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Citizens for Health Featured in Post-Election Radio Broadcast

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CFH Board chairman Jim Turner and CFH President Michael McCormack were interviewed on The WellCorps Hour this past Wednesday morning, November 5th, the day after the election.  Jim and Michael answered questions about the impact of the election on Health Freedom, about the current landscape for natural health and about the prospects for Health Freedom in the coming months.

Click here to listen to this interview, and to these other important Natural Health and Health Freedom broadcasts:

    *  The Best Ways to Beat Stress

    *  Why People Are Seeking Natural Remedies

    *  Good Health & Optimism: Why They Go Hand in Hand

    *  Finding the Healthy Balance Between Western & Chinese Medicine

    *  Know What You're Swallowing:  Product Integrity in Supplements


The Wellcorps Hour - With Hosts Dr. Meg Jordan and Terry Moore


Here's where you'll find the broadcasts, interviews and latest News To Use from the leaders in science, education, technology, alternative medicine, fashion, psychology and psychiatry, advertising and international capitalism. Controversial? You bet. Thought-provoking? Always. And you'll have an opportunity to give your feedback through on-line chats, blogs and call-in questions and comments during these live broadcasts.


Wednesday, Oct 1, 2008 - Best Ways to Beat Stress


It's an age of high tech and high stress. But what can be done about it? Listen in as Meg Jordan and Terry Moore discuss the best ways to beat stress. Guests include clinical psychologist, Dr. Richard Buggs, and Kellye Davis, author of The Bliss Principle: 5 Easy Ways To Reduce Stress.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008 - Why People are Seeking Natural Remedies


Terry Moore outlines the search for healing remedies around the world, leading to questionable cures and some extraordinary breakthroughs. What's really new and what's working? Dr. J weighs in with the latest medical anthropological viewpoints. Guests include highly-respected naturopathic physician, acupuncturist and political activist, Dr. Sally LaMont.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - Good Health & Optimism: Why They Go Hand-in-Hand


Terry Moore asks if there is any link between our mental well-being, how we treat others, how we act in relationships, and our own nutritional status. Dr. J weighs in with some interesting facts, and together Terry and Meg lead up to a well-known celebrity guest who is an expert on relationships. Guest Dr. Gilda Carle tells us how she's combining nutritional supplementation with positive enforcements.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008 — Finding the Healthy Balance Between Chinese and Western Medicine


Terry Moore presents the history of traditional Chinese medicine and its origins here in the United States. Dr. J adds her medical anthropological insights and discusses how Western medicine is embracing these ancient healing technologies. She'll uncover meetings with the first Harvard doctors who witnessed acupuncture controlling post-operative pain and anxiety, and will be joined by Dr. Jan Ellison, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and licensed acupuncturist. Find out where emerging health trends are leading Eastern medicine in its integrative and complementary role with Western/allopathic practices.

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