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Healthy News 2008, Vol. 1

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"Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate."

--Hubert H. Humphrey

Dear Supporter ,

Mr. Humphrey hit the nail on the head with that quote (pun intended). We are celebrating a number of victories so far this year that were "hammered out" through ongoing citizen pressure on policy-makers, and that could not have been achieved without your participation. (See more on these victories below).

Meanwhile, other threats to your health freedom continue to surface, and we at Citizens for Health (CFH) remain vigilant and dedicated to our mission to develop the natural health community into a potent grassroots force for preserving that freedom.

As Summer has progressed and temperatures have risen, we have been working to make things even hotter for those who would deprive us of our access to supplements and the health care providers we choose. Legislators must be reminded that we, their constituents, should be their first priority - not greedy special interests like the pharmaceutical industry who want to get even richer at our expense.

Of course, there is never time to rest for those committed to preserving and expanding our health freedoms. It is now more important than ever to gather together and to combine our efforts and energies to make our voices heard!

If there are issues to which you'd like to draw our attention, or issues about which you'd like to read more, send your feedback to

Yours in health,

Frank Herd, Jr

Executive Director

Be A Citizen Activist - Make Your Voice Heard!

A big reason Citizens for Health is so effective is that the political clout represented by nearly 90,000 members is just about impossible for decision-makers to ignore. Add your voice to the cry for health justice - look for the orange "Take Action" buttons below!

Tips for the Citizen Activist

We at CFH work to provide ways to make your voice heard that are clear, user-friendly, and as simple as possible so that all folks, regardless of their familiarity with computers, can easily take action in defense of their health and health freedoms. However, we have to work within the systems of communication made available to us, and there are sometimes things that are out of our control. Here are some things to keep in mind when visiting our website or replying to one of our Action Alerts:

  • Our alerts usually direct you to one of our letter-writing pages where we provide a sample letter and a form to fill in your personal information so the email will go to the targeted decision-maker. The trouble is, this will only work if the decision-maker uses a standard email address, like the one at which you received this newsletter. More and more legislators, officials and businesses are using "webforms" to frustrate email campaigns like ours. These require you to fill out a form and enter comments in a separate space, which involves going to a different website than ours. Please keep in mind that these webforms are not of our creation, nor are they on our website, and we will  direct you to one to submit comments only if there is no other option. Don't let these frustrate you. Enemies of health freedom want you to feel like it is too much trouble to tender your comments - don't let them succeed!
  • When sending a letter or email, always ask politely for a reply. You may be surprised how many you get.
  • Please take a moment to add to your whitelist of approved email senders so that you can be sure to receive all of our updates and calls to action. If you use a "preview pane" like that in Microsoft Outlook, you may need to open our email fully in order to have the contents display properly.
  • If an action alert or newsletter fails to display properly in the email program you use, please don't email us to "fix it". We would if we could, and we do our best to ensure our emails look the way they were intended to look, but different email programs can break up the formatting. It is impossible to make an email display the same way in every email program. We know it can be inconvenient to have to scroll back and forth to read everything, but isn't preserving your health freedoms worth a little inconvenience?
  • If a link is broken, or you are unable to follow it to the intended page, just copy it and paste it into the address bar of your browser, and hit "enter".


California Halts Urban Aerial Spraying of Pesticides

Missouri Bills Disallowing Labeling of Milk as Artificial-Hormone-Free Fail to Clear Legislature

Pennsylvania Reverses Decision to Ban Labeling of Milk as Artificial-Hormone-Free


Health Freedom

Oppose FDA Restriction on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Oppose GlaxoSmithKline Petition for FDA to Classify Weight-Loss Claims for Supplements as Disease Claims