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Lignans Are Linked to Healthier, Thinner Women

Lee Swanson Research Update

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Women with increased intake of lignans, and subsequently levels of metabolites in the blood, tend to have lower body mass index (BMI) and body fat mass, says a new study from Canada.

A study of 115 post-menopausal women showed that those with the highest blood levels of enterolactone, a lignan metabolite, had a BMI of 4 kg/m2 less than women with the lowest average blood levels, according to results published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

Moreover, the highest blood levels of enterolactone were also associated with 8.5 kg less body fat, compared to women with the lowest levels, report researchers from Laval University in Quebec.

Plant lignans, from sources such as flaxseed, whole grain cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits, are metabolized in the colon by microflora into enterodiol and enterolactone. Previous research has focused on plant lignans as reducing the risk of prostate cancer, and in improving menopause health.

The main lignan from flaxseed is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), which is metabolized to give enterodiol and enterolactone. These two metabolites are then absorbed from the gut and transported to the liver where they undergo further reactions before entering circulation.

The researchers, led by Andre Tchernof, evaluated the intake of lignans using a three-day dietary record. The 115 women (average age of 56.8) also had blood taken to evaluate blood levels of enterolactone.

High intake of lignans was associated with lower body fat mass and BMI, compared to women with the lowest average intakes. Moreover, women with the highest average blood levels of enterolactone had improved glucose disposal rates (8.3 versus 5.5) and significantly lower blood glucose levels, compared to women with the lowest average blood levels.

"In conclusion, women with the highest enterolactone concentrations had a better metabolic profile including higher insulin sensitivity and lower adiposity measures," wrote the researchers.

British Journal of Nutrition Published online ahead of print.

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