Light of Truth- Liver-Gallbladder Flush
The liver-gallbladder flush information is included in the alternative cancer treatment index because a clean, well-functioning liver is essential to health. Reportedly, all cancer cases involve poor liver function. The first set of photos below are from my own cleanse, taken after adrenal insufficiency resulted in gall-bladder problems and a congested liver among other things.
One of my many symptoms was hives (urticária). I had the worst case I've ever heard of, with outbreaks from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, including a form which affects eyelids and lips. Twice it closed up my throat to the point where breathing was difficult. I had hives for 23 miserable months. A regimen set up by naturopathic physician, Dr. Letitia Dick-Watrous of Spokane, WA, eventually restored most of my health, and following her instructions as best I could, I had reduced the hives by half, but later added the liver-gallbladder flush on my own and that finally ended the misery of daily hive outbreaks which often kept me awake at night scratching myself raw, not to mention the disfigurement caused by hives socially. Dr. Watrous had instructed me to do a 3 day fast to rest and detox my liver, but I never made it completely through the fast, so this was an alternative "detox."
As Dr. Watrous explained, the congested liver was faulty in it's job of filtering out toxins, which caused the hives, and the flush was the only specific treatment for the liver that I did, although I later did some detox programs for overall cleansing. "Thank God" (and some earthbound angels) is all I can say about this protocol. I will continue doing it every few months for maintenance.
Some people claim or believe that the stones flushed out during the process come from the olive oil mix itself. To test this theory, all one has to do is add food coloring (I used a dab of powdered beets) to the oil-raw juice mix (never use processed juice). Everything came out red in my case, but "everything" didn't include any stones. By this time (probably about #6 flush) I had quit passing any.
If you do pass stones, the proof is seen when the stones are cut in half. If the coloring goes all the way through, the source of the stones is suspect. If the color is just on the surface, then you know the stones were already there. Others who have reported on this experiment claim their stones only have some red residue on the surface. I will add the powdered beets to any further flushes and if I ever get stones again, will photograph them and publish them here.
Three different recipes follow:
From: http://preventionforever.com
Improve your health dramatically......easy and almost free.
Lowers cholesterol and allows your body to function efficiently.
Avoid needless and dangerous gall bladder surgery.
* At least 80% of people older then 30 have intra hepatic stones, that we call "gallstones" as there is no big difference between stones inside the liver and stones inside the gall bladder.
* Gallstones are always first created inside the liver!
* Gallstones inside the gallbladder(GB) have always first started inside the liver (intra hepatic bile ducts = tubes inside your liver)!!!
* Then , they "roll" down to the GB, where they may continue growing, until they take all the space inside your GB. People may have gallstones as big as 5 cm across. (2 inch)
* If you have stones inside your GB, you already have hundreds of stones inside your liver ! (Not all of them are big !) I call "stone" everything bigger then 2 mm across, everything in solid state, everything that can not be called bile, but is still made of it.
How many cleanses do you need ?
Very few adults have no stones! Healthy skin is a sign of healthy liver and healthy intestines.
* After age 50-60 almost all the people have stones ! Some adults with very good and healthy liver menage to clean out all liver in only 3-5 cleanses. Skin of those people is extremely beautiful, soft and healthy, before, and especially after cleanse. After cleanse, their skin is as beautiful as skin of the people from the first group.
* Other people get stones out every time they do cleanse, regardless of cleanse frequency. The liver of these people is able to generate hundreds of new stones (something like process of crystallization inside intra hepatic bile ducts, bile starts crystallizing and stones starts growing.) in just a few days or few weeks. Skin of those people is not as healthy as skin of those from the previous group.
You will know it is working. You will see the stones in your stools.
* New stones are usually of tan-green color, almost transparent, pure cholesterol, bile salts and toxins (heavy metals, mercury from food and amalgam, cadmium, led, and others ). Old stones can have more different colors, more pigment, more different salts and if cut across one will see layers, which can not be easily seen in stones created in very short time.
* If cleanses are done 2/3 times each week then: First 1-3 cleanses are cleaning out almost only old stones. Next 3-10 cleanses can clean out combination of old and newly created stones. Next 10 - X .. cleanses will clean out only newly created stones.
* If your liver keep producing stones constantly, you can do 1 cleanse every two months.
