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Lack of Motion....Lack of Life

David Icke

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Hello all ...

When I was in Japan a couple of weeks ago and wasn't feeling too good for a couple of days a traditional Japanese healer came to see me, a wonderful man who had treated me very successfully the last time I was there six years ago.

As he was giving me the once-over the smiles faded and the tone of the Japanese chatter made me think how glad I was to have got a Will signed and sealed. As it turned out, it wasn't that bad, but it certainly wasn't good.

What I have learned after talking with the Japanese healer and my great friend and healing genius Mike Lambert here in England is the quite savage impact that emotion has had on my body.

It is a warning I'd like to pass on so the same doesn't happen to you.

It doesn't mean that I am on my death bed, nor that I am going to keel over with a heart attack tomorrow. It's just that I am far more likely to do so than I was a decade or more ago. The reason? Emotion, or rather unprocessed emotion.

By emotion I mean the low-vibrational states of fear, guilt, frustration, stress - you know the fellahs. They plague so many lives in this crazy, crazy 'world'. They are, quite simply, emotional assassins and the overwhelming cause of disease - dis-ease - and what we call 'death'.

When you look at the work of Dr Masaru Emoto you can see the effect that words and emotions have on energy.

This is a water crystal exposed to words of love and affection.

This is one exposed to the words 'thank-you'.

And this is what happened when the words were 'You make me sick, I will kill you'.

Now imagine what effect emotions must have on the body every day when the body is comprised more than anything of water.

I have always been an emotional person, right back to when I was a kid, but crucially I am not someone who expresses the scale of emotion that I feel. Most of it stays inside 'under control'.

That is a ticking time bomb because emotional energy doesn't just disappear if we ignore it or 'keep it under wraps'. The body computer has to deal with it somehow and one way is to protect itself from the immediate impact by storing it in various places.

One of its major 'hideaways' are the muscle systems along the spine and another of my healer friends, Davie Flannagan, is doing some great work for me in that area with the technique called Body Stress Release that I mentioned in a recent newsletter.

He stimulates those muscles to remind the brain/body of all the stress it has stored away and hasn't dealt with. It then goes 'Ahh, yes, forgot' and starts the process of releasing it. I can testify to its effect in the release of stiffness along my spine, neck and shoulders.

The stiffness comes from all the stagnant emotional energy stored in the muscles and that's the key word in relation to the effect of emotion on the body: stagnant.

Emotion - or e-motion - means, in the context I am speaking about, a 'lack of motion'. When we feel stress, for example, we talk about feeling 'tight' or 'heavy' and that is precisely what is happening in the body. The emotional energy slows down and creates tension ('I feel tight or uptight') and becomes dense ('I feel heavy').

So the impact of the electrical/vibrational charge that we call 'emotion' is to stop energy moving. When that happens the whole body computer system begins to malfunction, just as it does when our desktop computers are 'running slow'.

The life-force energy, or chi, is supposed to circulate with balanced motion because it is information being passed around the body computer giving instructions and returning feedback. When that motion stagnates, obviously there are going to be consequences because the body communication system becomes like a mobile phone with a signal that's coming and going.

Communication stops or becomes distorted and that's why emotion is the cause of almost all illness, perhaps even all except for external effects like a poison.

One of the prime victims of this lack of motion, lack of effective communication, is the immune system. If you think about it that's obvious because what does the immune system need to react most powerfully and quickly to a potential threat? Information about the potential threat.

The problems I have currently involve the digestive system, liver, heart and lungs and all these are connected by the effects of emotion and indeed by direct connection within the body communication system.

As Mike Lambert was telling me, the organs represent various emotions. For instance, the liver is the seat of anger and the kidneys are the seat of fear. In turn, the organs connect with each other energetically and affect each other as an imbalance in one is passed on to another.

Conventional medicine, which treats symptoms, not causes (not least because it doesn't understand the causes) will address a problem with the heart by treating the heart. But the heart imbalance may be caused by an imbalance in the kidneys, liver or spleen and the imbalance itself will be caused by emotion.

