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Huge Victory for Health Freedom in the Making!

Rima E. Laibow, MD

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Mouse Warriors On the March:

Our Actions Are Bearing Fruit! influences Health Freedom Moves from Unofficial Site to Obama's Official Site!

We are deeply grateful for the extraordinary response you made to our urgent appeal day before yesterday, when it appeared that Health Freedom was being intentionally pushed off the "Top Ten" on

You responded so powerfully that instead of falling below 9th Place, we rose up, all the way to 4th Place! Thank you! Now we are within just a few votes of overtaking #3.

Your actions have created enough pressure at the unofficial site, to bring Health Freedom to 4th place!

But Wait! There's More!

With that upsurge in public support, the OFFICIAL Obama site,, ( has listed Health Freedom as an idea for you to vote on there, too.

The top ranking ideas there will be compiled into a "Citizens Briefing Book" and presented to Obama.

You did it!  You got us into the second round of voting in the unofficial poll in just over 24 hours and then, even before Inauguration Day, you got us onto the official Obama site.

You ARE good at this!  So good, in fact, that now we get to vote on the official Obama site even before the inauguration.  Voting at ends 5 PM Eastern on January 15, 2009 - that's tomorrow - and right now we are just 7 votes shy of 3rd Place!  It's still important to cast your vote there AND move on to

Click here ( for instructions or here to go directly to to vote if you have already voted on (

Folks, this is about public pressure.  We know exactly how bought-and-sold public policy is.  But we also know that in this arena there are two forces: money (them) and voice (us).  They have the money, we have the voices.  We are using our resources magnificently here.  Let's keep going.

If you haven't voted at,  please do so NOW... if you have any email addresses that haven't been voted, please VOTE NOW! Please tell anyone you know to vote! Then take just a moment longer and vote at, (

Step 3: Viralize!

Now send this information to your entire email letting them know that they have helped to move Health Freedom up a notch in public perception and we are moving forward strongly together.  Ask them to visit so they can sign up for free, secure Health Freedom Action eAlerts, too.  And thanks!

Mouse Warrior 101


Is this important?  You bet. 

Did we succeed in getting onto the official screen even before we thought we would be there? You bet. 

Do we need to go viral again? You bet. 

Is this the last time we need to do this? No way!

This IS what being a Mouse Warrior is about: Using the power of the internet to make our voices ring with the resonance of freedom.

 Is the other side finished?  No Way!

We will send out a special blast shortly to

  • Protest the intent EPA to ban nano silver
  • Tell the FTC that they cannot convict churches (in their own extra-legal Courts!) of carrying out their sacrements by selling nutrients!

Today, we are "viralizing" Health Freedom because we are the strongest netroots in the world. I fully expect that the other side will use the "Vote Down" capacity of the site to push the idea down.  We need all the "Vote Up" clicks we can get because of this tactic.

The other side weaponizes viruses.  We viralize truth as a weapon.  We'll win.  Truth is stronger than lies

We need votes today.

More Information:

All votes to must be in by 5 PM EST January 15th.  There is no deadline on but a huge surge before the inauguration would be very good.

Rima Laibow

Health Freedom IS our First Freedom!

That's today's word, the first word, the last word!

Oh, yes, the very last word: resources.  Please make your tax deductible donation ( to the Natural Solutions Foundation to keep Health Freedom Free.  The Natural Solutions Foundation depends on you so that you can depend on us to be there for you.  Recurring donations, large or small, are especially helpful!

Get it while you still can! Here's my favorite source of nano

Go to Products and then to Silver Solutions (bottom of left side menu).

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation


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