* People who do cleanse regularly, will dramatically reduce their chances for getting Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS and many other diseases. Cleanse will keep toxins and parasites away, and will keep you in good mood!
* For people who already suffer from Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, AIDS, the liver cleanse is a vital step in regaining health.
* It is always much easier to prevent diseases, than to regain health, once you are sick.
* Don't blame your liver for making gallstones constantly. Be happy that your liver is still able to pack all the bad toxins inside small marbles, so that they are not reabsorbed with your intestines!
* Liver /GB cleanse is single MOST powerful way to improve your health in JUST 24 hrs.
* It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fats triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. Liver usually manage to take most of the toxins (that it can recognize) out of our body.
* Bile is used to remove heavy metals out from our body (cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, radioactive elements, ...) But, the way our liver is doing it may cause those toxins to come back inside of our body. Our liver is producing bile from cholesterol by converting it into bile acids. Bile contain also a lot of toxins that have to be removed from our body. But, the problem is that bile is going directly into our intestines, and by doing this we have chance of absorbing those toxins again in our blood stream.
* It is natural fibers and lignans in our food that are suppose to bind with bile, and help taking bile out of our intestines. What happens if we don't eat enough fibers ? We may reabsorb some of the bile back into the blood and lymph stream.
* In order to prevent reabsorbing those toxins, our intestines produce even more mucus on it's walls, preventing in this way absorption of too many bad things. Now, as it may not be enough, or liver starts coagulating some bile that contain a lot toxins, in order to let them pass through our intestines without being absorbed. Now, those coagulated acids are called gallstones. And they are occasionally passed down the intestines, when we eat fatty foods.
* For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile.
* Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels rise.
* Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver."
* Not only that gallstones will decrease production of bile, but some of them may also move down to the gallbladder. Amount of bile that you actually get in your intestines is equal to the amount of water that you have squeezed the second time. Because you did not get enough bile, fats you ate will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them. Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal flora. It may also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites. Did you know that 80% of people have intestinal parasitic animals ? Once parasites get into your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secret toxins.
* You absorb those toxins. Toxins from parasites also kill intestinal flora, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter Bifidus, ... Without intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow inside your bowel without control. Toxins produced by the Candida yeast family can cause many diseases. Candida can escape from the bowel, and cause a lot of troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia, CFS), inside your brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity. making you more susceptible to any other infection. Without intestinal flora, your digestion is not going to prepare nutrients from the food, for absorption. Your bowel digestion is going to prepare toxins for absorption.
* After 5 - 50 years of this kind of digestion, you may develop Constipation, Colitis, Chron's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Arthritis, Cancer . When you eat some fatty foods, your body gives you a warning. Gallstones attack, or allergy, or digestive problems, or arthritis, or shoulder pain, or arm pain,... You name it. "Tunnels" in your liver are obstructed with stones, and very little of bile comes into your Duodenum. Because you don't have enough bile, fats will not be properly digested, and you will not absorb them.
* At the same time, there is no gallbladder to collect bile in-between meals, so bile will be dropping out from your liver, directly into the intestines. That will irritate intestines, making it more possible for you to develop Ulcerative Colitis, Chron's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Frequent diarrhea, Bloating and poor digestion. There will be no enough bile when it is needed,, and in the same time, there will be too much bile when you don't need it ! Fats you ate will not be properly digested, and you will not be able to absorb them.
* Also having not enough bile inside intestines will affect intestinal flora. It may also make you more susceptible to intestinal parasites. Once parasites get into your bowel system, they eat your nutrients, they secret toxins. You absorb those toxins. Toxins from parasites also kill intestinal flora, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidumbacter Bifidus, ... Without intestinal flora, Candida Albicans and other yeast grow inside your bowel without control. Toxins produced by Candida yeast family can cause numerous diseases. Candida can escape from the bowel, and cause a lot of troubles on your skin, inside your muscles (Fibromyalgia, CFS), inside your brain (brain fog), and generally decrease your immunity. making you more susceptible to any other infection.
* Without intestinal flora, your digestion is not going to prepare nutrients from the food, for absorption. Your bowel digestion is going to prepare toxins for absorption. After 1 - 50 years of this kind of digestion, you may develop Constipation, Colitis, Chron's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Cancer, and many other health problems.
