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Natto Enzyme Appears to Boost Heart Health in At-Risk People

Lee Swanson Research Update

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Nattokinase, an enzyme extracted from fermented soy, may reduce levels of compounds linked to blood clotting, and cut the risk of heart disease in people at-risk of the disease.

In a study conducted in Taiwan, the enzyme was found to be able to reduce levels of blood clotting (coagulation) factors such as fibrinogen, factor VII and factor VIII in 45 men and women. The study was published in the journal Nutrition Research.

"These results, namely the observed reduction of the coagulation factors of fibrinogen, factor VII and factor VIII, suggest that nattokinase administration can be considered as a CVD (cardiovascular disease) nutraceutical," wrote the authors, led by Chien-Hsun Hsia from Changhua Christian Hospital. "To our knowledge, this study is the first clinical trial reported in the literature to investigate the effects of nattokinase on the CVD-associated coagulation factors."

Hsia and his co-workers recruited 45 people and divided them into three groups depending on their health profile: healthy volunteers, patients with cardiovascular risk factors and dialysis patients. The open-label, self-controlled clinical trial involved the participants taking a daily dose of 800 mg of nattokinase for two months.

After two months of supplementation, the researchers noted that levels of fibrinogen, factor VII and factor VIII had fallen by 9, 14 and 17%, respectively, in the healthy individuals; by 7, 13 and 19%, respectively, in the CVD risk group and 10, 7, and 19%, respectively, in the dialysis patients. No changes in blood lipid levels were observed, the researchers added. Importantly, no adverse effects were noted.

"Elevated plasma fibrinogen levels are known to be independently associated with CVD," wrote Hsia and his co-workers. "According to the present results, nattokinase supplementation can ameliorate blood viscosity and may reduce the incidence of CVD. In addition, both factors VII and VIII have been reported to have cross-sectional association with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and, prospectively, with coronary heart disease, stroke, ischemic heart disease and diabetes mellitus. The potent effects of nattokinase on lowering blood levels of factor VII and factor VIII may imply that it can be considered as a nutraceutical for several types of CVD."

The researchers said that the results should be interpreted cautiously since the study was self-controlled and open-label. "Because of the study design, further investigation following a randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled design are needed for validation of the results," they concluded.

Nutrition Research 29(3):190-196, 2009

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