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Will You Outlive Your Own Memory?

Edited by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

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Are your "senior moments" on the rise?

Do you forget important phone numbers, birthdays… even your own PIN number?

Those memory lapses are just an annoying part of normal aging — or are they?

According to our Newsmax medical editor, Dr. Russell Blaylock, you have more control over your brain's memory functions than you realize.

While Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia continue to strike down victims at an unprecedented pace, you don't need to surrender to the living hell of outliving your own memory.

Maybe even forgetting your own name — or the names of your loved ones.

Especially when so much scientific evidence indicates that one major factor (totally within your control) demonstrates such a close link to your brain function…


Doctor, Neurosurgeon,

Author, Health Advocate

Russell Blaylock, M.D. not only compiles and edits's Blaylock Wellness Report. He's also a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer.

He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. For over a quarter of a century, he practiced in the demanding field of neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice.

He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored three books on nutrition and wellness:

  • Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
  • Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life
  • Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients

An in-demand guest for radio and TV programs, he lectures extensively to both lay audiences and other physicians on a variety of nutrition-related subjects.

Dr. Blaylock is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

He previously served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS, and is currently a visiting professor of biology at the Belhaven College, also in Jackson.

That factor? Your diet.

And it's not just memory. Diet influences your behavior, your ability to concentrate, your IQ, even the potential to commit criminal or anti-social acts.

That's why Dr. Blaylock offers you some simple strategies to add foods high in brain-boosting nutrients… and avoid those serious "brain-busters."

Not only that, but in the latest issue of his Blaylock Wellness Report, Dr. Blaylock will share with you:

  • How disturbed sleep can wreak havoc with your memory (crucial to understand if you have any insomnia issues)…
  • 4 often-overlooked toxic metals that could be poisoning you and your family (plus, simple ways you can avoid their brain-damaging effects)…
  • How protein drinks, protein bars and soy foods increase your risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's…
  • 10 simple tips for exercising your memory (and preventing that slip-slide into "senior moments")…
  • Dr. Blaylock's #1-recommended solution to protecting your brain (and avoiding cancer, too)…
  • The "heart-healthy" oil myth promoted by the American Heart Association (that puts your brain even more at risk)…
  • 2 natural extracts shown to protect against brain aging…
  • The little-known link between poor memory and high sugar intake…
  • Diet drink dilemma: powerful brain toxins lurk in those sugar-free beverages…
  • 12 super-powerful brain-boosting nutrients (some of these natural compounds have even demonstrated reversal of Alzheimer's in research studies)…
  • And much, much more…

Discover the Truth About Saving Your Memory Now!

Thank goodness Dr. Blaylock isn't afraid to rock the boat of the medical establishment. And he's no pushover for the traditional media, either.

Refreshing, isn't it?

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Dr. Blaylock comes from the "traditional" world of medicine. In fact, he was a prominent neurosurgeon. So he knows far too well the extent of the propaganda that puts your health at risk.

That's why he has devoted himself to writing about options you won't find anyplace else.

Every month, you'll receive Dr. Blaylock's briefing on the latest cutting-edge research (particularly the helpful findings that never make it into the nightly news).

And you'll get his recommendations for beneficial nutrients, simple lifestyle changes and easy dietary measures that will keep you in control of your own health.

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And with his special "Ask Dr. Blaylock" section, you'll also have the opportunity to submit your questions for him to answer in the newsletter.

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Here's just a small sample of the high-quality information you'll get (these reports sell individually for $15.00 — but you get them free!):

Issue #10: "Omega-3: Nature's Miracle Panacea"

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The next time you see your doctor, you need to ask for these tests — the ones your own doctor won't tell you about! VALUE $15

Issue #8 and 9: "Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late"

Cancer is NOT inevitable. You can avoid this deadly disease if you have the right information. Read Dr. Blaylock's special double report now! VALUE $30

Issue #13: "Eliminate Hypertension Forever! The Natural Approach to Curing High Blood Pressure"

50% of Americans are at risk, maybe even you. Do you know which natural supplement will lower your blood pressure inexpensively — and with no dangerous side effects? VALUE $15

Issue #3: "Cholesterol Drugs Are Dangerous"

Do you have a cholesterol problem? Then you must read Dr. Blaylock's report and learn about the all-natural supplement that reduces cholesterol without using dangerous statin drugs. VALUE $15

Your Free Pass to these dozens of Bonus Reports alone is worth over $600 — many times your savvy investment in The Blaylock Wellness Report.

We're making it easy for you because we're convinced you'll quickly see for yourself how invaluable this newsletter will be to you and your family.

So don't throw away this opportunity to protect yourself and your loved ones, with the latest unbiased insider information, the most recent research studies, and simple strategies to extend and enrich your life.

And please don't wait to hear the news from your doctor, who doesn't have the time to read a fraction of the studies Dr. Blaylock monitors.

Just grab your report: "Maintaining Your Memory" right this minute! There's no need to blame aging for those "senior moments" — or become an easy victim for diseases like Alzheimer's, either.

You'll also receive your Free Bonus Reports with your no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report.


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Trial Subscription Right Now

Some of the topics Dr. Blaylock discusses in this report are: maintaining your memory, MRI, B12, right brain vs. left brain, sleep, insomnia, omega-3, omega-6, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, sugar, fish oils, Atkin's high protein diet, IQ, brain's memory functions, vascular dementia, brain-boosting nutrients, neurogenerative diseases, protein drinks, protein bars, soy, vegetable juice, Mediterranean diet, blueberry, phytochemical, flu vaccines, mercury, heart-healthy oil, brain toxins, brain aging, toxic metals, curcumin, quercetin, ellagic acid.

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