* "Gallbladder operation is the most common operation in North America. Every year, more than half a million people in the United States and more than 50,000 people in Canada undergo surgery to remove their gallbladders because of gallstones."
90% of people have gallstones
80% of people do not know that they have gallstones
50% of children have gallstones
Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain "silent" for years."
* More than 90 % of Americans and people in develop countries will in their life develop some of these problems: Acne, Colitis, Heart diseases, Leukemia, Chron's disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tumors, Allergies, Arthritis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Cancer, AIDS...
Cleansing your liver.
Avoid gallbladder surgery
I have seen this simple, free therapy work wonders for many diseases. Of course, the medical establishment claims they are worthless. What else is new?? Remember when "they" called Dr. Linus Pauling a fraud and a scoundrel for his ground breaking expose of "Vitamin C and the Common Cold."?
This costs nothing to try and 90% of you will see conclusive evidence that it works when you see the gallstones in your feces!
If you are generally healthy, I suggest you do this cleanse 3 times/week for four weeks. For those who experience "Gallstone attacks" or other abdominal pain you may need to continue for several months.
As a maintenance one should do the cleanse quarterly.
This is not at all unpleasant. In fact, after your first one you may have a feeling of general well being.
* 1. Chop up two lemons or a grapefruit (after removing both ends, but keep the rind) into little pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of Virgin olive oil. Put in blender. Run for a couple of minutes. Strain it through a fine strainer.
* 2. 1 1/2 cups of pure water (avoid tap water if possible).
* 3. Put all in the blender and run for 1 minute. One may add a little sugar or honey.
* 4. Drink immediately.
* 5. If you wish to gain weight split the drink into three portions & drink with each meal throughout the day.
Dr. Hulda Clark's "Cure For All Diseases" liver/gallbladder flush:
* 4 tablespoons Epsom salts
* one-half cup of olive oil - the light olive oil is easier to drink
* 1 large or 2 small fresh pink grapefruit (enough to squeeze 2/3 to ¾ cup of juice) (Some recipes call for fresh lemon juice instead--DJT)
* Ornithine, 4 to 8 capsules, to help you sleep. People have done the cleanse without Ornithine (Kallie took Ornithine one night and noticed no effect and never used it again.)
* Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they can prevent success. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as:
o a cooked cereal with fruit
o fruit juice
o bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk)
o baked potato or other vegetables with salt only.
This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
* 2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink anything but water after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups of water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).
* 6:00 PM. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts.
(Recommended: Drink the Epsom salt solution through a straw to get the drink to the back of your mouth and avoid most of the taste. A little maple syrup afterwards sweetens the aftertaste of the salts.)
* 8:00 PM. Repeat.
* 9:45 PM. Pour ½ cup olive oil into pint jar. Add ¾ cup squeezed grapefruit juice. Shake vigorously.
* 10:00 PM. Drink this mixture taking 4 to 8 Ornithine capsules (not mandatory but helps one sleep). Lie down immediately on your back with head high on your pillow. Keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. Go to sleep
(Recommended: A warm hot water bottle placed on your upper abdomen and slightly to the right helps your liver to relax.)
* Upon Awakening - After 6 AM. Take third dose of Epsom salts.
* 2 Hours Later. Take fourth dose of Epsom salts.
* 2 Hours Later. You may eat starting with juice and fruit. Later eat light.
Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1 ½ quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.
For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile.
At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming.
As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise. Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way "nests" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.
Cleanse your liver twice a year.
How well did you do?
Expect diarrhea in the morning following the cleanse steps. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two-week intervals.
A Gallstone flush is the second most important thing someone can do in order to cure "incurable" and degenerative diseases. "This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are thought to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones in the gallbladder are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on X-ray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain." People who have had their gallbladder removed surgically still get plenty of green, biliary stones. Dr. Ted Morter D.C. says the removal of the gallbladder increases chances of osteoporosis.
Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.--The Liver-Gallbladder Flush
Extracted from "One Answer to Cancer": http://www.whale.to/cancer/k/Contents.html
The importance of cleansing the debris from the liver and gall bladder, thus keeping the bile free flowing, cannot be overemphasized. This can be effectively accomplished by doing the Liver-Gall Bladder Flush (a form of which at one time was widely used at the world famous Lahey Clinic in Boston, MA), which is necessary even if one has had their gall bladder removed. The four basic active principles in this procedure are:
1. Apple juice (high in malic acid) or ortho-phosphoric acid, which acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules.
2. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), taken by mouth and enema, which allows magnesium to be absorbed into the bloodstream, relaxing smooth muscles. Large solid particles which otherwise might create spasms are able to pass through a relaxed bile duct.
3. Olive oil, unrefined, which stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years.
4. Coffee enemas, which consist of a coffee solution retained in the colon. They activate the liver to secrete its waste into the bile, enhancing bile flow and further relaxing the bile duct muscle.
The Liver-Gall Bladder Flush is one of the most important procedures for persons over 15 years of age. If one is above 15 years of age and his or her physician gives approval, he or she should do this the first week of Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program, and should, with his or her physician’s approval, repeat it every 2 months. The steps in doing this are not difficult and are as follows:
1. For 5 days prior to the "Flush," consume as much apple juice or cider as the appetite permits, in addition to regular meals. You may add a total of 60 drops of Formula HRT (Phosfood Liquid or Super Phos 30) to the apple juice or cider each day. Nutritional supplements should also be taken during this time. The first preference for juice would be freshly juiced organic apples, and secondly, apple juice or cider (unsweetened and preferably organic if possible) purchased either from the health food or grocery store. A person should be sure to read the labels carefully and obtain a juice that has no additives whatsoever.
If one is a severe hypoglycemic, is diabetic, or has difficulty tolerating the juice or cider, he or she may take 20 drops of HRT (Phosfood Liquid or Super Phos 30) with each meal (60 drops daily) in RO filtered water or distilled water or some type of juice other than apple. Due to the high acidity, it is wise that one brush his teeth or rinse out his mouth with Milk of Magnesia or baking soda solution after taking the ortho-phosphoric acid.
2. At noon on the sixth day, one should eat a normal lunch and take the Metabolic Formulas scheduled for that time.
3. Two hours after lunch, 1 or 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) dissolved in 1 to 3 ounces of warm mineral water, RO filtered water or distilled water should be taken. The taste may be objectionable to some. If so, the mixture can be followed by a little citrus juice if desired (freshly squeezed if possible).
4. Four hours after lunch, one should take a 1-quart coffee enema with one-fourth (1/4) cup of Epsom salt dissolved in it. This should be retained for 15 minutes and expelled. The coffee should be made as strong as one can tolerate but no stronger than 6 tablespoons of ground coffee per quart of water.
5. Five hours after lunch take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt, dissolved as the previous dose (Step 3).
6. Six or seven hours after lunch, one may fast if desired. However, it is preferable to have a fresh fruit salad, using as many fresh fruits in season as possible. Use heavy, unpasteurized whipping cream as a dressing on the salad, whipped with a little raw (unheated) honey if desired. One can eat as much as desired of the whipped-cream-covered salad. If fresh fruit is unavailable, frozen berries such as strawberries, blueberries, boysenberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. can be used. These should also be covered with whipped cream and a large portion eaten. Take citrus fruit or juice after the cream and fruit meal, if desired. For hypoglycemics, the cream should balance the fruit. However, each hypoglycemic should adjust the amount of salad eaten to his individual tolerance.
7. At bedtime, there can be 1 of 3 choices (Note: Olive oil stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years. All juice should be freshly squeezed if possible):
1. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F followed by a small amount of orange, grapefruit, or lemon juice if the oil taste is objectionable.
2. Take one-half (1/2) cup of unrefined olive oil or 6 tablespoons of Formula F blended with one-half (1/2) cup of orange, grapefruit, or diluted lemon juice.
3. Take 4 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil or 4 tablespoons of Formula F followed by 1 tablespoon of citrus juice every 30 minutes until 6 ounces of oil have been consumed. This choice is preferable for those who are unusually weak or who have had gall bladder problems in the past. It has been found helpful to rinse the mouth with an alcohol base drink like Sherry to cut out the residue of the oil taste. If an alcohol base drink is unobtainable, try a natural carbonated drink, or club soda. (Do not swallow the alcohol drink or the carbonated drink.) (Note: If one should vomit during the consumption of the oil and juice, the procedure should be continued until it is finished. It is not necessary to make up for the amount that was vomited. Nausea felt during this process usually indicates stimulation of the gall bladder and/or liver.)
