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Three Day Liver Cleanse

William Schnoebelen, N.D., C.N.H.P., N.H., M.A.

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The liver cleans the kidneys and lungs,
Three day Liver Cleanse

Three Day Preparatory Cleansing Program

(Based on the teachings of Dr. John R. Christopher and Dr. Edward E. Shook)
Supreme cleanliness is the first step towards a healthy body. Any accumulation of toxins in the bowel, liver, kidney or pancreas will retard the progress towards recovery.
Remember, the natural eliminative channels for toxins are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys and the bowels. Problems or blockages in any of these areas will produce symptoms and even serious health challenges.
Perspiration is the sweat glands throwing off poisons which would be injurious to us if they remained in the body. The kidneys excrete the end products of food and metabolism from the liver. The bowels eliminate not only food waste, but also waste matter (body waste) in the form of used-up and dead cells and tissues, the result of our simply living day to day.
The retention of such waste has a much worse effect than is often imagined, and its elimination is the first step towards greater wellness. What follows is the most efficient method for doing this:
What you will need in brief:
2 quarts of organic prune juice
9 ounces of extra-virgin olive oil
3 gallons selected cleansing juice (organic apple, carrot, citrus or grape)
3 gallons of water, preferably distilled or at least reverse-osmosis purified
Cleansing Steps:
Step 1: Prune juice, 16 ounces or more upon first arising in the morning.
Step 2: Olive oil; one or two tablespoons, three times a day.
Step 3: Cleansing juice and water(preferably distilled); eight ounces of fluid every thirty minutes, alternating eight ounces of juice with eight ounces of distilled water.
Suggested Time Schedule:
7:30 a.m.- 16 oz. prune juice and 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil
8:00 a.m. - 8 oz. or more cleansing juice
8:30 a.m. - 8 oz. or more distilled water
9:00 a.m. - 8 oz. or more juice
9:30 a.m. - 8 oz. or more water
Continue alternating juice and water every half-hour until noon.
12:00 p.m. - 8 oz. or more juice and 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil
Continue alternating juice and water every half-hour until 5 p.m.
5:00 p.m. - 8 oz. or more juice and 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil
Continue alternating juice and water every half-hour until evening.
8:00 p.m. - 8 oz. of water once an hour till retiring.
Explanation and Detail:
The prune juice upon arising is not primarily to empty the bowels, which it will do, but rather to draw into the intestines from ever part of the body such toxic matter or waste and eliminate it through the bowels.
The olive oil is very soothing and it also will aid in lubricating the bile and liver ducts.
The reason for drinking the fluids is that the body would otherwise become dehydrated under this program. By drinking fruit juices, we naturally replace the toxic or acid material so removed. This will also make your system more alkaline, which will aid in healing.
There are various types of juice therapy. You could choose apple (probably the best), carrot, grape, citrus, tomato, etc., but you should use fresh juiced fruit (not bottled) and you should only use the one kind you pick for the three day period. You should also chew each mouthful carefully. Your choice of juice should be by individual preference and experimentation.
(To chew juice means to take a mouthful and slosh it around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds to a minute. This allows the digestive enzymes in your mouth to be released and also sends chemical messages to your stomach so it can begin preparing. This gives maximum absorption and nutrition. Remember, it does no good to swallow good things if your body cannot absorb the nutrients!)
It is recommended that you not eat anything all day throughout the three day cleanse. If you get hungry towards evening, you may take some celery. If you are using apple juice, you could have an apple or two. If you are using carrot juice, use carrots of celery.
One of the greatest purifiers known among fruits and herbs is the humble apple, with over 2,000 varieties. The noted herbalist Dr. Shook writes:
"There is no other remedial agent or herb in the whole range of known therapeutic agents that can compare with the apple tree, and although it would be difficult to say which of its many virtues is the greatest, we suggest that its abundance of nascent oxygen compound is probably the main reason why it is such a precious food, blood purifier, and unfailing remedy for so many forms of disease." - ADVANCED TREATISE ON HERBOLOGY, p. 307
Fresh apple juice is best, if obtainable. Otherwise, buy organic bottled apple juice which has no preservatives or additives; pure apple juice.
After beginning with 16 ounces of prune juice first thing in the morning, within a half-hour take an 8 ounce glass of undiluted apple juice and chew it so the saliva will mix with it. Juice should not be gulped! Then, when desired, drink a glass of purified (preferably distilled) water, as outlined above.
Breaking up the mucus during the juice cleanse generally causes some constipation through these days. To help with that, you can take the Lower Bowel Formula, two or more capsules three times a day. This is available elsewhere on our website. It contains: Cascara Sagrada bark, Barberry bark, Cayenne Pepper (40,000 H.U.), Ginger root, Lobelia herb, Red Raspberry leaf, Turkey Rhubarb root, Fennel seed, and Goldenseal root.
You repeat this process for three days. Thus, roughly three gallons of toxic lymph will have been eliminated from the body and will have been replaced with three gallons of pure juices. This results in the speeding up of the alkalinizing of the system.
The final part of the program, especially if you are working on your liver, is to take the herbal Liver and Gall Bladder formula, 2 capsules, three times a day. You can also find this elsewhere on our website. It consists of: Barberry bark, Wild Yam root, Cramp bark, Fennel seed, Ginger root, Catnip herb and Peppermint leaf.
On the fourth and subsequent days, you would begin taking vegetable juices and vegetables and fruits, preferably all raw. A sample menu might consist of:
Breakfast: fruit in season, sliced, chopped or grated with some honey for sweetening; and 1-2 tablespoons of finely chopped almonds sprinkled over them. In mid-morning, you could also have some fresh carrot juice if you are hungry.
Lunch: eat more fruit and one pint of fresh raw, vegetable juices 30 minutes before or after eating the fruit.
Dinner: More of the same but add some of the salads found in THE MILD FOOD COOKBOOK by Michael Tracy.
For the most part, we would recommend staying reasonably close to this diet. You should be primarily eating raw fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and whole grains. Many people have trouble digesting grains and may be advised to stay away from them. Ideally, you should be consuming 85% of your food raw and only eat meat, chicken or fish rarely. Then it should be grass-fed beef, free range fowl and wild caught fish. You should completely stay away from the “white plague” foods of white sugar, white bread and dairy products. Should you have questions on diet, feel free to contact us.
William Schnoebelen, N.D., C.N.H.P., N.H., M.A.


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