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Cinnamon, Honey and Broccoli, or Sulfur?

Patrick McGean

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From: patrick mcgeanTo: patrick bellringer
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: cinnamon, honey and broccoli, or sulfur?
Recent postings to reference cinnamon, honey and broccoli as treatments for COPD and other issues such as Type 2 diabetes.  What mineral is in these plants and honey?  Sulforaphane in broccoli is sulfur dependent.
Unlike Johns Hopkins our Study members who have been on oxygen for their lung dysfunctions only took Organic Sulfur and are no longer dependent upon oxygen to climb the stairs or walk to the bathroom.  Possibly they regenerated their damaged lung cells?
Our stroke victims who have had histories of repeated TIA, transient ischemic attacks or histories of debilitating strokes have responded by adding sulfur to their diets.  Strokes are not caused by cholesterol but calcium carbonate either attaching to the arterial wall or by bacteria which forms a "shell" as David Wolfe suggests. Sulfur is a coarse crystal mineral food?
Everything on the planet is composed of minerals, basic elements in combination even the vitamins some believe are the answer to our health problems are minerals.
We argue that sulfur is missing from the diets of most of the citizens of the industrialized nations.  We also argue that the use of chemical fertilizers may be the cause for our lack of sulfur, compared to organic plant foods.  Ammonium nitrates and sulfates contain little or no bio available sulfur.  Thanks to high temperature processing, sulfur is very temperature dependent and the additives which bind with sulfur to form of sulfates, sulfides and sulfites which become no longer bio available forms of sulfur.
The VOG created by Kilauea's recent eruption from the caldera is causing many of the residents of the Big Island to suffer from the sulfur dioxide pollution from the volcanic activity.  We have a new group of Hawaiian residents who are no longer suffering respiratory distress since they added sulfur to their diets.  Address sulfur dioxide irritation with Organic Sulfur, curious?  No sulfur dioxide is an irritant to most of our mucous membranes which creates inflammation which prevents our cells to perform their normal functions.  Any inflammation disrupts normal cellularmetabolism, chronic inflammation does so chronically.  Address the inflammation and the cells are allowed to repair the effects of the irritation.  Sulfur has demonstrated that it is anti inflammatory.
Alzheimer's has a curious time line regarding the use of chemical fertilizers. Germany began using coal tar based chemical fertilizers in 1860 and 46 years later Dr. Alzheimer had seen enough pre and post menopausal women who were "lost in their own mind."   These women did not have the historical forms of dementia but a retrograde form of dementia starting with recent memories and the loss of all memory backward.  Dementia which is not classed as Alzheimer's is a total loss of all memory but not a loss of self.   Both may be caused from what we eat, everything that happens to our bodies can be tied to "we are what we eat." The US medical community knew what to look for and "discovered" Alzheimer's much sooner after the use of chemical fertilizers were mandated in 1954.
We have only had one long term Alzheimer's Study member but she is no longer living in a "home" of those lost in their own minds, she remembered her husband and children after 8 mouths of drinking organic sulfur water every day.
One of our lymphoma / leukemia Study members reported that his recent blood work is "normal" to the amazement of his oncologist of 10 years.  He thinks it may be the sulfur, and I responded that lymphoma and leukemia Study members have responded very well to sulfur.  Our Study does not court people with specific diseases we enroll anyone even the healthy.  Those with scary life threatening diseases even cancer are still with us.  Two stage 4 lymphoma Study members died but their pain which had been controlled with narcotics before they added sulfur to their diets allowed them to die with a clear mind no drugged brain fog.  One Study member who died asked her friend to call and thank us at the Study for allowing her to greet her death with a clear mind. 
With our political candidates telling us that they can address our health insurance issues we could realize that our health is our responsibility and if we were to eat healthy, with no contaminated or adultered foods we could choose a catastrophic form of health insurance where we pay for our own meds and doctors visits.  Ask your insurance agent how much less this type of coverage would cost.  We may not need the office visits or med coverage if we considered that our health is dependent upon the food we eat.  Local and in season especially if grown organically can make a difference.  Prepared and processed foods are the results of what chemistry can do to extend shelf life, if you are a shelf enjoy, if you are human do you want to be preserved before you need a "shelf" or casket.
Chemistry has proven a boon to mankind and the engines of commerce with their discoveries but when chemists believe they can synthesize what nature makes every day their laziness or desire for profits of patented "stuff" may be killing us from the very synthesized nature of their lab created concoctions. 
"Other ingredients"needs to read with great care, the preservatives are saving morticians the amount of embalming fluids since many of us are delivered to these "undertakers" already embalmed.  The chemists don't realize the error of their ways. They are "lab rats" in the service of what the "fat cats" tell them they want rather than letting nature supply the "real stuff."
Sulfur is the forgotten element, the mineral that science believes is in all of our foods, but is it?  Cinnamon, the bark of a tree which contains a sulfur lignin.  Honey the product of bees from collecting pollen, sulfur yellow in color and doing something no chemist has ever recreated.  Broccoli which looks like the air sacks of our lungs is rich in sulfur when it is grown with sulfur, organically.  Sulforaphane without sulfur could be just another "phane" maybe like cellophane.
The Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study is interested in those who may be sulfur deficient, we believe that is most all of us.  If our premise of sulfur deficiency is correct then all that would participate could respond as over 90% of our Study members have stated, "They just feel better!"  And with none of the adverse side effects many have experienced from the drugs they had been taking.  Over 80% of our Study members now ignore the TV adds for the drugs they no longer take but which they thought would work and asked their doctors to prescribe.
Sulfur is a mineral food which appears to address cellular regeneration rather than the symptoms that drugs are designed to address.  Allow the cells to regenerate and the symptoms may disappear.  Oxygen is the key and sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across all of our cell membranes.
Patrick McGean
Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study 
Body Human Project