1. Immediately upon finishing the oil and juice (or while taking it), one should go to bed and lie on the right side with the right knee drawn up toward the chin for 30 minutes before going to sleep. This encourages the oil to drain from the stomach, helping contents of the gall bladder and/or liver to move into the small intestine.
2. If one feels quite ill during the night, another strong coffee enema with one-fourth (1/4) cup of Epsom salt dissolved in it may be taken.
3. If there is a strong feeling of nausea the following morning, one should try to remain in bed until it subsides somewhat. Vomiting should not be forced.
4. Upon arising, one must take another strong coffee enema with Epsom salt in it or, 1 hour before breakfast, take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt dissolved in 1 to 3 ounces of warm mineral water, RO filtered water or distilled water.
5. If one continues to feel nauseous or very sore in the upper abdomen even after the enema, a light diet of sprouts, fruit (raw or steamed), yogurt or kefir, and freshly extracted vegetable juices (especially with beet greens in them) should be resumed. If one finds that the Metabolic Formulas cause discomfort immediately after the flush, they may be omitted for three days.
Helpful Hints
1. Taking one hydrochloric acid tablet at bedtime will help reduce any nausea during the night.
2. If you have a tendency to get nauseated from the oil, take 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice after your doses of oil and citrus juice.
3. Placing a hot water bottle over the liver area (under the right ribcage) during the night also helps relieve nausea.
Note: One should not be frightened by the above references to nausea, vomiting, soreness of the abdomen, etc. Chances are that the symptoms won’t be severe enough to cause vomiting or soreness of the abdomen, as this happens only very rarely. Many people complete this procedure with minimal discomfort, and nearly everyone feels much better after completing it. Flushing the liver and gall bladder in the manner described (if the gall bladder is present) stimulates and cleans these organs as no other process does.
Oftentimes, persons suffering for years from gallstones, lack of appetite, biliousness, backaches, nausea, and a host of other complaints will find gallstone-type objects in the stool the day following the flush. These objects are light to dark green in color, very irregular in shape, gelatinous in texture, and of sizes varying from "grape seed" size to "cherry" size. If there seems to be a large number of these objects in the stool, the flush should be repeated in 2 weeks.
From one of the best natural healing websites on the internet-- curezone.com
Liver Flush: Quackery or Valuable Remedy?
by Dushan Stojkovic & Agnes Tiller
(I believe the first name was misspelled and should read DUSAN as an internet search of the name revealed--DJT)
CureZone Newsletter - "Educating Instead of Medicating!"
Non-Commercial Health & Wellness Newsletter
Liver Flush Skepticism and Criticism
An Interview with Dushan Stojkovic
Agnes: Most of our readers know what "liver flush" is. Simple protocol that involves drinking large amount of virgin olive oil with freshly pressed juice from grapefruit or lemon or some other fruit: limes, orange, apple, pineapple ... If you are not familiar with liver flush, please click here to find out more.
Internet is an important tool for introducing many different therapies, old and new, to wider public. But how do we know the difference between quackery and genuine therapy? There are tens of thousands of web sites promoting all possible cures and remedies for all possible Ailments and Illness.
Where is the Science? Can we relay on science or what can we do?
Dushan: Most Alternative therapies are not scientifically researched, and most of them will not be researched within next 50 or 100 years, most likely not even then. Waiting for professors and universities to come with scientific backup is usually waste of health and waste of time. Instead, I suggest using brain and getting some basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics ... and then all that spiced with a grain of logic, a pinch of common sense and a will and desire to understand!
Agnes: Then, how can I find if Liver Flush is a genuine therapy that delivers results so much promoted on the internet and some books. What if liver flush is just another sick joke, intended to disqualify Alternative therapies and intended to scare anyone away from them?
Who is really looking forward spending Saturday evening drinking bitter tasting Epsom salt, and preparing to drink full glass of olive oil mixed with fruit juice, hoping to spend whole Sunday morning on the toilet with severe diarrhea?
Not exactly my favorite weekend, don't you agree?