So unless a healer or doctor deals with the emotional cause and recognises which organ it is originally affecting they can treat the heart forever and not remove the problem because the cause lies somewhere else - back along the chain of 'dominoes' in, say, the liver or kidneys. The point is, though, that wherever the starting point is traced to, the cause will be emotion.

Within the body's vortex or 'chakra' system it is the sacral or navel chakra that deals most significantly with the processing of emotion. When the emotional charge is so powerful, and especially if it is constant, the system can become overwhelmed and the chakra vortex begins to slow and shut down.

When that happens there is nowhere for the emotional energy to go and so it stagnates in that sacral chakra area, where the colon is located. This is why people talk of 'getting the shits' when they are nervous or scared. If the emotion is ongoing, the body computer can store this energy in the belly region and this is one reason for big bellies.

They are widely known as 'beer bellies', but often 'emotional bellies' would be more appropriate. They are symptoms of energetic build up through stagnation and in the healing language of the East you are said to be energetically 'cold' because when energy stagnates it loses heat.

In fact, when the Japanese healer saw that I had just such a problem he had me ironed - literally. They had an iron delivered to the hotel room and ironed my body from the belly to the neck (over a blanket of course). I would say that it creased me up, but I would never resort to silly jokes like that. It cured my iron deficiency, though. I'd tell you more, but I'm pressed for time.

'It says on this prescription, dear, that I've got to iron you because the doctor says you need straightening out.'

This is one of those situations when conventional doctors, scientists and professional sceptics will laugh and say how ridiculous it is to iron someone. But they are just revealing their own ignorance.

What the iron was doing was warming up the stagnant emotional energy and just as when energy cools as it stagnates so it begins to move when it is warmed. Two sessions of ironing had a remarkable effect on my body systems, that's for sure. Pressed my shirt nicely, too.

It is for this same reason, and others, that I am now having regular visits to the infra-red sauna at Mike Lambert's Shen Clinic on the Isle of Wight. The heat is getting the stored and stagnated emotional energy moving again.

Another point about stagnant emotional energy is that its chemical expression is acidity and toxicity. Most peoples' bodies are acidic for this reason and also thanks to a host of food, drink and environmental influences. The body in a balanced and healthy state should be alkaline.

Mike Lambert has a machine which brings toxins out through the skin and I have been shocked this week to see the scale of crap that my body is releasing from a lifetime's worth of emotions stored as acidic toxins.

What I have learned about my health is a warning to me to do something about it - or else. And I am and will continue to do so until it's all sorted. There's too much to do for me to go yet and I have no intention of doing so. But it is also adding to my understanding of the massive part that emotion plays in the conspiracy to enslave us.

If the system can keep us in a low-emotional (low-vibrational) state on the body level then the whole human vehicle ceases to function to optimum potential. This makes it a far less effective conduit for consciousness to fully express itself in this reality. And, naturally, the system we call 'life' on earth is designed by the manipulators to be an emotion factory - especially fear and stress in all its forms.

For as long as I can remember, again going back to childhood, I have had an ache in my chest about six inches or so below the neck. I cannot recall a time when I didn't have it and it probably came out of the womb with me. If I had to use one word to describe it that word would be ... despair.

There is an old black and white picture somewhere of me as a toddler holding a little duck and my face says it all even then - sadness and despair. How come a child new to this world could feel like that right from the start?

It has destroyed any sense of true happiness and joy, except in fleeting moments, but it has also fuelled my passion, my unwavering commitment, to exposing what I now realise is the source of my despair - the disconnection from the love and joy that awaits us (that is us) - on the other side of the veil. In so many ways, my despair has been my motivation, strangely, though maybe not so strangely when you give it some thought.

I would say that what I have just described is true of all of us, some far more than others, of course, because deep inside us, for most well beyond the threshold of conscious awareness, the memory lingers of who we really are and where we really come from.

I am sure that is the source of my life-long sense of sadness and despair and this has been compounded by looking at this world as it is while knowing what it could be and indeed once was.

