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Poinsoned by Omission

Patrick McGean, Body Human Project

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From: patrick mcgean

To: patrick bellringer
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 12:50 PM
Subject: Michael Pollan and poisoned by ommission

Does Michael Pollan know we are being

poisoned by omission.

By Patrick McGean, Body Human Project

The link is to an interview with Michael Pollan,  Professor of Journalism at U C Berkeley.  Interviewed by Mark Eisen of the Progressive is well worth reading, journalism, the art of being understood.

Michael Pollan's words may be a siren song for our food supply. The issue of what we feed our food may be more dramatic than what Michael Pollan's words would suggest.

Since the advent of chemical fertilizers our already depleted soils have become dangerously or completely depleted and we who eat these food are being poisoned

by omission.  The omission of the necessary minerals of life.

 We would argue that sulfur is one of those minerals which has been removed or rendered non bio available by "accident" from the use of  chemical fertilizer.    This accident of science has broken the sulfur cycle and has been poisoning us by omission since 1954.  Some parts of Europe since 1939.  And of course the West Nile Region of Africa since


 What we feed our food is very political.

Who makes these modern plant foods and what are they made from?  Both answers are oil and the oil companies that are only interested in selling as much as crude as possible. Black gold may be the end result of the decomposition our ecosystem but synthesizing it into other stuff does not equal using all of its "parts."   This creates a void in the cycles of life.  The only new “thing” for this Earth is solar energy, everything else has been recycled and recycled.

All the water that is, was.

 Compost and manure are the basis of sustainable agriculture, recycling the organic waste into food for dirt.  .

Ashes to ashes dirt to dirt, just Biblical poetry?

The time line of fatal for disabling disorders can not be ignored regarding the use of these fertilizers.  Dirt feeds the plants and the water keeps everything in harmony, unless these chemicals fail to provide the minerals from which all organisms are made.

Chemical fertilizers have broken the sulfur cycle, resulting in the lack of intracellular oxygen for man and animals..  Plants breathe carbon dioxide and the process is mirrored.  The oxygen carbon dioxide cycle.

Dr. Otto Warburg's 1930s proof that cancer is anaerobic for man is true in reverse:  Aerobic cellular metabolism causes plants to degenerate from their normal metabolism sparked by solar energy.   Plants use solar energy directly, photosynthesis is an anaerobic process, oxygen is the waste gas produced.

 The desired result is energy, from nutrition in both plant and animals.


I'm sorry, Michael Pollan stated that nutrition has long been forgotten in the halls of commerce. Food is measured in tonnage not quality, meaning nutritional value.

 The end of the interview with Michael Pollan, Michael J Fox’s father in law, says this in different words:  We control the purse when it comes to buying our food.  We spend the money that drives the machines of commerce.  

Think before you spend your money, quality often costs more.  We should take a lesson from the Germans, they understand quality, a Mercedes is a fine automobile.  Boring but a fine motor car.

 The philosophy that drives our thinking process should not make our food less than it had been when farmers were respected above all for the labors of their hands.  For us to improve our food which grows naturally, using chemicals is one of the darker sides of the whole futuristic discussion.  Food capsules, now that is boring.

 Eating at its glory following the “caveman” scenario became a social interaction of family, friends and the global family of man.  We can eat grass fed meat, for those convinced we should be vegetarians they should look at their teeth, we are omnivores and we can eat anything.

 How much of the food of Hawaii’s where anything can grow year round, is imported?

 So as not to sound negative about this issue of great complexity, you try farming, oh great bag of water whose movements are solely for necessary functions like going to the head,

 I will purpose a first step action.  

 Repeal the 1954 rider to the Farm Subsidies Act of 1946 which ties the use of chemical fertilizers to qualify for  payment Under the 1946 Farm Subsidies Act of the New Deal.  It was meant to save the family farm.   The Robber Barons saw an opportunity if only it was the law.  Use chemical fertilizers or no more handouts.

Now we are talking boondoggle, and a deadly one at that.

 This act may have been the greatest bailout in the history of the world economic markets.

It not only saved the oil companies but made them so rich and powerful they have changed the course of history to their own liking .  A barrel of crude is now at its lowest price in 20 months.  Short sighted motorists are giddy to only pay $1.99 for a gallon of $1.00 gas.   Price could be equated in the cost necessary to bring the product to the buyer not what the market thinks they can get.  These fuels are our collective candy those forbidden fruits which temp us daily from the cycles of life.

 We are at the nexus of our children’s future.  Begin the change to alternative uses for crude oil as a fuel and encourage the petrochemical industry to make plastics that can be recycled without burning. 

 Three simple questions will help explain why we have to stop “burning down the planet.”

 How long can a mammal survive without oxygen? 

Burning fossil fuels makes more carbon dioxide decreasing oxygen levels.

How long can a mammal survive without water

        Polluting our water supply lessens our access to clean living water

How long can a mammal survive without food?

        What if that food is mineral deficient?

 We can grow food.  But we have not successfully made a drop of new water only recycled it over and over again.  All the water that is, was.

 By burning anything we are replacing the oxygen we breathe as well as the oxygen needed to keep the water from becoming ammonia with carbon dioxide, the main gas of combustion.

Plants breathe in the gas which could suffocate us all, carbon dioxide.  We are symbiotic with plant biology.   Everything is made of cells and is dependent upon cellular regeneration to continue living.  Keeping the gases of life in motion to the harmony of the spheres is necessary for the cycles of life to continue.  The harmony of the spheres were discussed by Greeks who knew the language of numbers, mathematics, 2,500 years ago.

 Its high time we realize that this third rock from the sun is our home, but if we do not become better stewards the “foreclosure” could become catastrophic for our children and their children.

 Continue to master the Earth or learn to live in harmony within our environment.

 We can!  We can turn this planet “the Titanic” from its impending collision with the ice flow of our waste.  We must respect the cycles of life and learn to improve their functioning for the global planetary survival.  The Earth will survive our foolishness but we who live on the Earth may not.

. If we can grow food, good nutritional “fuel” for those who breathe oxygen  and we can provide the carbon dioxide the plants need to clean up our air.  Plants can clean our air.

 We control the purse, we spend the money.   Think about how much power you have.

 The Congress can reverse the 1954 rider to the Farm Subsidies Act of the New Deal giving the dollar credits to those who would create or continue in sustainable organic agriculture which means no chemicals on the ground ever.  No chemical pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, the result is food which will allow us to become healthier citizens who may only need catastrophic insurance to cover their stupidity.   Healthy people don’t spend time in doctor’s waiting rooms.

 We know what we have to do to stay healthy, but our current health insurance allows us to lessen the pain and suffering from our ignorant unhealthy ways.  Obesity is directly related to processed foods and lack of exercise.

 Being “well insured” makes us think its OK to abuse our bodies, our right.  Really?

You would rather eat the complex sugars and inject insulin into your body and have your

parts replaced with some recycled organ or some plastic contraption to do the work of the organ you may have destroyed due to your selfish eating habits.  So there I’ve said it.

our health is our responsibility. 

 Why do I drink Diet Coke, because I want to.  Its my constitutional right to drink poisons the FDA say are not unhealthy.  Note the FDA has never stated anything was healthy and they now defend the very people the Wiley Act of 1906 was enacted to discourage, and their “snake oil” ways.  Now the FDA reviews these chemical snake oils like they were manna from above. 

 Food is the product of cellular regeneration and adding chemicals to it during growing or during production does not make it better food only a more marketable product. 

We don’t need any more marketable products the world needs food.

 Poisoned by omission.

 Our study of crystal Organic Sulfur to verify that supplementing this mineral  can  reverse the years of sulfur deficiency is ongoing.  What if sulfur could allow the cells of Parkinson’s to regenerate healthy nerve cells? 

 Patrick McGean

Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study

Body Human Project