Dushan: You are right, it does sound as some sick joke, and it for sure scares many people away from some other alternative therapies (pills), which are far more "exciting". The real problem is, those "exciting" pills does not deliver 1/10 of the results delivered by liver flush. Large number of people used Liver flush as a main cure for allergies, asthma, gallstones, eczema, food intolerance, acne, psoriasis, acne, ... and usually after many promised cures couldn't deliver relief.
Agnes: There are many web sites that attempt to ridicule whole liver cleansing procedure, and are trying hard to present it as a quackery. Can you give some comments? Some of them seems to be created by people with extensive experience and knowledge ... Do you have any comment on statements made by "The Pathology Guy" on his "Ed's Guide to Alternative Therapies"?
[Ed]: "I'm afraid that they're not your gallstones. Here's why:
* Real gallstones are faceted polyhedra, like the ones in the picture on the links below, or else shaped like mulberries. What you'll get from the recipe are spheres. One of my correspondents describes a friend who saved the spheres and displayed them to his friends.
* Real gallstones hurt bad when they pass through the cystic and common bile ducts.
* Real gallstones sink in water. (As an autopsy pathologist, I'm very familiar with this.) The "gallstones" you'll produce from this recipe will float, as the "alternative thinkers" themselves point out. (They claim that real gallstones float, too. Liars.)
If you know a little basic chemistry, you'll realize what is happening. The Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, and the grapefruit contains some complex carbohydrates. When these slosh around in the stomach and small intestine, they'll form a tough film which will encase drops of olive oil. This will produce some yellowish balls which will float in the toilet."
<End of Quote.>
Dushan: "Extensive experience and knowledge" may be a good way to sell yourself, but I prefer to call it "lack of knowledge and experience". This Ed's article have been often used and quoted by "Skeptics", trying hard to find any bit of information against Liver Flush.
Good news: Ed is wrong. One member of CureZone web site, with username "Iris", gave good reply to Ed's article, and I mostly agree with her reply. You can read it yourself here: http://curezone.com/forums/m.asp?f=73&i=510
Stones- most common result of liver flush are not always stones from gallbladder (but few stones may be from inside gallbladder). Actually, most of those stones are formed inside bile ducts, "intrahepatic" stones, and they are not faceted polyhedra.
Number? Yes, it is true that gallbladder can't hold thousands of stones, but liver is far larger organ. Do not forget that liver and gallbladder are able to produce new stones within few weeks! Even stones formed inside gallbladder are not always faceted polyhedra, as you can see on the photos below: Photos of gallstones and gallbladder surgically removed, showing stones of different shape. Click on the image to enlarge.
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For more gallstone photos: http://curezone.com/image_gallery/gallbladder_removed/default.asp?i=0&n=43
"Real gallstones hurt" - not always. Many people passed stones - no pain, and again, I would like to repeat that most of the stones are NOT from gallbladder, they are from bile ducts.
Pain is reported in less then 1-3% of all people who passed stones.
"Real gallstones sink in water" - not always! Large majority of gallstones are not calcified, are mainly composed of cholesterol, and does not sink in water. Over 99% of all intrahepatic stones are not composed of calcium, but are mainly composed of cholesterol, and cholesterol is lighter then water.
Agnes: Dushan, I can easily understand that skeptics like Ed and Quackbusters are against Liver Flush, because they are against any and every alternative that works, and are trying with all means to discredit values of liver flush. But how to explain the position of some prominent teachers in alternative medicine, like Dr. Weil, and Chet Day?
On his page: "Is There a Natural Way to Get Rid of Gallstones?", Dr. Weil says:
"But there are no natural ways to "remove" gallstones. The olive oil “treatment” you mention does not dissolve or remove them. This folk remedy, known as a "liver flush," requires drinking apple juice, Epsom salts, and a half-cup of olive oil with lemon juice. The day after you manage to down the olive oil, you pass green globs that you may think are dissolved gallstones but are actually the residue of the olive oil you've consumed."
On this page, Chet Day writes:
"Here's what Naturopath Kevin Murray has learned:
Chet, I wanted to point out one thing about the liver flush. After recommending this dozens of times to patients, and usually seeing a lot of benefit, there are two concerns.
One is that it can and does occasionally send people to the hospital with an attack of cholitis if a stone becomes lodged in the biliary duct. The other is that what people assume to be passing as gallstones, are actually soap stones. If you leave them out at room temperature long enough, they will melt.
