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Natto Enzyme May Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Lee Swanson Research Update

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Nattokinase, an enzyme extracted from fermented soy, may prevent the build up of certain plaques in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s disease. The enzyme was found to be able to degrade amyloid fibrils that contribute to the formation of amyloid plaques that characterize Alzheimer’s disease, according to results of a lab study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

"The discovery of an enzyme which can be safely taken orally and can degrade amyloid fibrils could be very useful in the therapy of amyloid-related diseases," wrote the researchers from Taiwan’s Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Simica, and the National Taiwan University.

The build-up of plaque from beta-amyloid deposits is associated with an increase in brain cell damage and death from oxidative stress. This is related to a loss of cognitive function and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

To fill the knowledge gaps in nattokinase-amyloid plaque science, Ruei-Lin Hsu and co-workers explored if the enzyme possessed any action against three types of fibrils: A-beta-40 fibrils, linked to Alzheimer’s; insulin fibrils, linked to diabetic complications and prion peptide fibrils, responsible for prion diseases. The researchers reported that nattokinase was able to degrade all three different amyloid fibrils.

Being one of the first studies to look at the role of natto-derived enzyme and amyloid plaques, more research is needed. The researchers called for animal studies to explore the "therapeutic potential of nattokinase."

"Since natto has been ingested by humans for a long time, it would be worthwhile to carry out an epidemiological study on the rate of occurrence of various amyloid-related diseases in a population regularly consuming natto," they concluded.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57(2):503-508, 2009

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