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Raw Garlic Tackles Cancer

Patrick McGean

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From: patrick mcgean
To: patrick bellringer
Cc: Benjamin Dupre'
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:56 AM
Subject: BBC News | Health | Raw garlic tackles cancer
Raw garlic or Organic Sulfur?
The following article makes and interesting statement: "It ( dially disulfide in garlic ) causes the gut to produce enzymes that can clear it of cancer-causing particles."Otto Warburg M.D. never described "particles" that cause any form of cancer but rather the inability of the cells to utilize aerobic ( with oxygen ) cellular metabolism. In his 1931 Noble Prize proof it was the lack of oxygen within the cells which caused acidosis and fermentation which caused the cells to become "cancer."
  In the case of the bowel its job is to extract the water of metabolism along with the minerals which were not absorbed in the small intestine as nutrients.  If you can not get out the trash ( cellular waste ) you may suffer the consequenses of living in that trash.
Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane and in turn aids the production of amino acids from the same cell membrane.
"Particles" are another way of saying something other than what we eat causes cancer.  It is the inability of the cells of the bowel to effectively "finish" our internal food processing which allows the anaerobic processes to cause cancer.  Not just of our bowel but any cancer. 
1/2 clove of raw garlic ( if grown organically not chemically ) or 4 cloves of cooked garlic ( cooked at under 270 degrees F. ) or one teaspoon of Organic Sulfur taken twice a day are all sensible suggestions for avoiding the cancers that all of us can develop, not get.
Great Britain has praised the "stinking rose" which was grown during WW2 for its health benefits.  The "Diallyl disulfide" is produced within garlic when bio available sulfur was available in the earth it was grown.  If the garlic you buy is pure white possibly it contain very little of this sulfur compound.
It is always curious to me as a researcher that we don't remember that everything on the planet is composed of roughly 100 basic elements. One we feel that is most overlooked is sulfur and how modern man and his chemistry is doing his best to eliminate it from our diets.
Until we return to an organic method of food production we can supplement our diets with organically grown garlic and other vegetables high in sulfur of we can supplement with pure crystal lignin based Organic Sulfur.
Patrick McGean
Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study
Body Human Project
We are studying sulfur and how it aids healthy aerobic cellular regeneration in man and animals but not rats.  We leave the rats to the "lab rats."