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Lee Swanson Research Update

Lee Swanson, President Swanson Vitamins

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Dear Friends and Valued Customers,

There’s been a lot of talk recently about an "obesity epidemic" in America. Everywhere you go you see multitudes of people who are apparently struggling with weight-control issues.

If you are overweight, you are not alone. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), "Sixty percent of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese." Being overweight can be hazardous to your health. The NIH continues: "Achieving a healthy weight can help you control your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. It might also help you prevent weight-related diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some cancers."

"To maintain your weight," the NIH says, "the calories you eat must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat. A weight-control strategy may include: choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods; eating smaller portions; drinking water instead of sugary drinks and being physically active."

Well, now you might want to add drinking green tea to your weight-loss regimen. Researchers in the U.S. and Japan have found that antioxidant compounds in green tea can help spur exercise-induced abdominal fat loss. Check out the details of this exciting study in my report below.

In other news, researchers reporting in the Archives of Neurology have found that vitamin D deficiency may play a role in Parkinson’s disease. At the least, the study they conducted shows that people with Parkinson’s are more likely to have a vitamin D deficiency. Read on to find out more.

Turning to an area of great concern to many of us, our children, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that daily multivitamin/mineral supplementation may help boost the brain function of children. Check out report number three today.

As always, I wish you the very best of health.

Lee Swanson

Lee Swanson

To contact us, call 1-800-824-4491

Swanson Health Products • 4075 40th Ave SW • Fargo, ND 58104


Study links green tea catechins to weight loss

Antioxidant compounds in green tea could help promote exercise-induced abdominal fat loss, according to a new study from the American Society of Nutrition.

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Many Parkinson’s patients have low vitamin D levels

People with Parkinson’s disease are more likely to be vitamin D deficient than healthy adults of the same age or patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Multivitamins and minerals help children’s brain function

Daily supplements of multivitamins and minerals may improve the brain function of children, says a new study from British and Australian researchers.

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