Also, if you send them to a lab, which many of my colleagues and I have done, you will be disappointed. That's not to say that the treatment isn't helpful, but people should not be misinformed that they are passing gallstones. At least the half dozen sample I've sent in have all been "soap stones."--Dr. Kevin Murray, ND, LAc
Dushan: The only explanation that I have is this: lack of experience, and lack of knowledge. I will just point out to the few hard facts that are contradicting statements given by Dr. Weil, and Dr. Kevin:
Freshly made olive oil soap is always liquid, stones are solid.
Freshly made olive oil soap is water soluble, stones are not
Dr. Kevin acknowledges that flushing can move stones into "stuck" position, but still denies that flush may move stone all the way out - not very logical, I would say.
If you still think and believe that stones are actually the residue of the olive oil, you can easily prove yourself wrong in a single flush, as suggested in Dyeing to know the answer by Andy:
"Next time you do a flush, add an extra ingredient: some harmless organic food coloring of a kind that is not affected by digestion, but is oil soluble and water soluble, and will color all ingredients: olive oil, juice, water mixed with Epsom salt.
Suppose you use red food coloring. Then when the stone-like objects come out, if they are truly from the liver/gallbladder, cutting them open with a knife should reveal that the stones have green or brown interiors but are green or stained on the outside with red. If they are red inside, they were formed in the intestine during digestion, and they are actually the residue of the olive oil/juice."
My addition to this idea:
I have tried it myself, and few of my friends tried it with "red beat juice" and "red pepper powder".
Boiled red beat juice gives strong red color that colors stool. Dry red pepper powder gets easily mixed with oil and all other ingredients. Together, those 2 natural colorings give both red stool, and red urine.
Results of all Dyeing Flush Experiments: Green/yellow stones. I am looking forward to get a single stone colored red, to be able to accept that maybe, some part of flush ingredients does get involved in creation of at least one single stone.
I will not debate any more previous statements, but I will try to give you several articles/messages written by CureZone members, articles that scientifically and logically contradict statements and observations given by both Dr. Weil, and Dr. Kevin:
(These posts can be obtained by doing a search by name on CureZone)
* Lab documentation of stones Serenitii7
* Is it true that gallstones people cleanse are actually soap ... by confused
* My testimony by John Cullison
* Re: Stones being analyzed ??? by The Lancet
* Quote from "Are you 'Stoned'?" by Dr. Lewis
* Re: Stones being analyzed ??? by Dr. D. Koh
* Re: Stones being analyzed ??? by Nick
* Re: Dr. Weill says the 'stones' are just olive oil ! by Peacock
o Re: Dr. Weill says the 'stones' are just olive oil ! by Gary
o Re: Dr. Weill doesn't know ! by liquid
o Re: Dr. Weill says the 'stones' are just olive oil ! by Frank Miller
* What are gallstones composed of? by Agnes
o Pathogenesis of gallstones by Agnes
* more on saponification (see my post below) by Laura
o Proof that Stone Aren't Olive Oil Soap by Greg
* ATTACK! .... Can I suffer gallstones attack while doing live ... cautious
* What happened to the 1/2 cup of olive oil that I drank the n ... david coperfield
* Ultrasound showed no stones-Will a flush still produce stones? Sugarjo
* How big is Gallbladder? How much bile can Gallbladder hold? Anatomy
* Has anyone here completely cleaned out their liver from ston Tonytonybobony
* Has anyone had an ultrasound before & after a cleanse and ha .. Sceptic
Agnes: What about Stone getting stuck? How real is the threat of stone causing serious problems and creating need for an emergency surgery?
Dushan: All stones inside liver and inside bile ducts are "stuck stones".
They are occupying some parts of the ducts, preventing free bile flow, causing bile stagnation and are responsible for the creation of new stones. Those stones will stay at the same position until they totally move out - into intestines, while doing flush - or until they move down the tubes - down the bile ducts - and take some other position - "new position".
As tubes are not use to having stone in the "new position" , it can cause and produce pain or uncomfortable feeling.
Epsom salt helps!
Another flush, the very next day helps!
Hot bath helps!
Foot zone massage helps!
