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My Interview: Why I Left Mainstream Medicine

Olivia Love Worthy

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What follows is an interview about why I no longer believe in modern medicine. I discuss a variety of topics here, but the theme in general is why mainstream medicine and psychiatry are not what they portray themselves to be.

The interview was conducted by Trung Nguyen, owner of Encognitive, a site that focuses on natural solutions for psychiatric problems.

I'm really happy to be getting positive feedback on this site. Thanks for letting me know it makes a difference to you - I'm just getting started.

I hope you'll find the following information useful,

Olivia L. Worthy

QUESTION: You’ve written that “medicine is a business.” Who stands to profit the most from illness and disease?

Everyone who is involved in the system is a part of it because they are profiting in some way, but the ones profiting the most in my opinion have to be the pharmaceutical companies. Based on the amount of money they pay to those whom they seek to influence, it's clear that it's very important to them to keep the system the way it is.

A few examples are the millions of dollars donated to medical schools annually, vacations and financial incentives enjoyed by doctors, and the excessive amount of drug advertising we see in medical journals and on US television.

These journals and the media are not going to report something that upsets a major corporate sponsor, such as the high number of people dying from medications considered to have been “appropriately prescribed.”

The pharmaceutical industry also has the largest lobby in the US Congress, something that wouldn’t exist if they truly had something we needed. And as Michael Moore documented in his movie “Sicko,” many politicians privately receive big money from drug companies.

In addition, there is a huge distance between the cost of the active ingredients in a pill and what consumers pay. In the case of Xanax, the markup is over 500,000%.

All of these factors together have made pharmaceuticals the most profitable industry in the world.

QUESTION: What products and services do you think are being sold that are not contributing to people’s health?

By its own statistics, the American medical system is the number one cause of death and injury in the United States, and therefore the system as a whole is not benefiting people's health.

In the US alone, the number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million, while the number of people hospitalized unnecessarily each year is 8.9 million.

Of those procedures deemed "necessary," I’m certain that many could have been avoided. For instance, patients facing cardiac bypass surgery are not told that taking a walk every evening and adding more fruits and vegetables to their diet would reverse their heart disease.

Patients should be given the right to choose between these two options, but such options are not even a concept in medicine as the very possibility of reversing any disease process is generally unknown to those in the field.

While we’re on the subject of heart disease, patients who undergo standard medical treatment for heart disease, such as cardiac catheterization and angioplasty, die sooner than comparable patients not receiving treatment. These procedures are fraudulent according to the medical field’s own statistics.

Cholesterol drugs are huge sellers, yet the medical industry’s own studies prove that patients are dying from them. In addition to being very dangerous, they’re totally unnecessary, as 15 years of research actually shows that cholesterol is a healthy sign and does not contribute to heart disease.

Those patients taking cholesterol medication are dying for no reason but profit, and the number of ads shown for these drugs during the evening news is what prevents the good news about cholesterol from being reported in the mainstream media.

This is also why they have failed thus far to inform the public that glucose and fructose are actually the true culprits of heart disease.

And I hope you’re not following their advice on taking “an aspirin a day” to prevent heart attacks, because this would increase your risk of cancer astronomically. It also happens to be a useless way to prevent heart attacks.

Another good example is vaccinations, a $1 billion annual fraud. Again using the drug companies' own research, we can see that natural immunity is not provided through vaccines, as those vaccinated contract the very disease they’ve been vaccinated for at a higher rate than those not vaccinated.

Also, by the time a vaccine is released to the public, the pathogen is no longer a threat. For example, those receiving a flu vaccine this season are receiving a vaccine developed against last year’s strain, as viruses constantly mutate - the very reason we’re told that the common cold can’t be cured.

While we’ve been led to believe that major illnesses in the past were curbed due to the invention of vaccines, these actually came under control due to other circumstances, such as the implementation of indoor plumbing, leading to more sanitary conditions.

Most of the illnesses children are vaccinated against today are nearly nonexistent, and their risk of becoming ill from the vaccine itself is actually higher than their risk of ever contracting smallpox or polio.

This is because vaccines contain some of the most poisonous substances known to mankind, such as aluminum, mercury and formaldehyde, and are frequently contaminated with viruses that cause serious diseases. Medical documentation of neurological damage caused by vaccines has existed for many years.

