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 ----- Original Message -----
From: JB
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 1:48 AM
Subject: THANK YOU!

Dear Anne and Patrick Bellringer,


Thank you for holding your Internet site online and update and keeping the Journals available for the public.


I am happy being allowed to give you regulary some kind of support.


The following information should be interesting to the reader in the section “most recent stories”. It is from German language translated to English and 9 other languages.


In Love and Light





German New Medicine Forlag


Protocol about the conference at the bureau of lawyer Erik Bryn Tvedt on 17.12.2008

With following participant:

Ms. Erika Pilhar

Ms. Olivia Pilhar

Mr. Ing. Helmut Pilhar

Ms. Vera Rechenberg

Ms. Arina Lohse

Chief Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz

Ms. Bona Garcia Ortin

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

The conference participants gather in great concern from the point of view, that every day further 1500 people in Germany alone will be poisen to death with chemotherapy abuse and morphine. With the help of the German New Medicine® almost all relevant patients could survive.

This condition, by which until now more than 20 million Non-Jewish patients died, only in Germany, is the topic of this conference.

The conference participants have asserted that:

1. For 27 years the German New Medicine® has been discovered and known. And at around this time because of an article of the World Chief Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson in the Talmud, all rabbis in the world are committed to ensuring that all patients Jewish faith will be treated with this in the past called “New Medicine” and now “German New Medicine®“.

This therapy has a survival rate of 98 %.

2. The worst was, what also Chef Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz confirmed, that under the same article in the Talmud all patients Non-Jewish faith should be made a therapy after the German New Medicine® impossible. Almost inconceivable is, according to confirmation by Chief Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz, that not only all rabbis had known that the German New Medicine® is correct and have ensured that no Jewish patient could be mistreated with Chemo and Morphium, but also all Jewish professors and especially oncologists, the great majority, deliberately apply double treatments and mistreatments.

3. Also, as Chief Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz confirms, is the boycott of the German New Medicine® not a matter of ignorance, error or the lack of information, but a systematical planned world-wide genocide.

4. Faced with this monstrous crime, which about approximately 2 billion people have fallen victim to in the past 27 years, the conference participants find it for urgently needed to announce and point this crime in human history out to the world public. Even among the Jews there are groups, such as the “WORLD UNION FOR PROGRESSIVE JUDAISM”, to which Chief Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz belongs, who don’t want to identify themselves with this crime.

For this reason we call on all honest people to ensure that this crime will be stopped, and even all Non-Jewish patients come into the benefit of the German New Medicine® treatment.

With Chief Rabbi Dr. Esra Iwan Götz, we call on all rabbis and in the medical field the oncologists in particular to “Stop this crime and this global genocide of the Non-Jewish patients”.

Dated at Sandefjord 17.12.2008

Signatures of all participant

Lawyer Erik Bryn Tvedt attests the accuracy of the conference protocol including signature in his office.

Lawyer Erik Bryn Tvedt