How often does it really happens that stone gets stuck? In my opinion, your chances are much higher to get involved into traffic accident, then to experience stone stuck pain. Most of us are using busses, cars and trains, and are aware that it might be dangerous, but most of us will never experience any pain caused by traffic accident, just like most of us will never experience any pain caused by stone being stuck. As I said, stones are already "stuck inside" your ducts, and if that is not causing constant pain, then those stones will most likely never cause any pain during flush. But, the fact is that less then 3% of all people may experience some pain, but it doesn't mean that will need surgery or will need ER treatment.
There is a long list of natural remedies that can be used in case of pain, and some of them are listed on this page: Gallstones Attack! Pain ... What can I do?
Here is one such experience recorded few days ago:
7th flush last night- now in pain! Julia
Julia suffered pain after flush, but, as she reports:
"I tried the bath and also had some of Dr. Schulze's Detox tea. Both seemed to help a lot! I don't know if it was the effects of the tea itself or the heat but what little pain was left after the bath, disappeared after the tea."
Agnes: Now, I have the last question: If the flush is so effective, and is a genuine therapy with the potential to help large number of people, how is that possible that it is not accepted by medical establishment?
Dushan: We are not living in a perfect world. There is a standard called
The Standard of Care, and doctors are only allowed to practice medicine as it is established by the The Standard of Care. Breaching the standard of medical care can be very costly for doctors.
It is true that Liver flush can be of great help for people suffering from heart illness, gallstones, chest pain, allergies, asthma, leg pains, arm pains, shoulder pains, upper back pains, inflammatory bowel diseases, cancer and many other illness. But, there is a major problem that will prevent liver flush becoming The Standard of Care
That problem is Greed and Money!
I will give you some US statistics, just to understand how powerful actually is pharmaceutical industry, and how much money they may loose, if Olive oil and grapefruit juice would become the standard of care for Allergies:
Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic disease in the United States, costing the health care system $18 billion annually.[1]
Each year more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases[1].
Approximately 16.7 million office visits to health care providers each year are attributed to allergic rhinitis.[5]
Allergies are $18 billion industry annually.
And, now imagine people start using cleanses and cleanups and imagine only 1/2 of them get cured.
Result: Medical establishment looses $9 billion. Can you imagine how much money is $9 billion? How many jobs? How many products?
Would you like to loose $9 billion?
"A healthy population means a dead pharmaceutical industry."
In reality, liver flush and other flushes would work in over 90% of all cases, resulting loss of over $16 billion loss for pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment!
And, I was only presenting the story called "Allergies".
What about Gallstones? Cancer? Asthma? Eczema? Psoriasis? Heart diseases? AIDS? CFIDS? ADD/ADHD? Arthritis? ...
HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF $$$$$$$$$$ DOLLARS are on stake!
Did you get the picture? Do you understand why NOW? It is very simple. It's all about the Money. $$$
According to the World Health Organization, more than 1.2 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year worldwide. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2001 approximately 192,200 new cases of invasive breast cancer (Stages I-IV) will be diagnosed among women in the United States. It is estimated that 40,600 deaths will occur from breast cancer (40,200 among women, 400 among men) in the United States. http://imaginis.com/breasthealth/statistics.asp
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common skin diseases, particularly in infants and children. The estimated prevalence in the United States is 9 percent.[9] The prevalence of atopic dermatitis appears to be increasing.[10]
Chronic sinusitis is the most commonly reported chronic disease, affecting 12.6 percent of people (approximately 38 million) in the United States in 1996.[2]
In 1996, estimated U.S. health care expenditures attributable to sinusitis were more than $5.8 billion.[12]
Experts estimate that food allergy occurs in 8 percent of children 6 years of age or under, and in 1 to 2 percent of adults.[13] Approximately 100 Americans, usually children, die annually from food-induced anaphylaxis.[14]
[1] http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/allergystat.htm
[2] http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fa stats/allergies.htm
If you are interested to learn more about the link between Money and Poor health care, good place to start learning is this collection of hundreds of articles: http://curezone.com/art/1.asp?C0=13
Agnes: Dushan, thank you for answering those most common questions.
Those of you who would like you read several more interesting questions, can read them here:
Liver Flush FAQ - Gallstones & Gallbladder Cleanse FAQ
This issue and all previous issues are available on our web site: