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The TRUTH is Our Defense

Rima E. Laibow, MD

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Confused About the Natural Solutions Foundation?

That's Exactly What the Other Side Wants!

There is only one defense for libel or slander: the truth. Since the recent

Internet attacks against us contain no truth, they are, by definition, both

libel and slander. Why are they happening? It is really quite simple: Your

ill health is big business (the biggest) and the other side has all the money

it needs to buy disinformation and disinformation agents. So there are agents

provocateur, people who stir up division and trouble on demand, out there

trying to attack the Natural Solutions Foundation. We are the largest and far

and away the most successful health freedom organization in the world.

And then there are what Lenin called "useful idiots", people who unwittingly

do the work of the tyrannizers. Sadly, health freedom has both in abundance.

Note: A negative can not be proven (I am NOT this, I have NOT done that), but

such accusations are made about us not because they are true, but because they

can be made to SOUND true, made to appear plausible through the Big Lie

techniques of disinformation.

We get attacked all the time, notably when we are RIGHT on target. This go

around is no exception.

If you haven't encountered the latest attacks, good. Ignore this. If you

have encountered them, ignore the attacks. Here's why:

Fact from Rima E. Laibow, MD: I am not now and have never been associated with

the CIA, Big Pharma, the US Government except as a tax payer and a citizen,

the New World Order or any of its faces, or any other force trying to control

you or me. I act as I see fit and say what I believe to be true based on the

best of my information and knowledge. Period. Natural Solutions Foundation is

so effective in our opposition to the Powers That Be that a serious attempt

was apparently made on my life a year ago. We have been met with guns at the

Codex meeting to keep us under guard and away from the other attendees and

delegates. We have been threatened by representatives of the industries and

agencies whose agendas we oppose. We have been attacked directly by the

Chairman of Codex from the Podium during a Codex meeting and Dr. Barbara

Schneeman, the US Codex Representative at a recent Codex meeting actually told

members of our pro-health nations' delegates to stay away from us since we

"got things wrong" and that they, the developing world, should come to HER,

instead, for answers to their questions and concerns! The members of the

developing nations' delegations came running to me roaring with laughter after

these conversations! I would say that we are pretty clearly UNcontrolled

opposition, and pretty good at it, too!

Fact from General Stubblebine: I am the Foundation's President. I retired

from Active Duty in 1984. Before that, my operational commander was the

Deputy Director of the CIA and I held all clearances of which I was aware

although I now know that there were others that I did not hold. I continued

to work as a Defense Contractor until 1992 or so and retired from that

business. At that time, I allowed ALL my security clearances to lapse and

have no more access to classified, sensitive or other restricted data than you

do. Dr. Rima has no clearances of any kind and has neither applied for any

nor been given any.

Fact from the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation: We do not

individually or as an organization care if Keven Miller makes one or a

thousand films of any length. The film was commissioned to provide the center

of a public relations storm starting 6 weeks before the Codex meeting later

that year. That would have meant a release date of April 15, 2005. We were

compelled to sue him for failure to meet his contractual obligations because

the mother who mortgaged her house in order to pay for the film which the

Foundation commissioned opposing the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline, slated for

ratification on July 4, 2005 requested a refund when the film was not

forthcoming as promised on April 15, 2005. Miller did not produce the film in

a timely fashion, releasing it on June 29, 2005, far too late to accomplish

its public relations goal and did not make the film for which he had been

contracted. We requested the donor's money back. After a legal proceeding,

Miller agreed to a settlement in which he paid back the money under terms

which the settlement prevents either Miller or our side from disclosing.

Miller defaulted on those payments but the family chose not to pursue him at

this time since they felt it was throwing good money after bad.

Fact from the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation: The Natural

Solutions Foundation accept NO corporate sponsorship. One hundred percent of

its funding comes either from the money that General Stubblebine and Dr. Rima

put into it (our life savings and the proceeds from the sale of our lovely

home in Westchester, NY in 2007) or what private donors donate. We work for

free, take no salary, compensation, or other benefit from the Foundation and,

instead, pay for any expense shortfall with our dwindling resources. Council

Ralph Fucetola, JD devotes at least half time every month on the same basis.

Our other staff are similarly all volunteer. Where is the profit? Where is

the misuse of funds? Every penny goes into the work of the Foundation. We

provide the overhead, the office, the ink, the internet, the paper, the time

and the skill to run it. There are no salaries to drain the impact of your

donations. None.