When parents drive to emergency rooms claiming their child had a seizure just after receiving a vaccine, they are told to continue with the vaccination series. Unfortunately the parents usually follow these instructions, and sometimes their children die as a result, or become permanently disabled. There is a link between the explosion of autism in children and mercury in vaccines.

After being told that vaccinations are school policy, most parents in the US believe that it is mandatory to vaccinate their children for school enrollment, but this is not actually the case. Because they are not required by law, parents may request a waiver from schools to exempt their children.

Another example of unnecessary medical procedures is the number of amputations performed for diabetics. I know of a number of cases involving people who were scheduled to go to surgery, but canceled after being introduced to high quality nutritional products that restored their circulation and saved their limbs.

Some routine procedures promoted in the name of prevention are actually causing the disease they’re meant to prevent. For instance, a major cause of the increase in breast cancer is the practice of annual mammography, exposing women to high doses of radiation and actually giving them breast cancer.

One of the most shocking secrets about the medical and pharmaceutical industries is that chemotherapy was derived from mustard gas. Chemo has been proven ineffective in 96-98% of cancer cases and, being an agent used to kill enemies at war, kills patients sooner than the cancer would have.

Doctors push patients to have chemo, although if you were to ask an oncologist how many patients he has who lived more than five years beyond chemotherapy, the answer would be very few, if any.

Of those patients who receive chemo and are told their cancer has gone into remission, it usually comes back much more aggressively, because the chemo has destroyed the patient's only defense against cancer - the immune system.

Surgery and pharmaceutical drugs are presented by the entire medical industry as a solution to health problems, but this isn’t reality. Drugs don't cure disease, and they can't make you healthier. Pharmaceutical drugs are far more likely to kill than illegal drugs.

QUESTION: You don’t believe in medication and you are “extreme” about it. You “don’t take jobs that require me to medicate patients anymore.” Can you provide a few examples of what you’ve seen in your work over the years that has made you adopt this stance?

Sure. First of all, I acknowledge that I am extreme about not using pharmaceutical drugs. My views have really changed on this, because pharmacology was the reason I went into nursing in the first place. I was inspired by the idea of curing the body through pharmaceuticals.

After working as a nurse from 1990-2002, I was introduced to a whole food product and heard testimonials from people that I couldn't ignore. People were leaving their wheelchairs behind and their cancer was vanishing, even for those who were sent home to die.

One woman's elderly mother who was in a nursing home with Alzheimer's went from being bedridden and not recognizing her own family to writing letters home and baking, and even an AIDS patient of mine made a complete turnaround.

The compound in this product is listed by researchers at the National Library of Medicine as reversing tens of disease conditions including heart disease, and had been discovered over 50 years ago to stop the spread of cancer within 72 hours. That's when I learned the cause - and therefore, the cure - of all disease.

Modern medicine has broken the body down into "systems," as though it's not a whole, but it very much is. Our bodies must have essential vitamins and minerals and adequate hydration in order to function properly, and cannot cleanse themselves of toxins without these.

A buildup of toxins causes low energy, premature aging, and eventually disease. There are not hundreds of "diseases" - these are simply the results of an over-polluted body. The areas of the body with the most stored pollution are the areas where these diseases manifest.

The symptoms of these diseases are actually the body's way of dealing with the pollution crisis, and should not be suppressed using medication. For example, a person with high blood pressure has so many toxins that the body attempts to get rid of them by constricting the blood vessels, causing the toxins to circulate and leave the body sooner.

Blood pressure medication relaxes the muscular walls of the blood vessels, causing them to dilate. We need to learn that symptoms are a sign that our bodies are dealing with a crisis and help them do their job, not stop them. If it was healthier for such a person's blood pressure to remain normal, then the body would not have raised it. To the body, the high blood pressure is less of a threat than the toxins.

All medications work in a similar fashion, by suppressing the body's natural response to toxins, and therefore not only is the patient left with a high level of disease producing toxins from the medication, he most likely will develop more "symptoms" from the side effects of suppressing the body's natural abilities, and will be diagnosed with further "diseases," such as diabetes.

This is why it's very common for one drug to lead to another. On the other hand, I've seen blood pressure and sugar levels return to normal within weeks, or even days, when high quality nutritional supplements are introduced.

