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On the Road to CODEX to Speak Truth to Power and More....

Rima E. Laibow, MD

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From: Natural Solutions Foundation
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 5:44 PM
Subject: On the Road to Codex to Speak Truth to Power and more...please open!


We're on the Road to Codex... Because of YOU!  Your generous response to our request for help gave us enough to send us back into the fray. We'll be doing a video report most every day and posting it on our Health Freedom Blog along with a written report of what's happening at Codex Alimentarius, the so-called "world food code."

Not only that, we'll also be twittering about the machinations of the bureaucrats, industry lobbyists and diplomats in real time. Just go to and "follow" us there. The "hashtag" to search these postings will be #codex.

The fact that Natural Solutions Foundation is at the Codex meeting  doesn't stop our Mouse Warriors from taking action today and every day because there is so much going on! Truly, we are in the midst of the most vicious, multi-fronted attack on our health and health freedom that we've ever seen.  We'll talk about some of the reasons for that, and some of the actors, a little further on in this Health Freedom Action eAlert, which includes links to important information we've posted for you to read and disseminate.  

Because the attacks are coming so hot and heavy, there are lots of Action Items that need your "Mouse Jabs" to keep "push back" growing! And once you jab, we need to keep the jab going by emailing, blogging, emailing, Twittering, Facebooking (is that a word? - you know what I mean!).

First, here is "Dr Rima Raps: No Pig in a Poke!

You cannot say you expected a Political RapTake it viral! 'Round the world in less than a snap!It's really up to you: make it heard, make it seen -

Let the world know we want SELF QUARANTINE!

eAlert Index

For New Media Leaders:

How to Become a "Follower" on Twitter

Twitter is a social network that allows any member to post short messages (140 characters) that can be seen by anyone who "follows" that member or the issue marked by "#", called a "hashtag".

To join, just go to and click on the "Get Started - Join" button. Once you've joined (it's free) you can then go to and and click on the "follow" button under the picture on the "Profile" page, or go to your own twitter home page and search for us from there. Remember, once you 've joined, you can always copy our "tweets" and forward them to your list of followers!
