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Something Everyone Should KNow About, for Better Health

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-From: F
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:01 PM
Subject: :: Something everyone should know about, for better health.
Why is big pharma keeing this information out of the public's eye?  It is a simple answer.  Treatments for life are more profitabe than are cures.

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19/07/2008 GMT 1

Dr Budwig's cancer treatment concealed (Budwig is a Nobel Prize candidate)

drjota @ 04:02
(This is the first post on cancer, we will include one or two more)
By Luis Carlos Campos, 11th July 2008

(para ver el post original, clica aquí)

Dr Johanna Budwig, six-time Nobel candidate [data obtained via reliable sources -not public], observed in many cancer patients a lack of certain nutrients, and thereby ellaborated a very effective therapy, which is being hidden by the establishment. It is funny that I already cited several times Robinson's study (Oregon State University), who cured melanoma in rats by changing their diet (Aging & Development, 1992). Just as I also mentioned, without knowing Budwig, that cancer is a problem of pH or purity/alkalinity of blood and of cell oxygenation, and it turns out that the Budwig diet and her grounded linseed work with these principles. Funny indeed. Linseed/flaxseed is the little seed of the flax tree, which has many therapeutic uses, especially when used as oil.
Here's < A href="">a study that I've just seen, confirming what I say about pH and cancer, by Dr Harguindey, from the University of Navarra, confirming my thesis (Title transl: Cancer and its causes XVII. Cell alkalinity in the origin and progression of cancer).
There are thousands of alternative treatments created by official doctors, that are censored and hidden to the public, there are even alternative congresses by serious investigators, but pharmafia passes its corrupt road-roller over them.
Francisco Llinares, the naturist who has never taken medication in his life and has had no illness whatsoever tells us:
"The Budwig cream, made of first-cold-pressed flax oil and ricotta, is one of the 12 forms of curing cancer with natural medicine that I expose in my book. Emotional shock is the cause of 80% cancer cases -this theory is maintained by many cursed authors such as Hamer-, but some are due to pH and bad cell oxygenation. There is also a certain % which is simply erroneous diagnose”.
What Llinares says is very true: many diseases bear a connection with the state of our psyche, there are many scientific studies pointing to this, even on cancer (Drs. Barbara Betz & Caroline Thomas , 1981, John Hopkins Medical Journal) .
We should remind the reader that the creators of the AIDS macroswindle are precisely the cancer butcher doctors from NIH [during Nixon's 'war on cancer' there was lots of funding devoted to retroviruses as causes for cancer, Dr Gallo was among the parasites doing those studies]. That explains how these criminal hoaxes are maintained at all costs. To quote but a similar example we have the 'Global Warming' theory: billions and billions, sickening propaganda, and reality is that the Earth has been cooling since 1998 and 2007. With AIDS and cancer they do the same. They don't give a damn about truth or their patients' health.

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  1. muy buena traducción, una vez más jota crack. fántastico trabajo
    Dr. Matrix Portero from Torrelavega | 26-07-2008 - 18:22:22 GMT 1 #

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