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Cancer Cure: Dr. LorraineDay 3 Part Interview

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The Conscious Media Network


Interviewed by Regina Meredith


Produced by Regina and Scott Meredith

When we are facing the statistics that 1 in 3 of every US citizen will develop cancer of some sort, you may want to turn to Dr. Lorraine Day for education, guidance and practical wisdom. At 69 years young on the day we interviewed her, Dr. Day is a living testament to creating health and healing through natural means.

Lorraine trained as an orthopedic surgeon and was head of the department in San Francisco General. She has investigated the source of the AIDS virus and has challenged conventional wisdom, her colleagues and the medical establishment. A strong and determined woman, Lorraine tells it like it is, so if you have someone in your family that has a medical condition and you don't trust what you hear, you may want to pay very close attention to this interview.

In the second part of our interview with Dr. Lorraine Day, she continues to stir the pot and reveals information that you are likely never to have heard before, concerning cancer, AIDS, bird flu, sudden infant death syndrome, vaccines and the link between abortion and breast cancer.

Lorraine trained as an orthopedic surgeon and was head of the department in San Francisco General. She has investigated the source of the AIDS virus and has challenged conventional wisdom, her colleagues and the medical establishment. A strong and determined woman, Lorraine tells it like it is, so if you have someone in your family that has a medical condition and you don't trust what you hear, you may want to pay very close attention to this interview and her previous interview here on the site.

In our third interview with Dr. Lorraine Day, we revisit her to get up to date on the current health trends and things to avoid. We also discuss the plan that has been in place to create a North American Community, something that has been disputed by most people yet remains in plain site at the CFR website (see below link). The information in this interview is designed to inform you rather than scare you - the initial impact may speed up your heart rate or challenge you but this is important information to know about and Lorraine is a straight talker. Remember that she is a trained surgeon and to her, understanding the body and medicine is second nature. She is also married to a retired Congressman and her understanding of the political agenda comes from credible sources.

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Regina & Scott Meredith

Executive Producers


To have the largest and most respected multi-media library of imperative and inspiring information serving the global conscious community.


To educate the global community with crucial information that will develop empowered and responsible individuals.


We are a husband and wife team who decided to bring 'imperative' information to the world by interviewing authors, scientists, doctors and metaphysicians who have experience with a large array of subjects. We wanted to investigate phenomena, shine light into the darkest corners of society, research the mysterious aspects of our existence and bring forth the brightest methodologies for personal development and sustainability.

We started Conscious Media Network with our personal savings and have offered it freely to anyone seeking this type of information since April 2005. We were helped by donations from viewers but since January 2008 started a subscription model to support the ongoing availability of the information. This is a project driven by purpose. We believe it should never have been required at all, if the media was telling us what we needed to know with integrity.

Because there was a growing disparity between what we were seeing, hearing and feeling with what was being pumped out by the international media machine, we decided to research the kind of information that would never be seen on TV and wasn't getting out into the mainstream press, because it didn't support the commercial interests of the powerful elite and was keeping the masses safely ignorant and distracted.

We are not about revolution; we are about evolution, the pursuit of personal development and the application of individual responsibility within our global community.


Regina has spent over 30 years in the mainstream media, as an NBC sports broadcaster with Bryant Gumbel, a local news anchor, an environmental documentary film maker and host of a national PBS vegetarian cooking show. Regina realized that the public would never get the full truth about the information they really need to know and knows first hand how the information is censored, edited and disfigured so it complies with some sort of grand plan. She is a tireless and dedicated researcher and reads the books of each person she interviews, digging as deeply as possible into the information and potential implications to bring understanding and enlightenment wherever possible.

Scott is British and has a marketing and financial background and was the founder of one of the first video internet portals in 1999, called He is responsible for the production of the web site, the video and radio interviews and providing technical support. We do everything on this site between three people. There are no secretaries, assistants, marketing whiz kids, chief overlords barking orders or bespectacled bean counters checking our financial performance. We do this for the greater good, wherever possible, and hope that you take what we are offering in the spirit in which it is intended.

We don't know everything, we don't pretend to understand everything, but we certainly want you to take an active part in watching, listening, reading and making up your own mind about the information you find here. You can take this at your own pace in the safety of your own home by watching the video interviews and listening to the radio shows. You can take them with you by subscribing to the podcast and sharing the information with friends and family. It may not always be comfortable, especially if what you hear makes you realize there is a need to change, and some of you may find the material challenging to your beliefs and somewhat disturbing. In some instances, this information could literally save your life.

There are many fascinating people here who have given their time freely to you, without payment or prior coaching from us - this is who they are, up close and personal and without censorship. This is their work and nearly all of them have put hundreds of hours into their respective subjects, sometimes at a very high personal cost. Whatever your interest, we hope there will be material here that you'll find inspiring and empowering; and some that will cause you to 'question everything'.

P.S. Let's get to the truth for a moment here. You know that we can only continue to make this happen each month with your direct support and encouragement. There are some people who think that because this is "spiritual" or educational, it should be free. Well it is a nice thought, but we ask that you look in the mirror and ask yourself whether what you do is valuable and helpful to people. Now ask yourself if you would do it for free for the rest of your life. And I mean absolutely no income whilst feeding yourself, keeping your house paid for and living a reasonable life. If you aren't prepared to do that yourself, you have no reason to expect it from us, no matter how spiritual the content. You know that what we do takes time and money and we cannot sustain this without some sort of income. So, compare what you spend on other things and see if they are as truly valuable as the information you receive from this site. If you are not prepared to become a subscriber, just make the occasional donation, whenever you feel like it, through the donation button.

If you honestly can't afford a donation, just send us your words of encouragement (see above contact information). We would like to hear from you and know where you are watching from.