Fact from General Stubblebine: I am NOT the illusory violent, abusive,

alcoholic, "CIA Agent" father of a multiply hospitalized paranoid

schizophrenic "activist" whose charges hit the Internet and then reverberate

to his glee and our undeserved discredit, despite the bizarre letters we, and

others have received to that effect. Nor have I ever stared a goat (or

anything else) to death, nor has he tried to do so. I did, while on active

duty, learn about the purported human capacity to do so and brought the idea

that it might be possible to Fort Bragg, home of the Special Forces, with

which I have no connection. I never heard what happened to the technology


Facts from General Stubblebine and Rima E. Laibow, MD:

General Stubblebine: I have never had any connection, part in, knowledge

about, or dealings with the Mind Control program. I believed, until he met

Dr. Rima in 1991, that the program had been stopped following the demand of

Congress that MK Ultra and other Mind Control programs cease immediately.

Anyone making these assertions has no idea how compartmentalization and

clearances work: the need to know determines what you know. I was in

Strategic Intelligence and had no need to know, so I was never "read into" any

Mind Control Program.

Fact from Rima E. Laibow, MD: I knew that the Mind Control programs had continued because as a

psychiatrist and social activist I had been introduced to a number of people

who claimed the same events/conditioning/torture had happened to each of them.

The similarity attracted my attention and I learned a great deal about the

Mind Control programs. In fact, long before I met General Stubblebine, a

Congressional Staffer friend brought data and people to me to evaluate whether

these people had, in fact, been subjected to Mind Control techniques and asked

me if I thought the subject was worth another round of Congressional Hearings.

I was able, through this documentation, to convince the highly skeptical

General Stubblebine in 1991-2 that this program had continued after Congress

ordered it disbanded.

Fact from Rima E. Laibow, MD : I have never administered, supervised or been

associated with electroshock or electroconvulsive (ECT) therapy in any form.

I turned down a fine position with a major University hospital because I would

have been forced to either administer or supervise ECT and I am unwilling to

do that for any reason. I have spent my entire career in psychiatry and

medicine using non-drug treatments rather than drug ones. For example, when I

was asked to take over an in patient psychiatric ward for children and

adolescents in Connecticut, I took every child and teen ager in the ward off

drugs. The administration of the hospital and the insurance companies

protested vigorously, but the children got better and the horrific behaviors

and side effects (read, "brain damage" caused by the drugs) diminished


Fact from General Stubblebine and Rima E. Laibow, MD: It makes no difference

whether General Stubblebine and I were lovers before his divorce! (DUH!) The

assertions of an angry spouse during divorce proceeding in 1994 are neither

accurate nor relevant. I would say our detractors are scraping all the way

through the bottom of the barrel and into the dirt below if this is what they

need to uses to damage us. Shame!

Fact from the Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation : We are not using

high pressure tactics to separate people from their money, IRAs or 401s. The

government of the United States is about to do just that and we have a

legitimate and helpful humanitarian project in Panama which can accept these

funds. The Valley of the Moon Eco(TM) Demonstration Community project, part

of our International Decade of Nutrition, is a sustainable farm, farm school,

natural medical center, etc., offers people many reasons to become a part of

it. Those who are interested can learn more and decide whether or not it is

for them. Others can ignore it.

Fact from Council Ralph Fucetola, JD: I was asked by one of the attackers to

advise her in the medical board hearings which ultimately cost her medical

license in the same state in which Dr. Rima is licensed. Despite claims to

the contrary, I did not know her when she lost custody of her child. Nor did

I "abandon" her during the hearings. Once she was advised that to regain

her license she would have to seek psychiatric help she did not, to our

knowledge, retain me or another attorney to assist her and remains de-licensed

to this day.

The truth is that these detractors, whatever their mental status and their

motivation, would add much, much more to the battle for health freedom by

actually accomplishing something rather than attacking those who are

accomplishing it! If they can behave like adults, they are welcome to join

us. We have NEVER attacked anyone and will not. We will, however, take

whatever steps we need to in order to protect health freedom and our

well-deserved reputations, as we did when we sued Miller to get back the

donor's money. These false statements and innuendos must cease and desist.

Had enough of this? Good. let's move on. You can join with us by going to and joining our Health Freedom Action eAlert mailing


If you really want more details about these detractors, just click here:

If you want to look at our accomplishments, however, see:

Please consider making your most generous end-of-the-year gift.

We really need your support now more than ever:

This coming year we'll need your help in Divesting the FDA of food regulatory power, forcing the FTC to prevent all vaccination advertising until vaccines are proven to be safe and effective, continuing to build the "Coalition of the Unwilling" to challenge Codex' (and the FDA's) "Weaponization of food", preventing more children from neurologic damage through more mandatory vaccines, working for a ban on GMOs and a host of other urgent Health Freedom issues...

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions