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JTS (Jeffrey T. Sooey) Life Coaching

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From: MD
To:  patrick bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:24 PM
Subject: Update


         Hello to my Friends and family,
                                                  I trust that your day is going well. I wanted to update you on what  is new in my life. I have signed up to learn the skills of being a life coach. I have joined the coaching program with JTS Advisors in San Diego. Many of you know how I love to help people and coach them in their lives. I've  done so in many various settings over the years, I now get to follow my dream and passion.
                                                   I am Asking for your help. Your help will be greatly appreciated. First, will you pray for me? I want to become a JTS advisor which will help me earn income,gain clients and continue to learn the skills of life coaching.This is an intense program and requires a lot of homework and study. Second, I am required to sign up people for a "free" coaching session. The coaching will be done by one of the JTS advisors and their expertise for any area of interest or need a person has. Again this session is FREE! Ask your family, friends or perhaps yourself would be interested. Let me know by email: or phone: 307-272-0081.If you have questions please feel free to contact me. Third, I need additional income to help me through these next few months.If you would be interested in helping me with finances I would deeply appreciate it. 
                                                   Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I really enjoy your friendship and love.
                                                      Many Blessings and love to you, MD