The urgency I have felt to highlight the disconnection from our true and infinite self has driven me on even when it all seemed so hopeless, but the frustration and despair I have so often felt in pursuit of that passion has, I now appreciate, brought my body to its knees and it's time for some care and attention.

When you are so committed to something and your research has shown you what is coming unless we have a mass wake-up, a shift to another level of consciousness, it magnifies the effect of those people and situations that divert energy and attention from the goal.

So the legal cases I have been dealing with for the last six years now, two of them in the last three, have hit me emotionally on a very deep level through the sheer frustration of seeing so much energy and resources diverted from where they should be targeted - the pursuit of peace, freedom and knowledge.

The frustration of giving everything you have to produce the books only for a human parasite to seek to steal them from you to line his own pocket is a frustration so immense as to be indescribable.

But if you truly care about what you are doing you don't give up, feel sorry for yourself and mope. You get up and you get on and that's what I have done in producing the new book while knowing that my income from it will be going to lawyers.

Some consequences of emotional stress - lack of energetic motion

However, as I now know, you might be able to suppress your feelings so you can function and carry on, but those feelings just relocate from the conscious to the subconscious - and to the body. They have to be dealt with eventually and my time is now.

It's funny how you begin to see that little things that didn't matter to the conscious mind at the time are stored quietly and secretly away in the frustration vaults of the body without you ever knowing - like giving your life to the cause of freedom only for various prats to tell people you work for British Intelligence or the Rockefellers.

My conscious mind laughs at such lunacy, but unknown to me until now it adds to the hidden stress and despair bank to think that with so much to be done to alert the world to its camouflaged plight that people can waste their time and energy seeking to undermine someone with such malevolent nonsense.

It's the same with all of us as we unknowingly absorb emotions that don't appear to affect us at all on the surface. This is the major reason why we have an epidemic of cancer (emotionally distorted communication = distorted cell production) and heart disease (tense and stagnant emotional energy around the heart chakra).

I have felt such immense levels of frustration and despair in the last 20 years, especially the last ten and even more so the last three, that I thought my chest was going to burst and I have no problem whatsoever in understanding that people can indeed 'die from a broken heart'. Once again it comes from emotion stopping motion and that stagnation becoming so dense and tense that it manifests as a heart attack or something else.

I have envied people who can express their emotions easily and I have known people who could cry in a second. They are referred to as 'emotional', but we're all emotional to some extent. Only the scale on which we hide those emotions decides if we are considered 'emotional' or 'unemotional'. But we are still all emotional.

There is the programming that 'big boys don't cry' and so the 'big boys' go to an early grave with heart failure or cancer. Be macho, die early. Those that cry easily are processing the emotion, letting it flow, giving it movement. Those that hold back the tears are handing the body another toxic package to store.

I don't cry at tragedy or grief, except rarely. I always feel the emotion of wanting to do something about whatever that situation may be, either that or the ache in my chest just turns up a few notches in despair at what I see.

What makes me cry so easily, and has done all my life, is happiness and joy. Even the trashiest movie can make me cry if something happens to make someone happy or there is some act of kindness. I can never watch movies like Notting Hill or The Railway Children without my eyes filling up while I try to hide the fact from anyone else in the room. We are so funny, really.

I used to think it strange that I could cry so quickly at happiness, joy and kindness, yet not in the face of suffering and tragedy, which I meet with anger, despair and the drive to change what I see.

But I am beginning to understand the connection between that life-long ache of despair and the tears of joy at other peoples' joy. The despair is triggered by the memory of who we really are and where we really come from and the tears flow from seeing that even within this manipulated and bewildered world the gifts of love, joy and monumental acts of kindness are still possible if we choose to go there. It's like a reminder of who we are and where we come from.

I can keep the tears because they manifest motion, but for the sake of my health the despair and frustration has to go because I have to flow. And I will, although a challenge it will certainly be.

Oh, yeah, the best cure for emotional stress ...

Try some today!