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Collagen Support for Joints and Soft Tissue

Jane F. Stone

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I am sending you a copy of the paper I wrote describing my experience supporting the collagen in my body. Others who have tried it, rid themselves of pain and increased their flexibility.  If the body parts are supported by healthy collagen I believe many of the medical problems would disappear, including premature birth ( a strong uterus), bladder and prostrate problems, the body not collapsing on it self, heart problems strengthened heart muscles and blood vessels.

At any rate the following is my paper. I am not a doctor nor in the medical field. I have been struggling with pain for a long time prior to the knowledge I heard last October.

One comment is that we stopped eating organ meats a while back and maybe that contributed to the state of affairs and the large amount of pain killers that are filling the Drug Store shelves. Here goes:


The amino acids in unflavored gelatin will stop most of the pain we contribute to arthritis, cleaning the lymph system, reducing calcification, and flushing the body of toxins will also help. If one needs help after all that, obtain New Chapter\'s Zyflamend, which is an herbal Cox 2 inhibitor  that is actually good for you. Read about it in the Columbia University study on the product at There is little need for damaging NAIDs, if one follows these steps. Of course, some of these things will take time, especially, if they have not been taken care of for a long time. One example of the magic of gelatin is a lady who I told about it sent me a paragraph of thanks. Her hands were finally working again.


I  had bone to bone knee joints including arthritis for at least 10 years brought about by misalignment of my spine. When this was corrected by a NUCCA Chiropractor the joint damage remained. Well by pure luck, I heard the end of a lecture on and the last statement was we can grow organs with gelatin. The next day I started on the two tablespoons of gelatin and to my utter amazement the scraping in my knees and the pain in the rest of my body joints started to disappear.



After about two months of using 2 tablespoons/day of unflavored gelatin, the pain in my body was nearly completely gone and the bone to bone scraping in my knees was markedly reduced.

I also found a more absorbable form of the unflavored gelatin. It is produced by Great Lakes Gelatin.   Go to, read the product analysis. If you decide to use the product and can not find it in your local health food store, either have them order it, or contact Great Lakes Gelatin 1-800-232-0328. If you have a large family, you may wish to order it from Great lakes Gelatin in a six pack, there is order information on their web site. Order the A type (Porcine), it comes in 1 lb. containers. The gelatin does not spoil, just store the unopened containers in a cool place. The opened container will do fine on your kitchen counter.

I would guess that anyone having pain in their joints or their muscles or any other part of their bodies would benefit from two tablespoons of unflavored gelatin daily. I can not believe the good results I  had in such a short time. My knees were rubbing bone to bone and this condition was almost healed in six month\'s time. If I were younger and my spine had not been misaligned, I believe I would have had quicker results, but believe me I am delighted with the results I have had. Even my skin and muscle tone has changed, and a collection of wrinkles are dissolving, but what is happening to my knees is wonderful. A lady tried it and two weeks later I received a paragraph of thank yous, because her hands were working again.

The Amino Acids in this porcine gelatin are apparently easily absorbed by the body and are in the right amount to support the collagen without the contamination of sugar, dyes or sugar substitutes, which are more likely to reduce absorption.

When you stop to think about it, all the connective tissue in the body is collagen based. If it dries up and loses its natural elasticity it will certainly contribute to discomfort in every area in your body. Not just your nails and your hair, but your skin, intestines, nerves, ligaments, muscles, joints, eyes, etc., all of which are dependent on collagen. It seems if we lack the amino acids provided in gelatin, we cannot cure the source of our discomfort. If you are finding wrinkles in your skin, you might well consider your collagen is drying up. Even children\'s growing pains and victims of Fibromyalgia may well be relieved with gelatin.

You can eat Jell-O everyday and that would help, but Jell-O is loaded with sugar or a substitute, which most of us are trying to avoid. You can make unflavored gelatin with a can of pineapple crushed or cubed, it is delicious and fresh tasting. Or dissolved it in cold water and then add fruit juice either hot or cold, also it can be dissolved in cold water and added to soups or stews. It has no flavor or odor so it can be used in a cup of hot tea after it is dissolved in cold water or add it to your morning oatmeal or even sprinkled on a salad, in dips, yogurt, mashed potatoes, or even on a steak. .