Unfortunately, the FDA destroyed the supplement containing the compound mentioned above. This has happened to a number of high quality nutritional supplements when news started getting around that they were reversing serious illnesses. The FDA knows of course that such products pose a threat to the entire medical industry, and therefore they extinguish the threat.

Any medical professional suggesting any treatment for cancer other than chemotherapy, surgery or radiation can be prosecuted, and it has actually happened. It's also illegal in the US to publish natural cures for cancer in medical journals, or to even use the word "cure" unless referring to standard medical protocol, which ironically doesn’t “cure” any disease it comes up with.

QUESTION: You believe in “energy psychology and nutrition for physical illness and psychological disturbances.” What is “energy psychology”?

Energy psychology works on the premise that everything we manifest in our lives is the physical result of our emotions.

In other words, a person with cancer has a certain amount of toxins that caused their body to become ill, but why did this person, and not another, get cancer? (Those who understand the Law of Attraction - such as from the movie, "The Secret" - will understand this concept.)

After studying the subconscious mind and psychological programming, I firmly believe our minds are programmed like hard drives and that until we change that programming, we won't get different results, just as we don't expect a PC to run on software created for a Mac.

In other words, what we say and do as well as how we react to things is very much a result of what's on our hard drives, and in order to change these things we must reprogram ourselves.

My favorite form of energy psychology is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and I use it every day to remove negative emotions and input positive ones. This technique removes stress, negative feelings and emotional trauma we experience as a result of painful events in our lives, whose roots are usually in our childhoods. By doing this we can change our behavioral patterns.

EFT works remarkably fast and has helped many people when all else failed. Examples of people who might especially benefit are those with anger issues or panic attacks.

I once taught EFT to a group of mental patients challenged with a variety of childhood issues, and the members achieved remarkable relief. The memories are still there of course, but they no longer experienced the emotional trauma when they recalled them.

This effect is usually permanent and can be achieved remarkably fast. If the negative emotions concerning a specific event resurface, the technique is repeated until they truly are permanently resolved.

I would never recommend it alone for a person with a physical illness, however I've seen so many people sabotage their health that I consider it an important way to negate self-sabotage of one's physical healing.

Anyone interested in EFT can go to the founder's website, Gary Craig, or learn here on video how to use it for free. You may also enjoy Carol Tuttle's Healing Center.

QUESTION: What do you think are some causes of “psychological disturbances”?

That's an interesting question, because the truth is that there is no proof of biochemical imbalances in the brain, and therefore no proof whatsoever that people with a psychological diagnosis need to be balanced with medication. This doesn't mean it's not true, but I can't say if it is or not due to lack of evidence. Psychiatry is not actually scientific.

There are two causes of psychological disturbances that I do support. One is nutritional. The reason for this is that without the essential nutrients, the brain is incapable of carrying out necessary chemical reactions.

I have seen adults as well as children living with ADD/ADHD who changed dramatically after eliminating sugar from their diets or simply taking the right nutritional supplement. One woman received a call from her son's teacher wanting to know what had caused the dramatic change in her child's behavior after giving him a whole food supplement for just one week.

Secondly, I do believe that people can have a psychotic break from overloading themselves. Stress is a killer, physically and psychologically. That's why EFT is so wonderful, because wherever I am I can quickly use it when I feel negative emotions on the rise, rather than becoming enveloped by them.

After studying Gary Craig's work, I don't believe that focusing on traumatic events with a therapist is the best idea. There are people who go to therapy for many years that still have the same negative behavior patterns, because their subconscious program - or hard drive - has not been reprogrammed.

In addition, it's common for those starting therapy to become overwhelmed with emotion by having to relive the trauma as it's retold to the therapist, and while psychology teaches this is a necessary part of the recovery process, Gary Craig's free EFT manual explains why it's not only not necessary, but not at all beneficial.

QUESTION: Anyone who has carefully researched illness and disease will find that most, if not all, illnesses and diseases can be traced back to nutrition, specifically nutrient deficiencies. In your work, what type of nutrients do you recommend for those with psychological disturbances?

I've read mentally ill patients have responded remarkably well to zinc, magnesium and Vitamin B6. Interestingly, there was a doctor who tested hair samples of men on death row and found they were all deficient in these three nutrients.

Forty years ago the foods we ate had much more nutrition than they do today. The reason for this is that artificial fertilizers, pesticides and mass farming have depleted the soil of minerals, and therefore the plants can't get them from the soil. In addition to eating fresh fruits and vegetables then, it's imperative to supplement.

