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Freedom Removed

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From: JF
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: Fw: freedom removed
Dear Ones,
The article below that was sent me by a friend is a prime example of why we need to make some major changes in the current regime in our country.
In 1987 I was diagnosed, by a wonderful Dr. Yuen Tang of an extreme case of Radiation Poisoning. Dr. Tang and his wife were both graduates of Harvard Medical School who had become disillusioned with the Allopathic Medicinal practices in the United States.
Being of Chinese American heritage they were allowed to enter what was then known as Red China where they studied alternative medical practice. From there they traveled on into Europe and studied all the alternative medicinal  practices they could find and returned to the US with a machine that Dr. Tang found in Germany that he felt was the best he could find for diagnosing and treating various illnesses.
They set up a clinic in Reno called the Century Clinic. Dr. Tang and his wife hired some Allopathic Physicians and set up their clinic using the alternative methods they had learned and felt were superior to allopathic methods. They had done their homework well and when you went to their clinic, you were throughouly examined by the Allopathic Physicians first and then you were tested using the alternative methods they had adopted.
Meticulous records were kept and the Tangs were curing all kinds of ailments that were unheard of in the Allopathic world of medicine.
My radiation poisoning was not detected by the Allopathic Physicians. When tested by Dr. Tang, the needle went right off the dial. Using some herbal tinctures and his machine, he normalized the blood he had drawn from my body and then injected the normalized blood back into my body. He sent me to my hotel room with instructions to take a sit bath in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and to return the next day.  Upon rechecking me the next day, the needle on the machine registered me as normal. When I left his clinic on the first day, I felt like a new person. I felt 10 years younger and my energy felt fully restored.
Two years later, I returned to the clinic with a friend who had Epstein Barr. When we arrived at the clinic, there were armed guards at the door. Alarmed by their presence, I found upon questioning Dr. Tang, that the FDA had raided his clinic, confiscated all his records and machines and had even arrested some of his patients where they we kept overnight and questioned extensively.
 Fortunately for Dr. Tang & his wife, they were wealthy and could afford to hire the best attorneys and they sued the FDA. They won their case and got all their records returned but shortly after that, the FDA made it illegal to use the machine Dr. Tang had brought from Germany.
He simply sent to Germany and obtained a newer updated model which had not been outlawed, hired body guards to keep his clinic from being raided again and had plans to go to the Medical Universities and teach what he had learned. How successful he was in this endeavor, I do not know as Dr. Tang died toward the end of that year. Dr. Katrina Tang sold Century Clinic and she and her son opened another clinic in Reno and are still practicing.
Unfortunately there are other Alternative Physicians who were raided who did not have the money to fight back. Several of them lived and practiced in WA and one of them was Dr. Jonathan Wright. I know he suffered much distress from his harassment.
Bottom line, is our current regime does not want us to get well and they are doing their best to keep from us technology that works. I hope you will join with me in seeing an end to this.
love, blessings & peace,
Suzy Star
This is of great concern to anyone involved in any way with any type of electromedical device that is not FDA approved. You may recall the Seattle Times series on the EPFX and Bill Nelson. Here is the next step. Note the long list of energy devices to be banned. Device manufacturers and vendors may wish to be especially careful about making claims for their devices.

FDA Urged to Curb Bogus "Energy Medicine" Devices

In January 2008, Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna and state Department of Health Secretary Mary Selecky sent the below letter asking the FDA to block the sale and distribution of unproven and dangerous "energy medicine" devices. An FDA official replied http://www.devicewa fda_reply. pdf that the agency has increased its surveillance of Internet promotion and advertising.

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= =====

Rob McKenna


1125 Washington Street SE

PO Box 40100

Olympia WA 98504-0100

December 20, 2007

Timothy Ulatowski

Compliance Director

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Center for Devices and Radiological Health

Room 244 Gaither Road

Rockville , Maryland 20850

RE: "Energy Medicine" Medical Devices

Dear Mr. Ulatowski:

We were encouraged by your recently announced commitment to block the import of the EPFX, and to investigate its manufacturer, distributors and operators. We believe your response to the Seattle Times series that exposed the dangers of the EPFX was appropriate and commendable.

While the Seattle Times series presented an in-depth look at the dangers of one "energy medicine" device, it also alluded to the existence of dozens of other devices that are equally dangerous. We encourage you to expand your import block and investigation to those other devices.

In 2003, the state of Washington sued Pacific Health Center for, among other things, its use of an "electrodermal testing" device, the Omega Accubase C-29a. Investigations by our agencies and the Attorney General's Office lawsuit confirm our belief that targeting a singular device does not deter or immobilize the overall industry.

This particular "energy medicine" device was purported to determine the presence of various conditions, including arthritis, immune deficiencies, high cholesterol and hypertension. It was also purported to be able to determine the proper remedy for these conditions. The Attorney General's Office lawsuit claimed that the efficacy of the device - which had been used on more than 5,000 people who each paid approximately $500-had not been adequately substantiated. The suit also claimed that the operators of the device were practicing medicine, acupuncture and naturopathy without proper licensure. The State ultimately dropped its substantiation claims voluntarily when the court decided that the defendants were engaging in unlicensed practices. The defendants are no longer doing business in Washington , but continue to operate from locations in Oregon and Idaho .

In the course of investigating and litigating the case, we learned an enormous amount about the "energy medicine" field. Our research of the device used by Pacific Health Center uncovered an entire industry devoted to the sale, distribution and use of various unproven devices. These devices were advertised widely on the Internet, sold by several manufacturers, and used in clinics across the country. We found no research that scientifically substantiated their effectiveness, not even one study that relied on the double-blinded clinical trials that are the scientific "gold standard" for proving the truth of medical claims. And yet, they were and are used widely for a variety of purposes including diagnosing and treating human and animal diseases, determining food sensitivities and allergies, and finding tooth decay. The amount of money spent by unwary consumers is enormous, and the risk that these consumers are foregoing traditional treatment in favor of "snake oil" cures is frightening.

We request that the FDA consider not just the EPFX as the target of your investigation, but to include all of the unproven and dangerous medical devices that are currently being sold and used the U.S. market.

In a recent review of Internet websites touting these devices, the Attorney General's Office was able to find the following numerous examples that are indistinguishable in their ineffectuality from the EPFX: NES, E-Lybra, LSA Biofeedback, QXCI/SCIO, Life System, CoRe, Oberon, Mars, Quantec, Metascan, Etascan, SCENAR, ACUSEN, Interx: VEGA, Prognos, Biomeridian, Rife, Bicom, BioPuslar, Mitosan Therapy, Bodyscan, Zappers, F-Scan, Q2, Syncrometer, Magnagraph, Merid, NES, Acusense, Listen, EQ4, Orion, Explorer, Computron, Elision, Interro, Interactive Query System, MORA, Matrix Physique System, Propylene, Punts III and Vitel.

This list is not exhaustive, and there are even more devices on the market.

The sale and use of untested medical devices is a national problem. States can chip away at it through actions under their consumer protection and medical licensing statutes, but the FDA is the most effective regulator in this area. We encourage you to ban the manufacture, distribution and use of these dangerous devices, to step up enforcement against those who are taking consumers' money and risking their health, and to generalize your approach to include more than just one device. We pledge to work with you in this endeavor and are happy to share our thoughts, research and the testimony of the experts we have consulted.



Washington State Attorney General


Secretary, Washington State Department of Health