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Vitamin D May Benefit Multiple Sclerosis and More

Dr. Lee Swanson

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Vitamin D, the principle regulator of calcium in the body, may prevent the production of malignant cells such as breast and prostate cancer cells and protect against specific autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), according to an article by Sylvia Christakos, Ph.D., published in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.

Christakos, of the New Jersey Medical School, noted that research shows the incidence of MS decreases as the amount of vitamin D available to the body increases, either through sunlight exposure or diet. The article also reported MS is “for the most part, unknown in equatorial regions” and the prevalence of the disease is lower in areas where fish consumption is high.

“Since vitamin D is produced in the skin through solar or UV irradiation and high serum levels have been shown to correlate with a reduced risk of MS, this suggests that vitamin D may regulate the immune response and may promote a host’s reaction to a pathogen,” Christakos said.

Christakos’ report focused on the immunosuppressive actions of the active form of vitamin D, which may inhibit the induction of MS, and emphasized the importance of maintaining a sufficient vitamin D level.

“Evidence has shown that the maintenance of an adequate vitamin D level may have a protective effect in individuals predisposed to MS,” Christakos said. “One device of vitamin D action may be to preserve balance in the T-cell reaction and thus avoid autoimmunity.”

Despite the significant evidence of the benefits of vitamin D relative to MS and other autoimmune diseases, Christakos cautioned further studies are needed to determine whether vitamin D alone or combined with other treatments is effective in individuals with active MS.

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 105(2):338-343, 2008