I like to work with whole food products rather than individual nutrients. The reason for this is that it's crucial to properly balance nutrients in order for them to be absorbed and utilized by the body.

I would caution anyone not to simply walk into a health store and buy something off the shelf. I myself don't buy supplements sold in stores because they tend to be mass produced and therefore the nutrients were most likely damaged during manufacturing, and many of those products contain ingredients such as those found in glue to hold the product together.

Most vitamins sold cause more harm than good, therefore I always research a product and the company carefully before taking anything, and I don't recommend anything without having first taken it myself.

Having said that, my favorite nutritional product is NuPlus from Sunrider. NuPlus is an actual meal and nutritionally balanced, containing vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It's the best and easiest way to get complete and balanced nutrition that I know of.

For those who find Sunrider's products to be expensive, I would recommend Modifilan. Sea plants are known for being full of minerals and this is an excellent product. I'm taking it for safe and gentle removal of radiation, lead and mercury as well as for the high nutritional content.

In addition to these, it's important to get the fatty acids for brain function and to be sure they are properly balanced. Krill oil is safer than fish oils.

QUESTION: If a person went to the doctor and he prescribed pills, the vast majority of people would do what their doctor tells them. On the other hand, you would recommend nutrition. How would you explain the importance of nutrition as an integral part of health, and for what reasons would a person take the advice of an LVN over an MD?

I prefer to tell people not to believe anything just because of who's saying it, but to look into the matter themselves. Find testimonials of people who listened to their doctors, and then find those of people who are using nutrition. Decide which path you want to go down. I never had a patient in all these years tell me, "I feel so much better after taking this pill!" Maybe they're out there, but that's not my experience.

Nothing speaks like results, and I've never seen results like I have with those people who added nutrition to their lifestyle. You have to eat anyway, so why not add a few healthy products to your day?

You won't find a big study in some respected journal telling you that nutrition cures cancer because it takes millions of dollars to do those studies, and only the drug companies are paying for them. They are only interested in selling you a product by “managing” your disease, not curing it, so you'll never hear that from them because it would nullify their very existence.

We know we can live without pills, but we can't live without food. Our bodies must have nutrition. No one ever became ill from a lack of pharmaceutical drugs, but look at what happens when you don't eat.

I believe we should all empower ourselves by taking control of our health back into our own hands, rather than putting it completely into the hands of those who stand to profit from their own advice, whether they be natural or medical practitioners.

Being a nurse I have an advantage and therefore I do share what I learn with others, and I'm grateful that people trust me enough to listen to my recommendations, but I always encourage them to read everything they can find about their own personal health challenges. In this way we will all be empowered, not dependent.

There are a number of websites with great information that is presented in a way that anyone can understand. I prefer to get as much information as I can from sites that don't sell products, because then the information is not based on the motive of profit - one of my favorites is here.

As for those who stick to their doctor's advice, many of them have been trained - just as the doctor has been - that he knows best, and if they choose to continue to believe that, I don't have the power to open their eyes. He may be a very good person who believes in what he's doing, but medical school doesn’t teach a thing about health or healing. Even in nursing school we were told, “You may as well not take vitamins.”

I would also point out that their doctor has a financial incentive to advise his method, whereas I don't. (I do not sell the products I recommend.)

QUESTION: You also worked a short time in psychiatry. What sort of things did you see in psychiatry that you would like the public to become aware of?

Just as there are good people practicing medicine, there are good people practicing psychiatry as well, however the field at large is geared at a quick diagnosis and prescription pills. I was really surprised when I saw patients going in and out like an assembly line.

There are some things people should know. First of all, some commonly prescribed psych meds are highly addictive and harder to withdrawal from than cocaine or even heroin.

Unfortunately many people don't learn about this until they want to come off of the drug, and then they're told they must continue to take it for the rest of their lives, leaving them feeling trapped and addicted for life.

This is rather alarming considering that 20 million children worldwide have now been diagnosed with a "learning disorder" such as ADD/ADHD, and Ritalin, the most widely prescribed drug by psychiatrists for children, is compared by researchers in the DSM lll to cocaine.

This reference was removed from the DSM lV due to public outcry, but studies have since shown that Ritalin is even more potent to the brain than cocaine, and children who take it are far more likely to abuse cocaine later due to similarities between the two. I suppose you could call it a gateway drug.

