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Once Upon A Time, Not So Long Ago . . . . . .

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•    The FDA was the country's largest law enforcement agency.

•    Conventional wisdom at the FDA, in many political circles, and in orthodox medicine was that the use of dietary supplements was quackery.

•    The FDA's ally, the Federal Trade Commission, tried to ban the words, "natural," "organic" and "health food" from the marketplace.

•    Among guns, cigarettes, booze and vitamins, only vitamins were illegal.


And then along came the courage of natural health retailers and natural healthcare providers. This joined the power of natural health consumers.  Laws were passed, including the Dietary Supplement, Health and Education Act (DSHEA) in 1994, and things changed.  And though there has always been more work to be done, we've enjoyed freer access to dietary supplements, to natural health products and services, and a freer exchange of natural health information.

But still . . .

•    The American Medical Association claims that a majority of Americans want more government regulation of dietary supplements and natural health care.

•    A number of key senators have criticized DSHEA, either because its badly written, or it's been exploited by the supplement industry, or its been mismanaged by the FDA, or all of the above.  One House Representative, John Dingle from Michigan, has called for repeal of DSHEA altogether.

•    Others who have expressed criticism about DSHEA and its implementation include Sen. John McCain on the one hand, and Sen. Richard Durbin on the other hand, who is a close ally and advisor of Sen. Obama's. 

•    Influential lobbyists are working to require pre-market approval for dietary supplements, so that they will be regulated more like drugs.

•    The pressure to increase regulation of dietary supplements in the U.S. is coming from not just within our borders, but also from other countries where access to natural dietary supplements is more limited.

An Open Letter to All Citizens For Health

    If you're like those of us behind the scenes here at CFH - ardent supporters of natural health - you may find yourself shaking your head when the subject of healthcare reform comes up in the election debates and policy discussions.  What these folks are talking about is not healthcare reform.  What they're talking about is health insurance reform - the finance and administration of the "sick care" system.

    A real discussion about healthcare reform isn't going to take place until natural health is included as part of the discussion.  And natural health has got to be a major part of the discussion at that, rather than referred to as a marginalized "alternative."  All the information we see today about natural health - wellness & lifestyle practices, dietary supplements and autonomous healing methods - is just the beginning.  It's no time to turn back!      Read More . . .