are numerous (and entirely avoidable) reasons so many people are victims of dehydration — having absolutely nothing to do with celebrity-type addictions.

In fact, most people with symptoms of dehydration have no idea a lack of water is the cause of some of their health problems.

Problems like:

  • Taking a long time to heal from an illness or injury
  • Skin wrinkling and dryness — making you look much older than your age
  • Weak muscles (no matter how much you exercise)

And, shocking as it seems:

Most Doctors Don't Think to Ask If You Drink

Enough Water, You'd Think They Would . . .

After all, more than 70% of your body is made up of water (your brain alone is composed of 80% water). You'd think they'd get the connection that your health — or lack of it — is so squarely dependent upon adequate amounts of water.

Think about it.

What common fluid runs through your body?

Your blood, right?

Well, what keeps your blood flowing freely and smoothly?


Blood carries nutrients to all parts of your body. It helps flush out dangerous toxins. You literally would die without it. Join Now

Now imagine how you'd feel if you didn't have enough water to keep your blood flowing along to do its job.

You'd feel sick all the time. In fact, you'd be riddled with chronic illnesses forever.

And that's just what's happening to millions of Americans daily.

Yet, doctors don't connect the dots.


Because they're not taught to look that deep at the underlying cause of chronic illness.

The way Dr. Brownstein tells it, medical schools just don't teach about the vital importance of getting enough water. They don't inform their students that their patients never will get well without an adequate supply of water.

Instead, they're taught that medications, surgeries, and other "traditional" treatments are the answer when it comes to treating their patients.

A little thing like getting enough water? Nope — no money in that.

Perhaps you think you get plenty to drink.

Sure you do. But what happens when . . .

What You Drink Just Isn't Enough

It isn't so much that people in America don't drink enough. Oh, quite the contrary.

According to Dr. David Brownstein, editor of our popular Newsmax newsletter, Natural Way to Health — therein lies the bulk of the problem when it comes to American's running around in a critical state of dehydration.

As he outlines perfectly in A Simple Way to Radically Improve Your Health, what you drink has a direct effect on how rapidly water is sucked out of your body.

Sure, there are natural processes going on in your body all the time that cause you to lose water:

  • Breathing
  • Sweating
  • Going to the bathroom

Just for starters.

The problem comes in when you don't replace the amount of water you lose.

And every time you have a cup of coffee, drink a soda, or drink alcohol, you add to that depletion. Join Now

So you see, even though you think you're getting plenty to drink when you consume those kinds of beverage, the substances inside them (like caffeine) act as diuretics.

Why do you think you have to go to the bathroom so much when you've had a lot of coffee, tea, or beer? The caffeine and alcohol literally drain the water right out of you.

And that's just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the ramifications of not getting enough water.

In this month's issue of the Natural Way to Health, you'll literally be flooded with sobering information like:

  • Four common ways water is literally sucked right out of your body like a thirsty

    sponge — want to bet you probably engage in a least one of them more than once a day?

  • Be careful what you drink — your choices could be turning your body into a dried up prune . . .
  • Discover the risky double-edged sword of taking diuretic drugs — a simple lifestyle change could make those drugs unnecessary forever . . .
  • Read Sally's success story and how she reversed a decade of diuretic drug dependency in three simple steps (now she feels better than ever before) . . .
  • Discover the one "no-brainer" step you must take to ward off brain-damaging diseases like Alzheimer's — don't do it and your brain will literally

    shrink away . . .

  • Prone to frequent headaches? Try Dr. Brownstein's No. 1 strategy for long-lasting relief . . .
  • Discover why your blood may be too thick for even a routine draw at the doctor's office — and the simple remedy to thin it out . . .
  • How the cheapest and most side-effect-free method ever for lowering your heart attack risk by an astounding 50% could be as close as your water spigot . . .
  • And so much more . . .

This is just a thimble's worth of valuable information Dr. Brownstein shares with you in his most recent health report concerning the current dehydration crisis running rampant through America today.

Trust me, this is the kind of health information that has the power to literally change your life. But I can't give it all away here — you'll just have to read the rest of the details in Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health newsletter — A Simple Way to Radically Improve Your Health.

But before I go on, I want to make sure you truly understand the immense value of this newsletter.

So I'd like to let you in on why Newsmax is considered . . .

The Place for Frontline Health Information

I'm not just blowing smoke when I say Newsmax delivers the most up-to-date and cutting-edge health information found just about anywhere else on the planet today.

No one comes close to the kind of forward thinking presented in Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health — a truly unique resource dedicated 100% to addressing those health issues currently affecting you and those you care about.

Every single issue comes to you bursting at the seams with the most advanced research on promising healing therapies, the best of safe conventional medical care, and so much more.

And it's all delivered right to your e-mail inbox — or your mailbox — every single month.

No matter what health-related questions you may have, Dr. Brownstein is there with practical strategies and frontline information to help you create the kind of health and well-being you deserve.

Finally, Reliable Health Information You Can Trust

I don't know about you, but trying to decipher all the conflicting health information floating out there in the world today sends my head spinning.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was just one place you could go — one place you could trust — to get all the most current (and reliable) health information available?

Well, as a valued subscriber to Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health monthly newsletter, that's just what you get — honest, reliable, and vital health information — in each and every issue. Join Now

You'll discover some of the newest natural health strategies available that could change your life and your health forever.

In each monthly issue of Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health, you'll receive:

Comprehensive Reports. Each month, Dr. Brownstein contributes one in-depth report focused on a vital and timely health topic (written in clear and practical language). You'll gain a clear overview of the most promising holistic and medical strategies available to help conditions such as:

  • Arthritis and inflammatory disorders
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Hormonal imbalances (in both men and women)
  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Breast and prostate cancer
  • And many more

New Health News. Dr. Brownstein addresses health topics reported in the news and clears up any puzzling discrepancies that no doubt leave you scratching your head in confusion. He shares his insights on whether what you've heard is the real truth.

Case Studies. Through years of treating literally thousands of patients, using the best of both the medical and alternative health worlds — Dr. Brownstein has collected mountains of case studies he's more than willing to share with you.

Each month, he'll present one or more of these actual cases for you to use in creating your own vibrant health — and perhaps even preventing you from making some of the mistakes these patients made before seeking his help (for many of them, this was their last stop before giving up).

Nutritional Strategies. Because of our dependency on fast food and eating for convenience rather than health, Dr. Brownstein feels it's critical you know the truth about what you're feeding your body.

You'll discover the little-known facts about simple things such as good fat vs. bad, grains and gluten, carbohydrates, and more. Dr. Brownstein shows you how simple it is to make healthy meals you and your family will love — even making your family's favorite foods better for them.

Questions & Answers. Find out the correct answers to the most commonly asked questions that impact your health.

OK, let's get down to the bottom line . . .

As much as I'd like to, you know I can't just give all this valuable health information away.

So, what's it going to cost?

How about . . .

Just 13 Cents a Day for Your Most Reliable and

Vital Health Information Available . . .

Yep, you can believe your eyes . . .

Listen, all of us here at Newsmax know how tight money is now — especially in these uncertain economic times. And honestly, any added stress certainly is not something you need right now.

But isn't now the best time to take extra care of your health?

That's why Newsmax wants you to have the highest-quality health information possible at the most reasonable price.

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With all that — and peace of mind, too — your investment for a one-year subscription is only $49. That's just 13 cents a day.

I can't think of anything you can buy for 13 cents anymore.

And for just pennies a day, your one-year subscription (12 issues) to Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health will bring you hundreds of natural healing tips, tricks, and strategies he's gathered over the many years of his practice.

I Want to Get a Handle on My Own Health

Needs — Send My Newsletter Today!

And just to make this offer even more attractive . . .

You'll Receive THREE Popular Books Absolutely FREE

(Valued at $60.00)

free books 

I told you Newsmax is the place to come for the best natural health information . . .

And with your one-year subscription, you'll receive THREE FREE BOOKS worth $60.00!

You'll get not only Dr. Brownstein's newsletter and current issue, A Simple Way to Radically Improve Your Health but also three of Dr. Brownstein's most popular books: Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet, and The Miracle of Natural Hormones (each one a $20 value).

In fact, we'll even pay the postage for you!

I'm not pulling your leg one bit . . .

You've already gotten a peek at some of the health topics you'll find in Dr. Brownstein's latest newsletter issue, A Simple Way to Radically Improve Your Health.

But like they say, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Just look at what else you'll read about in your three FREE books . . .


Drugs That Don't Work and

Natural Therapies That Do

In Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, you'll see why some of the most commonly prescribed drugs today may be harmful to your health . . . and why you should consider natural therapies in your treatment program for these six common obstacles to wellness:

  • Elevated cholesterol levels — Discover how you can lower your cholesterol

    naturally . . .

  • Osteoporosis or brittle bones — See how to maintain healthy bones without inflammation-causing drugs like Fosomax® and Boniva® . . .
  • Stomach problems such as heartburn, reflux, and ulcers — See why you should use antacids only as a last resort. (Plus, holistic steps you can take to treat common digestive complaints) . . .
  • Depression — Discover how to raise your serotonin levels through diet and amino acid supplementation, the natural antidepressant treatment . . .
  • Inflammation — Hear about numerous simple and natural alternatives you can use to relieve the pain, stiffness, and other symptoms of arthritis . . .
  • Imbalanced hormonal system — Find out how to balance your hormonal system safely to improve your well-being, slow your aging process, and even reverse many chronic conditions . . .


The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet

In The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet, Dr. Brownstein will show you why ingesting gluten from wheat, barley, rye, and other grains could be detrimental to your health.

In fact, one in six people suffers from a serious illness that has a safe, effective, and inexpensive remedy: avoiding gluten.

In this eye-opening book, you'll see:

  • How gluten sensitivity is not being diagnosed properly in nearly 97% of patients suffering from chronic illnesses . . .
  • Why gluten sensitivity may be responsible for such diseases as cancer, depression, obesity, ADD, autoimmune disorders, acid reflux, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, and many others . . .
  • What you can eat — and still be gluten-free . . .
  • How to determine whether you or a loved one might be sensitive to gluten . . .
  • Simple strategies to transition to a gluten-free lifestyle . . .
  • Gluten-free meal and snack ideas, tips, and recipes to get you started . . .
  • And much more . . .


The Miracle of Natural Hormones

In your third free book, The Miracle of Natural Hormones, Dr. Brownstein describes the natural hormones he uses in his own clinical practice — and shares over 50 case histories of the amazing medical successes he's witnessed in his own patients.

Look at the valuable health tidbits you'll find between the pages of The Miracle of Natural Hormones:

  • 10 chronic health conditions dramatically improved with natural hormone therapy — some even cured for good . . .
  • How your risk for pulmonary embolism skyrockets to more than 2,100% with these synthetic hormones . . .
  • The No. 1 reason conventional doctors don't prescribe natural hormones (it has nothing to do with your health at all) . . .
  • A deficiency of this one powerful hormone can short-circuit your whole endocrine system . . .
  • Two natural remedies for the relief of menopausal symptoms — you'll be surprised by how simple they are . . .
  • Who knew this natural male hormone could benefit women, too?
  • Plus much, much more . . .

All three of these easy-reading books (a $60.00 value) are yours FREE with your one-year subscription to Dr. David Brownstein's Natural Way to Health.

And one more thing I want to be clear about — this is a very limited time offer — and available only to those who order from this special letter, so claim yours today!

Yes, I Want My Three Free Books — Sign Me Up Now!

But along with all the savings and book bonuses, our Newsmax guarantee should help rid you of any second thoughts, because . . .

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Sit back, relax, and enjoy your brand-new Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health newsletter at your own pace. (Remember: You can have it delivered right to your home in print form or as a convenient digital download, your choice)

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This Is the Best Offer I've Seen in a Long

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Not many things in life these days are this simple.

You have absolutely nothing to lose by saying yes to your trial subscription to Dr. Brownstein's Natural Way to Health newsletter. In fact, when you come right down to it, you just might be making money on this deal!

So, join the thousands of other Newsmax subscribers on the inside track of quality health information. Sign on today.

Honestly, can you think of anything more important in life than your health — and the health of those you care most about?

Because without your health, what else do you have, really?

Just the fact you've read this far tells me you're serious about your health — and want to do whatever you can to live your best life possible.

So, go ahead. You have everything to gain by taking advantage of this limited-time offer.

My Health Means Everything to Me — Start My

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To Your Lasting Health,


Christopher Ruddy

Newsmax CEO

P.S. There's nothing more valuable than knowing the truth when it comes to your health. Make the decision right now to take charge of your health by claiming your report, A Simple Way to Radically Improve Your Health, full of critical, life-altering information you don't dare miss.

You'll also get your own free copies of Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do, The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet, and The Miracle of Natural Hormones ($60 value) with your one-year no-risk trial of Dr. Brownstein's new newsletter — a Newsmax exclusive. Don't wait — Subscribe today!