Another asset is that the cutaneous material from which the gelatin is derived does not bond with the chemicals and pesticides found in the tissues of meat. Any how, if you are interested in getting rid of pain, ingesting 1 or 2 Tablespoons of unflavored gelatin each day is a step in the right direction, you will start to feel the results very quickly.

Silica, Carlson Labs Norwegian lemon flavored Cod Liver Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Borage Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Vitamin C, lots of greens with EVOO and lemon juice and/or Braggs vinegar, and Source Naturals Life Force (No Iron for men and women past the menses) a 100% nutritional value multivitamin, are additional assets.

Remember, chlorophyll (contains the minerals) is not soluble in water only oil and one of the best oils is Extra Virgin Olive Oil (cold pressed if possible ). Remember to put the vinegar or lemon juice on the salad before the oil.

Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, Splenda, Aspartame and soda pop and avoid processed foods. Eat natural, organic meats/ dairy and lots of raw or slightly steamed  organic vegetables and fresh fruit.

If possible get your 15 - 20 minutes of sunlight each day on bare skin,  if your skin is darker in color, you will need more sun exposure, especially in winter.  Darker skinned people probably need cod liver oil year around do to the reduced ability to absorb vitamin D3 (D3 is important to retain your health).

If your drink needs sweetening use Stevia or Agave Nectar, avoid other sugar substitutes unless you check them at While you are at Dr. Mercola\'s web site, check out EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) it is easy and it works. He offers the manual for this therapy on the internet, just type in EFT in his search rectangle or go to, including a free download of the 79-page EFT Manual (it includes all the basics). Those wishing to save time and dive right in can get our very affordable training videos . Something we can all use these high energy days.

Gelatin is not the ends all that bees all, if your spine is out of alignment you may need a NUCCA Chiropractor. Massage and acupuncture or acupressure are added helps. Exercise, a good diet, and meditation help, also the intent for good health and healing. Meir Schneider claims we should move every body joint a minimum of 20 times a day, check his web site for more information. An added note the energy in a rose quartz pebble in your pocket will lead to weight loss.

If you are having digestive problems, I suggest you go to www.healthmedicineinstitute.comand search the audio section for Dr. Len Saputo\'s advice. Then locate his book on Ultimate Digestion. Also, read his article on the Photon Stimulator.  Also read The Amazing Water Therapy in the archives at

If you have acid reflux, start making a drink with a tablespoon of Bragg\'s vinegar a couple times a day and use it in your salads, until the discomfort is gone. Stay away from caffeine, it contributes to acid reflux.

Avoid microwave cooked food or water. The intense heat changes the molecular structure of the food and turns it into an aggravation for the digestive system..


Himalayan mined salt:

Normal table salt is toxic due to the bleaching, processing and added chemicals, these toxins contribute to swelling just like any poison.. Himalayan pink fine salt is mined in the Himalayan mountains and unlike sea salt it is not exposed to sea contaminants, yet it is rich in the 87 minerals the body needs. Using this instead of normal or sea salt you will feel a wonderful state of being immediately. I found a source to obtain food grade Himalayan fine pink salt at a reasonable price. It is A five pound bag is $27.45 plus $8.00 for shipping. I suggest everyone uses this nutrient source instead of regular salt. I could tell the difference immediately plus it reduces ones craving for salt. This change of salts is important, because we need a clean supply of minerals.


My email is, web site is read my article on forgiveness.

Whatever happens I send you all my love and my prayers for peace and your well being.

I believe it is best to use the energy wasted on pain on something more productive. Here is to a pain free 2008 and on.


Additional Information:

The people are taking more and more calcium and are still in pain, never realizing the pain is due to their stressed collagen. Osteoporosis does not create pain, it creates weakened bones that break easily.  Usual causes lack of exercise,  an acid diet,  cola or food containing Phosphoric acid,  lack of magnesium and other minerals that help calcium absorption, and supplementing with calcium with a low or non absorption rate and a big one is lack of sunshine and/or supplementation with Vitamin D3.  Consider Strontium which acts as magnet drawing the Calcium into your bones, and Jarrow\'s Bone-up for Calcium supplementation.       To Your Health,  Love and Peace,  jane