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Chance of Stroke Rises with Less Magnesium in the Blood

Lee Swanson Research Update

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Researchers at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health have found that low blood levels of magnesium may increase the risk of stroke by 25%.

According to findings published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, increasing levels of the mineral could decrease the risk of ischemic stroke, with the effects related to magnesium’s benefits on blood pressure and for diabetics.

The new study supports the potential of magnesium to reduce the risk of stroke possibly via an anti-hypertensive mechanism, suggest the researchers, led by Aaron Folsom from the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health.

Dietary sources of magnesium include green, leafy vegetables, meats, starches, grains and nuts, and milk. Earlier dietary surveys show that a large portion of adults does not meet the RDA for magnesium (320 mg per day for women and 420 mg per day for men).

Over 14,000 men and women between 45 and 64 years old took part in the study, and during the course of 15 years of follow-up the researchers documented 577 cases of ischemic stroke. The incidence of stroke was highest amongst diabetics and people with hypertension, added the researchers.

Blood levels of magnesium were negatively associated with the risk of stroke, they said, with levels of 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 mEq/L linked to a 22, 30 and 25% reduction in stroke, respectively, compared to 1.5 mEq/L. After the results were adjusted for hypertension and diabetes, the researchers found that the links became non-significant.

"Dietary magnesium intake was marginally inversely associated with the incidence of ischemic stroke," wrote Folsom and his co-workers. "Low serum magnesium levels could be associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke, in part, via effects on hypertension and diabetes," they concluded.

American Journal of Epidemiology Published online ahead of print.

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