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Comment by Patrick McGean on 'Vets with PTSD Are Getting Short Shrifted'

Patrick McGean

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From: patrick mcgean
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: your 20 May article at OCA
Dear Marie Cocco
I was intrigued when I found "Vets with PTSD Are Getting Short Shrifted" posted on

The cost, the cost, the cost, what about the cost to the Vet who has been fighting in our name and is suffering from the stress of trauma. Those who say "don't diagnosis"  because it will cost too much should be on the next plane to Iraq, or sent back in time to Vietnam.

As the director of an independent Study of sulfur we would argue the treating these disorders with organic foods could be an alternative.  What we feed our solders in

country is anything but organic. It may not even be food.  Cardboard with flavoring could be a proper description of what we ask them to eat, and in turn what we ask
our children and families to eat.

We are what we eat!  And the nature of our agri business is only about cost and profit not nutrition especially the minerals from which we are made.

Being that we are not about to embrace truly organic food yet then we suggest that Organic Sulfur could be a way to address what we believe is the mineral we have been deprived with the use of chemical fertilizers.

In our Study sulfur has addressed stress though very few Vets have been interested.   They are more interested in complaining about the way the VA and all those mentioned in your article have treated them.  Malingerers who are looking for an expensive free ride.  No, they are men and women who answered the call to duty for the stupid wars made by men who refused to participate and now refuse to address the needs of our men and women who went to war.

Sulfur enables intracellular oxygen transport, it provides the sulfur for methionine and cysteine which some believe are necessary for more complex amino acid "chains."  Glutathione is a amino acid we must either inject or make in our bodies to keep our minds focusable and free of stress.

We would argue that if we adopted an organic food system we would not need the health ( ill health ) care system we have today.  Until that happens we encourage any one who suffers from PTSD or any form of depression to contact the Live Blood and  Cellular Matrix Study and help us confirm that stress and the depression that results from that stress can be address with sulfur as a bio available organic mineral.  Watch it, without any adverse side effects!

I would suggest that the official for the Texas Veterans facility and our President and Vice President be sent in country for one year and see how they like the food and the Stress of shooting at and being shot at.  Senator McCain could also join the group.  Our current health care system has no desire to cure anyone, profitting from their problems via the insurance industry is convoluted.

First do no harm, not benefit from the harm already done.

What happened to our Constitution; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?  Tell me how any of these guarantees can exist if our health is in the toilet.

Until we spend our food dollars for real food, organically grown food our need for health insurance we be equated by the fear we are sold as motivation for such deceptions.

Marie Cocco you touched the obvious but the nature of OCA could have allowed discussion of  those who eat organic food rarely suffer from these "expensive" long term diagnoses.  Dig deep enough and you will find a mineral deficiency as the cause for our modern diseases.  Paraphrase from Linus Pauling.
If we are not willing to care for our Veterans then we should cease waging wars.
Most all of our Study members say, "I just feel better" after adding Organic Sulfur to their diets this is after they cease taking their anti depressants.
Patrick McGean


Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study

Body Human Project