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Heart Attacks No More !

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From: GA
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 1:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Heart attacks, no more.

I am old enough to have seen this happen several times, man 65 yrs old graps chest and just happens to fall on the couch nearby and starts yelling, his wife immediately runs to the kitchen and gets a teaspoon of cayenne and a coffee cup of very warm water, put the teaspoon of cayenne in the cup and stirs, immediately taken it over to where her husband is sitting, he drinks it completely without question, 10 seconds later, heart attack stopped.  It is what you don\'t know that can kill you.. learn the natural way of herbs-save a life.

 Cayenne thins the blood without any side effects.  Most of my friends carry cayenne with them at all times just in case.  Much cheaper then hospital and ambulance.. Wake people stop watching so much TV... Question Authority and think for yourselves, stop being part of the sheep or herd mentally.....