Many times these children were diagnosed with ADD or ADHD during a 10-minute period of their lives when they were unable to sit still in a psychiatrist’s office. There are people from the profession who have spoken out against this, claiming that many of these children have a condition that used to be termed “childhood.”

Another point I'd like to make is that many patients don't understand when they experience insomnia, racing thoughts, electrical shocks or the thousands of other possible side effects from psych meds that this is being caused by the drug, and therefore they suffer in silence.

Those who do voice their complaints are routinely given medications that are prescribed solely for the purpose of combating side effects, and because every medication has its own side effects, this leads to yet even more - although different and hopefully more tolerable - side effects. The mind and body are virtually assaulted by all these chemicals.

Unfortunately it has only been through my own research that I have learned psych meds themselves can cause a patient to hear voices or see things that aren't there. I used to ask patients routinely if they experienced either, and of course it was assumed when they answered "yes" that their dose needed to be increased.

I've now read stories of people who only experienced these things while on the drugs. Obviously this isn't the case for everyone with these symptoms, but it's not even taken into account in psychiatric nursing that the drug could be the problem, and therefore an increase in dosage or change of medication is often recommenced.

I should mention here the link between antidepressants, suicide and violence, since so many people including children are prescribed these drugs.

Depressed people in general were never considered a high-risk group for suicide until the advent of antidepressant drugs. The number of actual suicide attempts at least doubles for a child taking antidepressants, according to short-term studies.

When people do commit suicide while taking antidepressants, it is usually in a very violent and desperate manner, and some people who have managed to stop taking them say they were only obsessed with suicide while on the drug.

Another possible side effect of antidepressants is violence. Again, it was not characteristic for depressed people to go on killing sprees until the advent of antidepressant drugs.

More often than not, incidents of mass violence, including school shootings, involve a person taking antidepressants. If you listen to the news after such an event, you will usually hear them say the shooter was receiving psychiatric care or taking psychiatric medication.

Antidepressants can also cause permanent sexual dysfunction, which has seriously affected the lives of many people. This should be considered when contemplating placing a child on these drugs.

Despite all these dangers, antidepressants are the most widely prescribed drugs in the US. In 2005, of the 2.4 billion prescriptions dispensed, 118 million were for antidepressants, while drug companies have been caught exaggerating their effectiveness by only reporting positive study results.

This of course explains why the above side effects are unknown to patients and even psychiatrists.

QUESTION: There is a consensus among a small but growing group of physicians that many, perhaps the majority of doctors are over-prescribing drugs because they have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Were you a witness to this in your work?

As a nurse I never actually witnessed a doctor receiving money, but I've read the problem is so widespread that virtually every physician is on the payroll. That's a very broad statement, of course.

What I did observe were drug reps bringing little gifts, cakes and expensive catered lunches to doctor's offices and hospitals. This is common practice.

I did mention earlier that there are vacations doctors go on, fully paid for by drug companies, sometimes including cash spending money. During three or four days of golfing they might attend a lecture about a new wonder drug.

In addition, patients usually have to visit the doctor’s office regularly in order to have their prescriptions renewed, and this provides yet another incentive for doctors to place patients on medication when it might not be necessary, or rather than teaching them how to manage their disease through a change in diet.

QUESTION: There has been much talk about the food industry purposely adding addictive chemicals to their products to make people become addicted to their products. What is your opinion on this?

The flavor enhancing chemicals commonly added to foods are not only addictive, they kill brain cells.

Caffeine, sugar and cheese are highly addictive, chocolate actually stimulates the same part of the brain as morphine, and diet drinks are still selling despite studies linking aspartame to seizures, MS and ironically, weight gain.

Just as pharmaceutical drugs are advertised as a false solution to health problems, the food industry endeavors to condition us to believe that products that are harmful are actually beneficial, and even necessary for good health.

Calcium for example cannot be absorbed in the presence of protein, a fact well known to researchers, and therefore milk - being a complete protein - is not at all a source of calcium.

Not only is milk not necessary for good bone health, it actually causes osteoporosis - but it's just right for baby cows.

I highly recommend Dr. Russel Blaylock's lecture on excitotoxins, which are addictive poisons such as MSG that are purposely added to foods. Dr. Blaylock, author of "Excitotoxins, the Taste that Kills," divulges in this talk that such information is hidden from the public, and he himself has had a difficult time publicizing the truth.

There is also a book called "Breaking the Food Seduction" by Dr. Neal Barnard that explains the addictiveness of sugar, chocolate, meat and dairy products and how to break these additions. If you're not ready for someone to tell you to give up all meat, dairy and sugar, then you may not want to read it yet.

My best advice for those wanting to change their lifestyle is to initially add good things rather than taking anything away, and focus on what you're gaining instead of losing. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your day, drink more water and try some high quality nutritional supplements.

Once you start getting your minerals, you will begin to lose cravings.

QUESTION: What are the differences and similarities between an RN (Registered Nurse) and an LVN (Licensed Vocational Nurse)?

Even though RN's supervise and have more classroom hours than LVN's, LVN's (or outside of Texas and California, LPN's) generally have more clinical hours during training because ideally we're meant to do the majority of patient care. With the nursing shortage however, it hasn't been that way in many years.

Also in each state of the US it varies as to the level of patient care an LVN can give. In Texas, where I practiced nursing the majority of the time since obtaining my license, I was assigned the same patients and had the same medical responsibilities for them as the RN's.

QUESTION: Research has shown that millions of people are being mentally, financially and physically harmed by the health care system. Do you think consumers are uninformed, misinformed or just naive and gullible?

I think it is a combination of all three. Most people truly believe that their doctor spent all those years in school learning how to "cure" them, so they give power over their own bodies to their doctor without even questioning it.

They accept whatever their doctor tells them and believe there are no other options. It never occurs to most people that medical protocol is based on what's most profitable, and that their doctor may be falling into the temptation of scheduling unnecessary procedures.

We're taught from birth to go to the doctor when we're sick and take his advice. Not listening to medical advice is frowned upon. For those who have chosen to look for a better way, I have a lot of respect.

QUESTION: You think that fluoridated water is contributing to a host of illnesses. Can you elaborate on the issue of fluoride in drinking water and pharmaceutical drugs?

Despite having no benefit when consumed, fluoride is added to 2/3 of tap water in the US and to the majority of water in Canada and Israel, as well as parts of Asia. This practice is illegal in most of Europe, and for good reason.

Fluoride is a waste product of the aluminum, fertilizer and atomic weapons industries, and most fluoride added to tap water contains arsenic and lead. It’s so incredibly poisonous that it's illegal to dump it into rivers and streams, meaning companies were faced with the great expense of having to dispose of it as a hazardous waste product.

Therefore, water municipalities were conned into actually buying this poison at great cost from the companies burdened with disposing of it, and men in hazardous waste suits load it onto chemical trucks and dump it at uncontrolled levels straight into our tap water supply.

In the US, these chemical trucks must report their routes to the federal government in case of a terrorist hijacking because, believe it or not, the same fluoride that is added to tap water, toothpaste and a number of prescription drugs, is also what makes Sarin nerve gas poisonous.

This means that the main ingredient in most psychiatric medications, such as Prozac, and a number of commonly prescribed medications as well, is actually a chemical weapon, and multimillions of people are drinking it.

This insanity came about while the US was building the nuclear bomb that would be dropped on Hiroshima, which involved needing to dispose of massive amounts of fluoride. The atomic weapons industry used their chief scientist, Dr. Harold Hodge, to proclaim that drinking fluoride was a safe way to prevent cavities.

This was a false declaration whose sole purpose was to save the industry money. Dr. Hodge hid studies showing that the minutest amounts of fluoride cause nerve damage, and even injected his own patients with plutonium and uranium without their knowledge. It’s clear this was not a person who had the public’s safety in mind.

Chemist Charles E. Perkins stated, "...any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically."

Fluoride is used as anesthesia, meaning that drinking it results in being slightly anesthetized. It’s for this reason that Russian soldiers and the Nazis were the first to add fluoride to tap water, because it “dumbs people down,” lowering IQ and rendering people submissive and unable to resist domination.

Fluoride also induces early puberty, suppresses multiple hormones, and causes numerous symptoms and diseases such as diabetes, bone cancer and osteoporosis. The percentage of hip fractures is higher in fluoridated areas than non-fluoridated areas.

In addition, fluoride also suppresses thyroid function and was even used by the medical profession at one time for this purpose. It’s no wonder so many people in the US are overweight with this in their drinking water.

You would expect medical practitioners to be aware that a number of medications can cause such results, but I was never taught in pharmacology that any drugs contain fluoride at all, or to look for these effects. When I spoke with my doctor after discovering my fibromyalgia and arthritis were actually a case of fluoride poisoning, he was totally unaware of this as well.

There is absolutely no benefit to adding fluoride to medications such as antibiotics. I can honestly see no other motive for the pharmaceutical companies to do this than to create more business for themselves by inhibiting multiple bodily functions.

Dr. Hodge deceived the public into wanting fluoridated water, and despite being the number one cause of tooth loss, dentists and the American Dental Association continue to claim that fluoride prevents cavities. They do however acknowledge that fluoride stains and mottles teeth by causing a condition called “dental fluorosis,” and they make a huge fortune repairing the damage.

Producing foods and drinks in areas with fluoridated water results in these containing fluoride as well, meaning many food products exported from the US to countries where water fluoridation is illegal actually contain fluoride.

To avoid as much fluoride as I can, I buy bottled spring water. It's important to read labels because some brands of bottled water and even nutritional supplements actually add fluoride. Imported water from Europe such as "Evian" is usually safe, since they were smart enough to make fluoridation illegal.

While we’re on the topic of water, it’s important to mention that drinking 1/2 your weight in ounces each day is very important for optimal health (as long as your kidneys are functioning properly). For example, someone who weighs 120 pounds should drink 60 ounces of water per day. (In kilos, multiply your weight by 2.2, then divide by 2 to calculate how many ounces of water you should drink per day.)

There are people whose health has greatly improved by simply drinking this amount of water daily and eliminating caffeine, which is dehydrating. This enables our bodies to eliminate many toxins.

QUESTION: I knew a classmate who was on four types of meds after his divorce. He displayed no emotions. Several members of my family and associates are on meds, also. These people scare me because they have no emotions. They’re like zombies or robots. In your work as a nurse, what types of things did you see from people on prescription drugs that concern you?

It greatly concerns me that people believe prescription drugs are somehow different and less harmful than illegal drugs, simply because of who’s selling them. A lot of hardcore street drugs were originally manufactured in pharmaceutical labs.

As mentioned previously, Ritalin is more potent than cocaine, and while taking this amphetamine, some ADD/ADHD kids complain they “feel like a zombie.”

While some psychiatric patients have no display of emotion even before treatment, there are a number of psychiatric meds whose purpose is to actually cause such a state; something alluded to in your question.

Antipsychotic medications are designed to induce a “chemical lobotomy” or “chemical straightjacket” by turning off the frontal lobe of the brain, the area responsible for self-determination that causes us to ask, “What do I want to be?”

When given in high enough doses, these drugs also physically paralyze patients, making them less able to react or move. In the past this was a sign that the patient’s dose was high enough, however today lower amounts are prescribed for those living outside of state mental institutions.

Those living in state mental hospitals are usually given higher doses of these drugs, not to cure or balance anything in the brain, but in order to keep patients “manageable.” This happens in nursing homes as well.

Some mental health authorities have been quoted as saying that inducing such a state in patients is cost effective, due to the need for less staff.

At least half of all long-term patients on antipsychotics suffer brain damage, and even doctors cannot distinguish between patients who’ve had a surgical lobotomy and those taking high doses of these pills.

And while the psychiatric community has been told that the newer drugs are safer than their predecessors, the truth is that patients taking today’s antipsychotics and SSRI antidepressants still run the same risks of neurological damage. This includes tardive dyskinesia, characterized by involuntary movements and difficulty being still, and tardive akathisia, compounding feelings of inner torture to the inability to be still.

Many times these are lifelong conditions, persisting even after the drug is discontinued, and many people who commit suicide while taking psychiatric medication display these signs beforehand.

Despite the fact that psychiatrists are prescribing these drugs with confidence, they’re so new that we don’t yet know their long-term effects, and incredibly, a very limited amount of research has been done in general on the side effects of psychiatric medications.

Moving on from psychiatry, the medical profession also misleads patients about the addictiveness of prescription drugs and largely fails to inform them about possible side effects.

Neurological medications and even Reglan, a popular drug given to patients with decreased appetite, can cause the same tardive dyskinesia seen in psychiatric patients.

Totally uninformed by their doctors as to what to look for, many medical patients experience side effects they believe are part of their disease process, and therefore live with unnecessary suffering.

Only by reading articles by doctors who have quit working in modern medicine to practice natural healing, such as Dr. Mercola, have I even become aware that many of the "new symptoms" my patients were experiencing were actually drug side effects.

We are not taught to even stop and ask if this new physical development could be a side effect, which results in more medication being given, and this further shuts down the body's natural response to toxicity, leading to eventual organ failure.

I used to give powerful drugs to patients that I now know eventually caused their respiratory failure and rendered them bedridden, but neither they nor anyone in the medical field even thought to ask if the downslide in their condition could be an effect of the medication rather than the disease - myself included.

When I heard about people who came off their medication and got better, I couldn’t understand it until I did my own research. Maybe now you understand why I no longer medicate patients. I am driven by the memory of my patients to tell the truth.

When people learn to accept responsibility for their own health and realize that diseases don't just "happen" - they're "caused" by lifestyle - then we'll be on our way to not only reversing health challenges, we'll actually eliminate these conditions altogether.

At this point, the vast majority of people working in the medical establishment believe that chronic diseases happen randomly.

QUESTION: You don’t use toothpaste because it contains fluoride. What do you use in its place?

I use toothpaste that is not fluoridated. This can be found at most health food stores. Be sure to read the label as some "all-natural" brands actually contain fluoride.

There are other alternatives such as baking soda (soda bicarbonate for those outside of the US), which whitens teeth naturally, and some people like adding peppermint and trying various home recipes.

In the US, all fluoridated toothpastes contain a warning label to “contact poison control immediately if more than the amount needed for brushing is swallowed,” because of the fluoride. It’s easily absorbed through the soft tissues of the mouth, however.

Children inevitably swallow toothpaste while brushing due to poor control, and in addition to fluoride, some of those children’s toothpastes actually have sugar to encourage them to brush, which is well known to cause cavities.

Not all countries require a warning label to call poison control, and therefore some of the same toothpastes available in the US can be found overseas without it. The fact is that a tube of toothpaste contains enough fluoride to kill two children, so please don’t allow your little ones the chance to mistake the sugary children’s toothpastes for candy.

QUESTION: You’ve been an LVN for over a decade. What are some memorable moments that come to mind?

My best moments in nursing have been when I combined natural healing with my medical patients (something that's not welcome in the medical field and which I was reprimanded for).

One of the best moments I had was when a particular patient of mine started taking the nutritional supplement I mentioned earlier. He was blind due to a laser burning both of his retinas during cataract removal surgery.

The product caused stem cell production and had helped a number of people with eye diseases regain their site and even reinstate their license to drive, however I didn't mention this to him because I couldn't imagine in his case that this was possible.

Well, a week and a half later he could see, and he proved it to me by describing what was hanging on the walls and every move I was making.

I asked him if he'd told the other nurses and he said, "No, I like to spy on them!" He said he felt so good, he was thinking of going to Vegas!

Also, the AIDS patient I briefly mentioned earlier who improved after drinking the same supplement comes to mind. His mother called me and told me I had to come see the improvement.

Here was a man who for the six months I'd known him couldn't speak an intelligible sentence, yet he was a totally different person after just three days of drinking the formula.

When his mother had arrived at the hospital that day and the staff told her he'd been pushing himself around in a wheelchair talking to everyone, she replied, "You don't know my son." It turned out to be true though, and I was stunned as he pointed to antique cars on TV naming the make, model and year.

That evening as we were about to leave the hospital, his mother and I grabbed the blanket and were about to cover him up when she asked me, "Do you think it's cold in here?" Suddenly he said, "No, but why don't you cover me up anyway?" We were both so taken off guard that he answered, we screamed and jumped back! It was really funny - and definitely one of my most memorable moments.

The hospital for catastrophic illnesses was so amazed when he started walking they actually filmed it, and a doctor who'd told me he'd never go home went to see the tape for himself, because he couldn't believe it.

QUESTION: Any parting words for our readers?

I'd like to add that healing is a process that takes time, so if you decide to heal yourself naturally, don't lose hope or believe it isn't working. Find similar people online who have a positive attitude.

The power of the body to heal itself is truly amazing, and I have seen many people whose lives greatly improved when they implemented suggestions similar to the ones I've made above.

Remember that no one will ever care more about your health than you. Only you can make the change.