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WANTED: Your DOCTOR! For Using Natural Medicine

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From: Dr. Jonathan V. Wright
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2008 9:37 AM
Subject: Please help


Your doctor!

for using natural medicine

And the one who really suffers is...YOU

Now is your ONE chance to say "No!" to injustice and "Yes!" to natural, effective cures!... In the following four minutes, you'll learn how smart, talented natural healers everywhere are becoming an endangered species... and what YOU can do right now to save natural medicine - for yourself and your family

Dear Friend,

Benjamin Franklin once said:

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny." 

Well, my friend, right now, we are only moments away from that becoming reality. Because outside my house, your house, and everywhere here on our American soil...a battle rages on.

Every day, honest natural health doctors everywhere are being forced out of practice. So it's getting harder and harder for you and your family to receive natural healthcare. Soon, you'll have only the pills Big Pharma and the American Medical Association (AMA) want you to have. Sound far-fetched? Well, it's happening RIGHT NOW!

I'll tell you about my own struggle in a minute (yes, they're after me, too!), but let me share just a few examples of just how OUTRAGEOUS things are becoming out there ...

Last year, a patient walked into Dr. Geoff Ames' office, looking for a way to treat his food allergy. Dr. Ames had two suggestions: Avoid eggs...or try EAV - a form of electric acupuncture that, when supplemented with the right vitamins and minerals, can help balance energies within the body.

Well, the patient didn't like either of the suggestions so he complained to the Washington State "Quality" Assurance Commission (WSQAC), who suspended his license for 5 years - simply for recommending a totally safe and effective alternative.

And that's just the tip of this iceberg. Dr. B.C. Rothstein, D.O., was renowned for healing almost any problem you had - from a paralyzing back spasm to a sinus infection and spending up to 90 minutes with you until your problem was solved.

So what did the State of Maryland Board of Physicians (MBP) decide to do? Honor him with an award? Nope. They revoked his license for practicing "sub standard" medicine even though he hadn't harmed anyone or acted irresponsibly.

Even yours truly isn't immune to these attacks. In June, a Medical Quality Assurance Commission investigator sent me a complaint regarding information posted on my web site. The letter stated concerns about discussions of several natural health procedures, including chelation therapy. That means I'm being persecuted for discussing natural health alternatives online - even though no one has ever complained about any of the procedures! It gets even worse.

In May of 2005, 15-year-old Abraham Cherrix was diagnosed with Hodgkins disease - a rare form of lymphoma. After one full session of crippling chemotherapy that did nothing to the cancer, he decided to pursue alternative treatments through a Mexico clinic that promised little to no side effects. End of story, right?

Wrong. The Virginia State Juvenile Court stepped in and ordered Abraham to continue with the chemotherapy. Even worse - the state threatened to remove Abraham from the custody of his family unless they succumbed.

After lengthy court appeals, Abraham was allowed to pursue his treatment of choice - but only if he submits to conventional radiation therapy.

It was nearly the exact same scenario for 12-year-old Katie Wernicke of Texas. She and her parents didn't agree with the chemo. What's the response? Pull Katie out of her parents' home and into state custody. Even more baffling... Katie's healthy brothers were taken away from their parents, too. Apparently, using any natural medicine makes you an unfit parent in Texas.

Every day, doctors all over are being targeted, families torn apart...

Let's take our health back into our own hands - for good!

Shouldn't we be able to get care from sources we trust? Shouldn't we be allowed to make our own decisions - about our own bodies?

But what can you do? You've taken an important step already. By reading Nutrition & Healing, you're staying informed of the latest advances in natural medicine - and the government threats to them.

Now, I'm asking you to show your support today for my ongoing medical research and my continuing fight against these injustices by renewing your subscription to my monthly newsletter, Nutrition & Healing today. When you do, we'll add your name to my petition demanding that your state officials protect your right to choose natural healthcare - and stop bullying doctors who provide it.

We can't afford to lose this battle, dear reader. If we don't act now - and I mean today - then there's no guarantee that we can stop this injustice.

Renew your subscription today.

Yours in the fight for good health,

Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.

P.S. Your healthcare choices are too important to leave in the hands of the bureaucrats! Renew your subscription immediately and when you do, we will add your name to my petition and we'll take care of sending it to your state governor and to your representatives on Capitol Hill. There's no time to wait!