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A Health Report Worth Reading

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From: F
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: A health report worth reading.
I have had a few illnesses over the past few years, ranging from pneumonia to a sty in my eye, to a serious head cold that emerged just yesterday.  Already, a strong head cold that would have lasted me at least a week, has already broken.  This is not the first time I have had rapid relief from a viral infection.  I got rapid relief from the use of colloidal silver for each of the listed conditions (2000 parts per million).  I encourage you to learn what big pharma is doing its' best to keep hidden, a cure to 99% of all viruses, bacteria and fungal infections.  I just had a friend try it for the herpes virus and she has gone over 2 months from her last breakout, when she ordinarily gets one every month like clockwork.

You don't think the pharmaceutical industry wants to keep the truth from you regarding colloidal silver?  Well, ask yourself, isn't it truth that at least 1 in 3 people get ill and die from complications relating to the major diseases like cancer, diabetes, pneumonia and aids?  Well, when was the last time you saw one of the Presidents die from these diseases? Their wives?  Children?  The Royal Families?  Senators?  These elites have betrayed us all to get included in the circle of people who have access to the real cures, so that the rest of us would be financially (and physically) bled to death over the bogus treatment scams.

This perpetuating of an industry is the same philosophy that makes the manufacturers of weapons of war push for wars to be fought, or did you believe that the USA was one of the only nations to constantly be at war over the past 100 years just for fun or by coincidence?  The creation of communists enemy nations really helped perpetuate that industry, now didn't it?  The fall of communism and the rise of terrorism kept it alive, now didn't it?  Wow, how coincidental and convenient that America always seems to have an enemy to fight.

Of course, lawyers engage in this practice as well by avoiding the easier and less expensive answers for their clients problems and creating unnecessary "make work" lawsuits.  Mechanics do it be charging for an engine overhaul instead of a tune up.  Doctors do it be performing unnecessary surgeries.  I could go on and on...

Colloidal Silver is a miracle of God, a treatment that destroys almost every dangerous pathogen, including the AIDS virus and many more "incurable" pathogens.  There are many companies that sell the product in various strengths, but here is one I found that is reliable and it works.  This company is out of Britain and if you are wondering, no, I am not making a commission off of the sales nor do I own a stake in the company. 

Massive deceit brings about a form of slavery.  Do not be a slave to mafia criminal elites anymore.  Knowledge is power and freedom. Use your minds and think outside the box, for reality is not what the elites are giving us, but a world hidden from our view for the sick profits and power of a few.