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Heart Failure Chances Drop with Fatty Fish on the Menu

Lee Swanson Research Update

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One portion of fatty fish per week may reduce a man’s risk of heart failure, according to new research from the U.S. and Sweden.

The benefits appear to be linked to the omega-3 content of the fish, report researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (IDMC) and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden in the European Heart Journal. The highest intake of marine omega-3 fatty acids linked to a reduction in the risk of heart failure of 33%. However, larger intakes did not appear to offer any additional benefit.

"Previous research has demonstrated that fatty fish and omega-3 fatty acids help to combat risk factors for a range of heart-related conditions, such as lowering triglycerides [fats in the blood] reducing blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate variability," said lead author Emily Levitan, PhD. "Collectively, this may explain the association with the reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and certain cancers, good development of a baby during pregnancy, joint health and improved behavior and mood.

The new study is said to be one of the largest studies to investigate the association between fatty fish and omega-3 intake, and heart failure: Almost 40,000 Swedish men between the ages of 45 and 79 were followed between 1998 and 2004.

Heart failure, which arises when the heart can no longer pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs, is the leading cause of hospitalization among the over-65s, and is characterized by such symptoms as fatigue and weakness, difficulty walking, rapid or irregular heartbeat, and persistent cough or wheezing.

According to Levitan and her co-workers, consuming one portion of fatty fish per week could offer benefits for men by reducing the risk of developing heart failure by 12%, compared with men who ate no fatty fish. The researchers are quick to note, however, that this association was not statistically significant.

The researchers analyzed data from 39,367 middle-aged and older Swedish men with no previous history of heart disease or diabetes. During the course of the study, 597 men developed heart failure and 34 men died.

In addition to the trend for a reduced risk of heart failure for men who ate one portion of fish per week, men who consumed approximately 0.36 grams per day of omega-3 fatty acids were 33% less likely to develop heart failure than the men who consumed little or no marine omega-3 fatty acids, added Levitan and her co-workers.

"Our study reinforces the current recommendations for moderate consumption of fatty fish," Levitan added. "Current guidelines from the American Heart Association recommend eating fatty fish twice a week. It will be important, going forward, to replicate these findings in other populations, particularly those including women, as our study looked at men only."

European Heart Journal Published online ahead of print.

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